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Everything posted by mouth

  1. Guess that explains where you were yesterday. Missed you, but I did my 200 without you, and I paid my beer debt. Hope you are feeling better SOON. Try taking a decongestant until you can get to a Dr....maybe it will help. If not just get so drunk you can't feel anything and it won't matter.
  2. I would like to offer my heart-felt sympathy to John's family and friends. It is so hard to loose someone you care about. From the way this reads John died doing something he loved to do....thankfully. I'm sure he will be greatly missed for a long time. May you always have blue skies John..............
  3. Way to go Monkey...wonderful pic. Congrats on the cover of our own is making headlines. Keep it up!!!
  4. mouth

    back from texas

    Thanks JT I guess I'll find someone else to jump with!! Leaving now so I'll be there today and Sat...WAHOOOOOOOO
  5. Albi sorry to hear you got hurt...hope you are ok. I'm not going to be there obviously, but from what I hear I don't think you'll have to worry about the chick NOT think of you as eye candy...stitches and all. Maybe they will give you some TLC to make you feel better. One of you chicks make sure to give Albi a kiss for me since I've always heard a kiss will make it better!! You guys have a blast this weekend....but no more stitches.
  6. mouth

    back from texas

    I understand the Monroe boogie is Sept 29-30. Nov 1-4 is Atlanta Freefly Festival at Skydive Atlanta.
  7. Bring it on if you think you can catch me!!! Just remember payback is a bitch or is that me??
  8. Lights are on but nobody is home.....
  9. Clay, It's 200 by Sat Sunset even if I have to sit out a load or two. Beer will be going as soon as I me outside the hanger with one!! Watcher will also be doing 100 on the same load...wahoo. Lisa
  10. mouth

    Aww man....

    Sorry guys but I disagree...if you are male and sexy bring it on, we'll make room.
  11. Good luck to all left coasters this weekend. I'll be thinking about you ALL. Hugs and Kisses all around from me. Sat is going to be a glorious day on both coasts. If you are on the east coast come on out and we'll celebrate here too. I'll owe beer by Sat sunset. Clay, you coming??
  12. OH know all the chicks are looking at you checking you out (yes, I've heard all the way across the US). That is why chicks like to hug...they get to share your mind because you generally talk to them and your body.
  13. Sounds like a wonderful vacation. Are you going by yourself or is there a significant other going with you? Either way have a blast and take care... Lisa
  14. mouth


    I love hybrids...I am planning one for my 200th and Watcher's 100 this Sat. I haven't done hardly any freeflying but heck it can't be much worse than my RW.... We'll be there late Fri night (hopefully no later than 10 or 11), unless you have a plane and want to take pity on us!!!
  15. mouth


    Does 13 years ago still count???
  16. mouth


    That is right...I know all about "it", can't wait for "it", always want to be "it", get "it", find "it", look at "it", and get on "it". Any questions about "IT" just see me.... BTW...I can't wait for "it" to get here so I can jump "it" and we can all do "it"!!!
  17. OK, well now I'm jealous of you too, Jessica!!
  18. From what you have said it doesn't seem like his sneaking around and lying has anything to do with skydiving unless that is the only outlet for him; however, I do see major problems with your relationship. Any relationship not built on trust and communication is not a true relationship. Like others have told you already....the problem may stick it's ugly head up when he goes jumping but the jumping is not the problem....the problem is how much respect he puts into your relationship. The decision is yours to make. Talk to him and confront him or deal with things as they are. If you aren't willing to jump out then you are never going to land under canopy. If you need help see a counselor.
  19. mouth


    Does the skyvan have a tailgate or is it like the otter?? Either altitude... Life just keeps getting better.....
  20. mouth


    Life is good..... Deland Aug 4-5...Fun in the sun $10.00 jumps $ 1.00 beer great people You know I can't wait to get there. Anyone from ATL area can meet JT in Valdosta, Watcher in ATL, or me in Dublin and we can all go together. From SC you can meet me in SAV and head down or from JAX was can still meet and head on down. All you FL folks are going to have to find your own way....thanks for the map JT!! Come on everyone we can't let the West show us up so we need you all. $10 jumps should help defray any extra travel costs. I'm so excited!!!!!!! Lisa
  21. Great job handling both situations. You used your head and didn't loose your cool...WWHHHOOOOOHHHOOOOOOOOO. I do have to agree that continuing to jump was the best move you made. After my cutaway on jump #38 it was off for three weeks. When I came back I was more nervous than even my first jump. I sat in the floor of the CASA and cried all the way to altitude with everyone watching not know what to say or do. I had planned on being last out anyway , but thankfully a good friend took me by the hand and literally dragged me out of the back of that plane. Once I was out everything was great, but that first step was about door demons, parachute demons, plane demons and just plain demons all over. Glad you faced them all and had good DZ support.
  22. Nope not with the one who wouldn't recognize me. This one just sorta happened recently...really nice guy and a skydiver too! Don't think he has actually seen me in a dress either. You can't keep my Super Otter I really need it to get 200 by Sat sunset. That slow thing we have will take all day Sat and into Sun....HELP!!!
  23. Most of the kids I teach don't have access to a computer...lunch and a jacket are generally a big deal for some of them. Some do catch on very quickly to the computer so I have them around when the computer guru comes in and generally they show me what to do. I'm very hands on and visual...I need to see it done and then try it myself. (Most of my kids are that way too.) Once I've done it I can generally complete the same task over and over but all this is new to me.
  24. That requires reading the FAQ page and I wouldn't understand it if I read it because it is written for people who are at least somewhat computer literate so ...not worth the trouble. I'll just be green in black.
  25. Way to GGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo! You rock. I'm so glad the demons didn't get you and all worked out great. Keep at it. Lisa