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Everything posted by mouth

  1. It counts IF you bought beer.
  2. All of us "children" appreciate your concern HH.
  3. Key words.....idiot pilots
  4. It's not Skydive Atlanta as we have a nice Super Otter. They have a King Air at Monroe and an otter at Cedartown. Granted this is all subject to change.
  5. It would be tough to be the pilot with a chute on. I would always want to be last out!
  6. Sounds like everyone is doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing....having a great time.
  7. I don't see much of that at our DZ and I consider us to be decent sized. I agree that you must be willing to make the first move often just becuase some jumpers may not know where you are experience wise or even if you want to jump with someone.
  8. mouth


    Congrats..nothing like have your own stuff made to order
  9. At least you are over hating me for now!!
  10. mouth

    Night JUMPED

    I'll remain a chicken....
  11. I can relate....I've ridden with the top down on my car in freezing weather and even rain (85 mph in the rain is not are going too fast)just for the rush of the air.
  12. Pammi...glad to hear someone else has trouble getting it into the bag. I fold it so neat and start pushing it into the bag only for it to stick to me as I pull out my hand. Eventually it is in there and in a mess...
  13. I will find out!!! trust me
  14. snivel -- defined as what my Spectre 135 does on opening for 1000+ feet PULL HIGH
  15. mouth

    Night JUMPED

    Tequila or Scotch will do fine also...........
  16. Maybe he is a HOWLER MONKEY
  17. Emma, The tunnel is a blast for learning. I can now do a decent mantis position and turns with both arms and knees. If you are afraid of heights (I am) then it is scary at first. If you can get over that then the flying is easy. I really don't think there is anyway to get hurt in there especially if you wear knee and elbow pads. I took my coach out and we just laughed as we hit the bottom and fley back up so no harm, no foul. I would recommend it for anyone wanting to work on skills. I say several PD Blue guys in there doing formations. AMAZING to watch. I'm taking my kids there later this year just so they can see how it is to fly.
  18. Sorry a little straight there. Won't let it happen again................. As for your answere...I plead the 5th.
  19. Think Dan had all good landings. We had quite a few good jumps too. He was funny 'cause he asked at manifest for me and they paged me across the hanger....of course I yelled back louder than the PA. Did you warn him about me???? Note to self: Pyke just can't handle it when a chick bests him!
  20. Grogs...I gladly opened my mouth about the night jumps with a nationla director there to sign me off and the hay field since the entire load was there to witness it.
  21. JTVAL is his screen name....he should be on right now.
  22. Told ya you should have come down......this was all on Sat too so you just missed out. I love a super otter. Note to self: don't let Pyke get to you...he's just jealous since he didn't listen. FYI...Dan came down. Ask him about his night jumps.