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Everything posted by mouth

  1. mouth

    Night JUMPED

    We are doing it this Sat. I'm nervous since the first time I say them do night jumps everyone landed downwind (the winds shifted and picked up) and they were all screaming in and some hit pretty hard. My landing have been ok...I've stood up all but 2 or 3 out of my last 110 or so, but I am very hesitant under canopy even in the daylight. ANY landing advice would be great.
  2. Pyke...unfortunately you are correct. We are afraid. I think that for those of us who have been in terrible relationships it can be compared to a mal that you couldn't correct so you burnt in and somehow survived. (My opinion only) Jumping again would be almost impossible for me. It would take lots of determination and hard work on my part and lots of patience on the part of a coach to get me out again. Not the same as a whuffo since I have tried it, and stuck with it for a long time. Same thing with relationships...they are not something that comes easy anymore when you get past that friendship stage. This from a chick who talks all the time to anybody. Sometimes the friendship thing is even work because you are standing at the door looking out at the beauty set forth before you, feeling the rush of the air ready to take you into it's enchantment if even for a brief span of time and saying to yourself "JUMP" while your head and heart scream over the wind noise "DON'T" it won't last and you could get hurt. Like you say it is a leap of faith. Trust must be there in order to take that leap so personally I say FRIENDS are a must. That leads to the hitch of questioning whether we would still be friends if something happened in the relationship. When you work hard for a friendship it is difficult to put it on the line. I guess we need to look at ourselves and determine how much we are going to risk at what price......... ramble for the morning.
  3. Sorry to hear about your wife. You still need to plan on being there in August when we all get there..........please.
  4. mouth

    Headache Update

    Dan, I'm glad you went to the Dr. and they did those tests so at least you know it is not life threatening. Go back if it continues until they find what it is and please do not jump when you hurt like this. Let us know if we can do anything of if they find anything. Lisa
  5. If you were smart you would stay in GA, come on over to Thomaston and JUMP with us!!!! The super otter is great and we are doing night jumps Sat!!!!
  6. mouth

    Life as a Guy!!!

    Come on down.........
  7. mouth

    0:0:0 :(

    My scores just went up 7:9:0 f$@# the beer!
  8. Keep your mind wherever you want both male and doesn't bother me.
  9. Guess that puts you in charge of teaching me. Actually JT will be here first so I may have to press him into service so I'm not behind.
  10. Trust me you are whole....a whole sack of weights when I jump with you!!! Congrats....I'm glad you are getting your stuff. You dad said it was coming to his place so you should get it while you are here!!!!! BEER for new suit/helmet. You get to open mine next time so there is no party foul!!
  11. mouth

    Big Guy Question going to be at Deland Aug 4-5 to jump with all us DZ.comers???
  12. Coulda been ya Mom. No way am I trying for my age in a day....
  13. mouth

    0:0:0 :(

    30 jumps in a weekend.......I'm positively green with envy. Sat's weather stunk...I only got 2 and one of those was in the rain. 7 on sunday so that was better. I'm headed that way tomorrow for an adjustment. Hopefully I'll get 4-5 in before any weather rolls in. I couldn't do 30 in 2 days since I REALLY hate to pack and I'm anal about it so I take forever. Not sure there is much I can do for the first number since I'm single and not dating anyone. Sleeping around just for the sake of a number just doesn't do it for me so I guess I'll have 0:some:small amounts -- cause I like to let the newbies buy now. I'll owe some within a few weeks for 200, but I stay off the beer line and try and keep my mouth shut about other pre seconds. SMART WOMAN.....
  14. You are the woman!!! I've never flicked bottle caps but I'm willing to learn. Hell, I'll do just about anything once and some things more....guys get your minds outta the gutter.
  15. mouth

    Life as a Guy!!!

    I'm with Diva...I don't care if you have money. Thank you I do a fine job of taking care of myself without your money. BTW guys, you do it to a chick with money so get real. Thus a 300 page will with a pre-nup attached to it. I think I like my independence. What I want is a guy who is sincere, honest, faithful, sexy, playful, encouraging, and a skydiver. He must be a good listener since I like to talk. Enjoy the sights and sounds nature entertains us with. Be willing to share his feelings without holding judgement against me for mine. And be willing to deal with a crisis rather than turning and running. Money is not part of any of that except the skydiving and a true skydiver would do that no matter what. What do you think girls???? Talk about $0.02 worth!
  16. mouth

    0:0:0 :(

    My numbers wouldn't change if I counted all week. That's ok cause I still got more jumps!!!
  17. Way to go Dave. I'm proud of ya. I am right behind you and want to plan a hybrid dive for my 200th. We have a good enough mix at our DZ to pull it off so I can't wait. I loved the one I did a few weeks ago. Any words of wisdom as we start planning???? We only did a 3 way, but I want something larger. I figure maybe a 6 way round with 3 FFers. Of course we will need a few FF lurkers to catch it on video!!!
  18. Skymama you really don't want me to sing. How about we just jump and drink? there a bunk house or somewhere close to stay?? I'll drive in Friday night and be ready for first load on Sat, jump all day Sat and most of Sun then head back home sunday afternoon. Also I'll need directions as to how to get there from the turnpike. I can't wait!!!!!!! Lisa
  19. mouth

    First Falcon!

    Congrats will remember this for a very long time I remember Barb Kazamarack (SP) getting 2 other guys to help me get mine Labor Day weekend last year. Chris Wagner was also organizing loads the same weekend so he got 7 others and myself for a 9 way and they pulled off my Double Eagle. A 5 point 9 way when I had trouble just staying in the formation....jump #38. This was also my cutaway jump. What a dive!! Skydiving is so much fun.......
  20. The plane snob aint doing a cessna. Sorry. Anyone interested in jumping anytime this week let me know I can be at Skydive Atlanta in an hour and a half....I speed. I am going to pack my rig today so I can be ready. As for you west coasters, you may have larger DZ's but I'm partial to mine course I would love to come visit and have you guys come visit too. HUM....think about coming for the Freefly Festival. Free coaching for FF and RW, entertainment, food, lots of people and fun. I think it may turn into another large party like last year. Wonder what we can break this year??
  21. mouth

    Life as a Guy!!!

    NOTE TO SELF... DO NOT go out with either of these guys here. Way to much pent up anger directed toward the female popluation.
  22. mouth

    Life as a Guy!!!

    Just a little bitter wouldn't you say......are we that bad??
  23. must do a tube. I took JT on one and we hit 188 mph. A blast. We attempted a Horny Gorilla but it fell to shit so I guess I'll have to get JT for that one next time he is in GA. As for a plane there is no way you will get me out of a Cessna after my hop and pop a year ago. Door on head, strut in face, altimeter ripped off and flapping in my burble hitting me in the face. Maybe next time it would help if the JM had ever exited a cessna before she told me how to do it?? NO THANKS, I am a PLANE SNOB and proud of it! I love out super otter. I get to sit up front lots since I am small and then they literally pass me over their knees to get me to the back of the plane for jump run! Nothing like it!
  24. Then should almost count in RW and hRW?
  25. Skydive Atlanta in Thomaston is available and I'd be honored to jump with ya.......