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Everything posted by spinmaster

  1. -------------------- ok darlin...I'll show them to you....... ........as soon as I see you flying the plane ------------------- .....how about a compromise like driving a car?
  2. Sorry to hear about Chris. ...Blue Skies... Dan
  3. You can show us the girls if it'll make you feel better.... : }
  4. Any chance we can see what it takes to get to 18.4K? :)
  5. If it's after May, I might be interested. It's been a while sense I was last at Carlos -n- Charlies. I'm sure they'd let me back in now (getting queeze just thinking about the wine funnel). Any chance this will be a dive AND jump trip? Is there a DZ on Cozamel or could we just get a local pilot to take us to 14K and let us open the door....hehe :) ? Dan
  6. spinmaster

    joke de juer

    ROTFLMAO.....everyone around me at work is looking at me and wondering why the hell I just spit coke all over the place.....excellent one lummy.
  7. I would have to say that the NTSB always has the last word on the DOA's :)
  8. In reply to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:1:0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's 5 times more than I got and you jumped as well !! Uhmm....6/5 is 1.2 Are you counting a BJ as .2 or something? LOL Dan
  9. 0:2:2 I got two jumps and two firsts in. It was my first clear and pull....very nice and a little scarry jumping from a plane so close to the ground. Also my first jump in the rain...yes, the rain. Luckily it was the clear and pull jump so no terminal velocity fight into the pointy back side of the drops.....lol. Clay, I was at Airsportz on Sunday afternoon. You there too? Which one were you? I had the black JS with neon green grips. And Wind?....what wind? I meant to land that close to the trees. Dan
  10. Anyone jumped with their light-sabre at night yet?.....way cool!
  11. I say screw it....make everyone a Saber2...pillem into a C-5....take the whole world to 14.5 and mak'em jump...the world'll be a skydiving paradise over night!! my .02$ Dan
  12. spinmaster


    ....uhhh! I was hoping to see you simulate something else.
  13. What goes around....comes around. The bad and the good. Sounds like you did good. It'll come back to you. Spinmaster
  14. I've used these to lay out a few people over the years. First one is called a Terminator: Double-Shot glass 1/3 Zambucca (or Uzo if you have it) 1/3 Kaluah 1/3 Bailey's The other is Un-Named (that is the name) Snifter (sp?) glass 1/2 Courvoisier 1/2 Grand Mariner If you can walk around after a half doz. of these I'd be impressed. Dan
  15. slightly off subject... How about patches? Anyone know a web site I can order cool patches at? I put a hole in jump suit knee on my last landing (that'll teach me to land on the taxiway!) and need something to cover the hole with. Dan
  16. Is it really Hump Day?......oh shite!....What happend to Monday and Tuesday..shite..I slept through Monday and Tuesday!!...Oh shite! hehehehehe
  17. Last night I had my first dream involving sky-diving....and it was a malfunction with a cut away. I hope that's not a sign. I couldn't get the pilot chute out of its sling. Pulled once with one hand. Pulled a second time with both and it was a no go. Did a right-left punch and was under a big white reserve. I've never had a cut-away or even seen a reserve before, not sure how I knew what it would look like. I also didn't freak in the dream when it happened. Hope I'm that calm when the real one happens. blue skys! Dan
  18. Most in the air: 8 out and built to 5. I wasn’t one of the five. However, the coolest sight was a 6 way. I was fun jumping and went out first. The 6-way went last. Pulled a little high to watch the group split and open. They slit just above me about 200yds away and they were all starting to open as they went by. It was sun set and they were back lit so they were all black shapes. It was to cool. Most Pairs: Metallica concert...oh, they were everywhere! Most Beers: 1 case...lost count, then conscience. Dan
  19. spinmaster


    I hear a noise - DOOR I step to the edge, check spot I jump, I fly, FUN!
  20. I have a question for experienced jumpers. I travel A LOT and I love sky diving but I don't yet have my my A license yet and I get the impression most DZ's don't like non licensed sky divers showing up trying to rent equipment to and jump. Am i accurate in this? I would love to get my A before jumping any place other than my home DZ (Airsportz...you guy's rock!) but the reality is I'll have time and opportunity to jump elsewhere first due to traveling. Are there places that like to have use non-sky gods show up just show up and jump for the fun of it? Specifically in the Chicago, Milwaukee, or Cleveland areas but others will due. Dan
  21. 18000 ft...a chute on...open air? I didn't realize that ridding the chair back down was an option?
  22. Count me in...let me know where and when. Being a Delta jet do we leave out of ATL and jump over PDK? Blue Skies, Spinmaster
  23. Mine was good and bad. I had two great jumps Friday afternoon. I was planing to go to again on Sat but the Significant Other stepped in and squashed that...so I went and played golf instead. (That'll teach her to interfere with my sky diving plans). Sounds like you were flying over McCullum?
  24. Hey 'goofyness This would be a good weekend to try out Rome (airsportz.com) if you haven't been there before. It's an awsome DZ and they treat new faces and new jumpers great. Not to mention you'll get to meet at least one cool DZ.com'er. Me, but there will be others as well. Blue Skies Dan
  25. Summer: Adidas running shoes Winter: Adidas running shoes with thicker socks Dan