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Everything posted by mouth

  1. mouth

    SAD news

    Wonder if she pulled both canopies and got nothing or if she lots awareness..... My condolences to family and friends.
  2. mouth


    I've enjoyed my Spectre. It takes it anywhere for 800 to 1300 feet to open but the opening is generally very soft. If you don't load it high then they are not extremely fast. I load mine 1:1 exactly and generally get all I want from it. You will notice that your fall rate or glide path is more shallow. I think it is because of the semi eliptical 7 cells but I'm not sure. PD can give you the specifics if you email them.
  3. OH, but Albi if you guys come to FL I can road trip down and jump with you......please. Pluse we can all go on the SkyCoaster...FUN. Actually that is very sweet of you to offer Michele that support. I know the tunnel really helped me (even if I am deathly afraid of heights).
  4. Sorry Eagle...I'm going to be gone too. I told him to give me the Genreal's number so I can call and tell him that we need an extra week. What is a week to the Army? They have lots of them and David is our only Col. so we are being deprived. He is competing in the GSL for the last time...glad he got a team together without me this time.
  5. I'm with Grogs...we need to all be DZ.comers for it to count and it has to be a planned jump that way it is official.......
  6. I'm a weekend sky chick Friday's sometimes get added just for mental health days...
  7. Count me in. I'll be good for a few laughs at least!!!
  8. Don't get used to it. In this case you were 100% right on about yourself!
  9. Mac said he was a jerk...nothing wrong with agreeing.......
  10. I don't think he said you were ugly Michele just that we (skyckicks in general were not much to look at--imho ugly) with the exception of Mandy and JKA. Thank God JKA bought my old jumpsuit so at least I know my body size is not what offended. Must be the fact that my makeup gets on my main when I pack?!?!
  11. Sorry you won't be here for the 21st, but glad you will for the 28th. So what if Doug isn't coaching that weekend. Just means we can do hybrid dives, tubes, and horny gorilla's all we like without anyone saying we need to get serious. we can do some RW too. Got some new friends you need to meet too. Bring your friend along as rental gear is there. I'll be happy to take what is his!!!
  12. I'm with vote is on FL. Got anyone else who wants to go? I have a strong feeling a good time will be had by ALL. How many are we up to now???
  13. You tell 'em girl. Such pigs. Not to self stay away from swine -- they stink.
  14. Got it...why are we so hung up on numbers?? What is the attraction??
  15. mouth


    A spectre will give you a soft opening but will also take 700-1000 ft to open. It flies really good and I enjoy it but I worry about low pulls......
  16. mouth

    Carrie Elmore

    Try the USPA...they should have a data base of registered skydivers.
  17. Both of you are going to make me cry. (Who cares if he is young Michele.)
  18. Like I said are a jerk.
  19. mouth


    Wonderful story...WELCOME BACK!
  20. mouth


    Deland Aug 4-5
  21. FYI.... I quit is not an option.
  22. OK honey you've heard the support system. What do you think now that you've have some time to think about it and read over our comments???
  23. So, thinking about Deland Aug 4-5? We'll have about 10 there.......... Lord knows someone needs to be in charge of this group.