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Everything posted by spinmaster

  1. "Ok, how do you want it. Attach here, post in Gallery - Front page on the Home Page. " How about on the banner at the top of the page
  2. I had one like that once. The pilot chute came off...I threw, nothing happened....looked over my sholder and the pilot chute was about 100 feet above me with nothing attached to it. I pulled the reserve and came out under canapy just in time for a stand up landing. It was a very surreal dream.... Spinmaster
  3. For me it's both. On my AFF level 1, I miss read one of the JM's and pulled at 8500'. [shockedl] Well, it was actually quite fun. Sense then I've liked both. The high alt view is increadable...nothing like hanging a mile + over the ground. On the other hand...droping close enough to read signs on the ground has a unique perspective all it own. BEWARE! I have better than 20/15 vision so for me to read a sign at 2-3000' is typical but not for most folks. Never pull low...unless you like broken legs and/or death Oh, wait, I only have 20 jumps. Don't listen to me....I know even less than Clay. Spinmaster Dan
  4. OK, I admit. this is a lame attempt at posting but....I'm giving in...what's the time is the lates post you've ever posted here at DZ? And getting up at 5am and checking email dosn't count. Mine: 02/13/02 08:55 PM ( that's 1:55AM CST) What's yours? Spinmaster Dan
  5. spinmaster


    Once again....this weekend I'm working so no jumps for me...so.... those that do jump with video camera's and don't mind their film being passed around, how about posting it. It's as close as I'll get to jumping. I haven't found a single source for a rolling supply of mpeg's, rm's, or mov's....I know they're out there...so share...
  6. I set it for red once and told one of our IT "guru's" i had a locked up computer with a bule screen of death but it was "red". He didn't believe me so when he came buy my desk and saw it, all he could say was, and I quote, "oh....this must be really bad, I need to make a phone call" lol Spinmaster Dan
  7. lol...there's a parameter you can change to set the screen color when Win locks up. you can have red...green....fusha....only windows....only windows.
  8. I found this on the web....take it with a grain of salt....some of this hits a little close for some of us (not me but I know people who have seen it for real). Its funny if you can see past the reality. http://www.sfdt.com/flash/movies/660.html Blues Spinmaster Dan PS...it's Friday night and I'm in a damn hotel room on the road again so no jumps for me - plane or bed. This @#$%#$%%^%#%#$#%*^&%#$%@#$%^&^& job! I feel better now.
  9. Ditto....Upside down...flips....even tried sit flying (found out the hard way why booties and sit flying don't mix)....my favorite exit is a backward exit so I can watch the plane fly away....i did all of this between 8 and 18 jumps on student status....still am...at 20 jumps.....so what the hell do i know. Dan
  10. 0:0:0....this weekend sucked! Dan
  11. ___________________ Tell the insurance company it was stolen, get the $$, buy new gear and jump tickets...oh, wait that's fraud, sorry. .. ___________________ No, it was stollen....stollen by the Man....down with the Man! Dan
  12. spinmaster


    ________________________ Something that might add a little perspective to your day: terra ________________________ Hate to ruin your day but I read an interview with the guy who put those numbers out. They were sent as a casual comment on society to a friend, who copied a friend, who copied 10 friends...and so on and so on and so on. Well, there was no really study of the factuality of the numbers at the time. It was all made up! Sense then, some studies have been done or used to validate them. It turns out some are relatively accurate (the ones that were easy to figure out) and some are not (most of the really odd ball figures like having relatives who died in a war (the estimate was way under the real number)). Moral: 1) just because it's in an email or on the web doesn't mean its a fact. 2) Be careful when you get up on the soapbox and preach down to others. After all, there was soap in the box and its slippery. Blue One's, Dan
  13. it's obviously a female...if it were a male computer it would just hit the same key over and over and over again.
  14. cheesy attempt at a thread.....we've all seen this. Still, I agree.......boobies!!!! Dan
  15. I get home on Friday evening and get to hang with my little girl for an hour (I've been gone all week) and then my boss call at 6PM...a major customer is having problems and I need to be there to "save them" in the morning. I was going to go jump in the morning and take her with me!.....Ah s!@#$@##%^&%$@$%$$$%%^%^@@#$#$t. The Ass-hole. But....the customer is in Houston. Maybe I can salvage a few hours and still jump there. Well, while playing with my daughter, I twist my knee and now whenever I walk my knee makes this funky poping thing-noise. It doesn't hurt (to much) but I'm not going to risk a few weeks of not jumpsing for a few months of not jumping. this just really sucks!!! Dan {still trying to find my own witty saying}
  16. ___________________ The DZ is in Playa and it is like $30 or so from 10k. You need a B license and float gear. ___________________ I'm kind of liking my "find a pilot who'll just let us jump out of his plane" idea. Float gear? Wait....does a BCD count as float gear.....ooooooh.......can you say HALO? This is starting to sound like real fun now!
  17. The only way we'll know that for sure is to see yours. We've all seen Clay's. Now it's your turn. Come on.....you know you wanna do it.
  18. Beatings? When did this become about beatings? I thought it was about spankings?....oh ya, the "milk" comment. That's when it became about beatings, right?
  19. so skycat....are you a milk girl or a wine girl?
  20. ___________________ I find that less and less women realize the power they can have over altitude. You don't have show the whole plane........just the pilot..... _____________________ Hey, shut the hell up! Yes they do.
  21. ________________ Hey now your's were the ones that got 18.4 I'm sure spinmaster would much rather see them. I mean I've seen them and they are quite impressive, especially since they are real.. ________________ Actually, either of you will due just fine......wanna see my bike?
  22. you're laughing and you didn't say no....hum...that's a good sign. :)
  23. ---------------------- I rode in a bus today... does that count? --------------------- and if the bus (short bus that is) counts, how about a bike....the kind with pedals? Dan