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Everything posted by mouth

  1. Thanks for the advice. I'm not going to buy a new suit just for this weekend (not that I would get it in time anyway) so I guess I can handle the shorts and baggy top thing. At least I won't be late for loading the plane since all I would need is a shirt and my gear! I can't wait till Friday!!!
  2. Michele, Why is it you can always make me cry??? BEAUTIFUL...I'm elated at your successes.
  3. Congrats....seems like you handled it well. I'm proud of you for getting right back up there. It took me 3 weeks and I cried all the way to altitude; however, I can relate to leaving all the nervousness on the plane when we finally jumped. (OK, I admit Bonnie pulled me off but I went.)
  4. mouth

    I'm Jealous

    0:0:0 just because I was on vacation. I'm so glad to be home! My goal for next week 12:12:0
  5. HI...I'm Lisa and I live in Middle Georgia. (Thus the accent!) I'm back in the one place I swore I would never come back to after living in and visiting some wonderful places all over. I will admit small town GA is a good place to raise children. Just lacking in the finer things of life...Like a DZ close, or a good restaurant, or men. Anyway, when I work I teach 6th grade, so I agree with the vacation time being wonderful and the pay being horrible.
  6. Congrats Carl....what are you going to name him???
  7. Excuse me for including you PK.
  8. I have FF pants already. Can't wait to try it.
  9. Thanks for the advice...can't wait to try it. Did you use a sit suit??
  10. Speedy...stop beating yourself up about it. You have apologized with gentlemanly flair and now let's just learn from our mistakes and move on. You accepted responsibility for your actions even if you were not to blame so that proved you are a good person.
  11. are not invited.
  12. Do you find yourself sitting on the ground (or in the air too for that matter) looking at canopies just to make sure you friends are still there and OK? I do...maybe because I haven't jumped with a spouse, but I look for the poeple on my jump or that left before or after me and wonder how things went. A few weekends ago we had a long spot (some of which was our fault because we took so long to get set) but the group behind us went too, and one of the guys had a mal. I spent more time watching him than I did my landing area because I knew I would at least make the airport and I realized he would not. I am thankful he was ok. Anyway...long winded question there but maybe you all get my point.
  13. I think we are all to blame. Things were said that were offensive and several of us took offense to them and then acted offensive back. The old "two wrongs don't make a right." Speedy... my joke was deleated too so I think HH just took all the sh!# off which in a way is a good thing. Nobody can feel slighted because they were all deleated.
  14. I have kids and often they accompany me to the DZ. My youngest often comes out the the landing area to watch me land. They both are excited about getting into the wind tunnel this weekend so they can fly. Granted it isn't the same as jumping, but that is close enough for a 12 and 7 yr old. I will admit that when Michele was killed it really made me think about what would happen to them if I was killed or seriously hurt out there, because her girls were always DZ brats too. I am thiankful they wer with their Dad that weekend. After much thought I really feel that everyone at our DZ would take good care of my girls if I was hurt. As it is they get spoiled by all the guys buying them stuff or playing with them. I know it wouldn't be the same as having me there but it is good to realize you have great people there to help you when you need them.
  15. If it means I get to jump with Tony and his I said, there's a time and place for everything.
  16. you checked it anyway!!
  17. You would have had to read back about 10 pages just to find it in the thread so you did the SMART thing and asked. Saved you lots of time and gave us something to chat about. My scores for this weekend will be 0:0:0 as I'm taking my girls on vacation. OK well maybe I'll slip in drinking a few beers but that's about it. Don't think I'll make it after last weekend.
  18. sex:jumps:beer bought by the case
  19. Pools are wonderful in the heat of summer in GA
  20. I'm with you Michele. Hit the gym earlier in the day and just got out of the pool. No longer stinky or sweaty...just wet.
  21. If she's with you I'm sure I'll love to meet her. Never Freak Flown but I guess there is a time and place for everything.......
  22. I'll be there with bells on...but I'm not jumping the Cessna. I'll have to push for some people to show up. Can you hit Deland Aug 4-5 and jump with us???????
  23. mouth


    I don't consider it "ground hungry" just stating that it appears to have a different glide path than my previous 9 cell.
  24. Make it 8. I have a friend who is coming too. How the heck did I get put in charge of planning???? Man are you brave or what!!