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Everything posted by spinmaster

  1. Try GA. It's not FL but the weather will be nice enough to jump this Fri and Sat....and there's a better job market here as well. Dan
  2. Ben, I'd like to say welcome to the good life!! Where are you jumping at? I live in Marietta and am currently jumping in Rome at Airsportz. Blue Skies! Dan
  3. I had a good year... I discovered skydiving I have 16 jumps as of last weekend Best Jump: Tie #11 out of a Porter at 14K…can you say 60sec free falls!!! #13 where I rolled inverted on the exit and watched the plane fly away...too cool! Did a 2-way with a 10K jumper and didn't embarrass myself. Best Landing: AFF graduation jump, I landed with the tips of my toes on a 3’x6’ orange target mat, I jumped at 10K…not to bad I’m told. Next Year… Get my C license (I’ll get my A before the year is over as long as the weather holds out) Get my own rig Do a night jump out of the Porter at 14K+
  4. I recently discovered the best aspect of the holidays. Take Thanksgiving...I have Friday off from work. I get to go and jump out of planes ALL DAY LONG. Yah, I'll give thanks all day long Thursday for that. I can't wait until x-mas when I have TWO WEEKS of vacation time I have to dump. It had better be blue skies those weeks! Spinmaster
  5. spinmaster


    As a married man who has to live vicariously through everyone else, here's my advice: 1 Don't do anything - enjoy the moment and don't f*!k it up. There'll come a day you wish you could screw two DIFFERENT women a 24hr period and actually get away with it. 2 When you think one of them is starting to have a problem with thing's, lie and say you broke it off with the other and enjoy the time. Make sure you tell both that you should "keep things low key for a while, after all you don't want to rub the new arrangement in the nose of the other". 3 When you do get caught (and you will) still slipping it to both, then pick which one was more fun and dump the other. Be prepared to beg and lie like there is no tomorrow (assuming the other is worth keeping, after all, she hung around while you where screwing someone else). 4 Under no circumstance commit to marry either of them, you've screwed that already by screwing someone else at the same time. NOTE: When you find the one you want for life, don't stick it in someone else! Remember: "A man is only as faithful as his options" - George Carland Don't give yourself options unless you’re prepared to use then - hey, that's kind of like alt. landing sites, right? Spinmaster