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Everything posted by spinmaster

  1. I count three....the cat, the man, and the dog that got its ass kick by a cat. Let hope the state of CA doesn't make it four.
  2. I don't know how to get the smell out but I do know that maybe that cat needs to go on a skydive! Dan
  3. are they that kind of red that glows in the dark? yah? Cool!
  4. sort of like when she's checking the cloths out and you're looking at your watch.....
  5. I'm from Georgia and I can assure you we don't say "I love you" by saying "nice tits". It's "Nice Ass".....get it right! Dan
  6. Last time I went threw Skipol (sp?) it took them 2 hours to get my luggage to me. Not very cool after a 9 hour international flight. Last time I went threw Frankfurt my luggage made a 20min transfer from an Internaitonal flight to a domestic flight.....very cool. just my 2cents. Dan
  7. Nice statistics work, Diverdriver. Do you also have stats for any preceeding years? If so, what's the trend? Are we getting safer or more dangerous. My guess is that we are getting safer and that's the real measure of success in my opinion. Also, comparing one stat to another is often misleading. Looking at these from a different comparision angle shows the accident rate of general aviation at low rate of .0012% and jump planes at .002%. In that light, jump planes don't look all that much less safe. My .02$ as well. Dan
  8. ....I'm sitting in the Chicago Airport on my way home...should be checking email but reading and positing and IM'ing. My work week is over for all I care. spinmaster
  9. 1:1:0....Two jumps, one at home and one at the DZ...not to bad a weekend. Spinmaster
  10. The one on the left is named Diana...don't ask. My friend Slobo dosn't like questions.
  11. I decide on the way up on a planed 6-way to do a solo. The jump was rearranged by the JM so that I went first ( faster fall rate for a solo after all). However, I'm still new to skydiving and would be pulling around 4k. Everyone else would be going lower. Well, I pull and am hanging on my chute and happen to turn towards the sun. There, about 200-300yds away the group goes by between the sun and me and as they do everyone is pulling. Back light by the sun, I can see their black bodies, lines, chutes, everything...outlined by the sun. And then the Porter goes diving by also back light.....Oh to have picture of it all....but I don't and that is what makes it so great. I'll make a thousand jumps and never see that again...unless I get lucky...and I am lucky
  12. The worst thing to ever happen to me wasn't physical, but rather psychological. I used to talk to one of my grandfathers every Sunday, with the only exception being when I was visiting him and my grandmother, for as long as I could remember. Well, one Sunday he called for his office, where he had gone to do a little work, as I was running out the door for a soccer game. I told my mom I didn't have time and that I would call him later when I got home. Well when I got home I found out he had died of a heart attack about an hour after the call. Felt like complete crap for not taking that call for a long time.
  13. aahhhh......a true connoisseur you are.
  14. I'm watching tv and just heard a few fun dirty jokes: Q: Whats the funniest thing to come out of woman's mouth? A: My c#$k! Q: Whats the best thing about dating a homeless girl? A: You can drop her off anywhere. running for the door before a chick hits me with a bat
  15. Here's a question: Which is better, jug wine or box wine?
  16. spinmaster

    I'm a newbie

    Officially? Mississippi River I think.
  17. 0:0:0 Another lost weekend on the road. But the cold and snow in Chicago was whole lot of fun.
  18. spinmaster

    I'm a newbie

    and if you have a thousand dollars to spend on it.
  19. spinmaster

    I'm a newbie

    There's got to be some tandom instructors out there who've had 24 or more jumps in a week. I think I recall one of the instructors at my DZ saying he did 7 tandoms one day. A busy week and 24 should be easy.
  20. spinmaster

    I'm a newbie

    ______________ you would need a space suit dude. the lack of air (aka vacume) would bust your lungs like a ballon. ______________ um...ya, it was a joke dude.
  21. Wine should only count as one....wine coolers count as 0 because wine cooler drinkers should be booted from the DZ....drink or don't drink...anyone who half-ass their drinking can't be a safe jumper. Spinmaster
  22. spinmaster

    I'm a newbie

    You know, you can wear your SCUBA gear on a weather ballon up to about 100K and jump. Not a lot of friction at that altitude so you'll go very fast right along with the ping-pong ball disclaimer...I'm jk so don't try it. Spinmaster
  23. spinmaster

    I'm a newbie

    Ya...I was just kidding also. I know it's French and not cajun and that Canadian food is good. "Can I get some vinegar for my fries?"
  24. spinmaster

    I'm a newbie

    Are you sure Canada is a county? After all, they do speak American? Oh, except for that one state where they speak cajun....so maybe they are country. Or they could be like Guam, a pseudo US state. I don't know. I just know I like their food.....wait, what's Canadian food? Um, what were we talking about?
  25. spinmaster

    I'm a newbie

    Something you didn't ask about. If you're going to post here you're going to need to understand "Post Whoring". Search for the term learn more about it. The one thing to know for now, is that your post count means a lot around here, just ask Clay. He devotes his spare time...oh, and work time....and I think personal and sleep time as well to posting. Anyway, all those question you asked could have been done in oh about 5 or 6 posts. If you get really creative, maybe even more. So remember, don't ramble...just post. Welcome to the club, Blue Ones, Spinmaster