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Everything posted by freaksister2

  1. Skydive Dallas is open everyday except Tuesday and Wednesday. Oh yeah, they (SDD) are also open on a lot of holidays. Sis
  2. Just so everyone knows, Merrick doesn't drink, so even if he weren't injured, he wouldn't have participated in the free beer activities! LOL He takes care of Pammi (and me too, sometimes!) when we get drunk! Which she did, Thursday night! I didn't hear her puking outside the tent, even though I had all the windows open on the Pimp Mobile, which was parked RIGHT there! Of course, I was passed out myself! hehe Dutch, 3 jumps huh? I don't feel bad then for only making 4 from Friday-Sun. and I was at the hospital a lot and hungover some too! hehe See you all at the dz soon! I didn't jump as much as I wanted at Quincy so I have still got the jump bug BAD! I have been bitten and I want to jump jump jump. Something about Quincy really helped calm my nerves!! Crazy, huh? Sis
  3. I am just glad that Merrick didn't get hurt any worse than he did. It really sucks for him though. He was a real trooper, however! He insisted Pam and I jump and still have fun. He did really great on Sunday, riding around in the golf cart all day!! I can't imagine what a personality I might have had if it was me that got hurt! If you look at things realistically, it is more logical that either Pam or I would be hurt, considering our "landing history"!! hehe Just goes to show you can't predict some injuries in this sport. That landing area was weird as hell. I made two helicopter jumps and didn't stand up either one of them. The two jumps I made at the regular landing zone at the Quincy airport were perfect no-wind surfs ending in stand-ups! So I don't know whether it was the landing area, or just ME and being anxious about that heli/bi-plane landing area. BTW, Merrick mentioned the other injuries that occurred over there, and in addition to his ankle and the broken wrist...there was a spinal injury from a butt landing that resulted in a jumper being paralyzed. BUMMER :( Sis (get better soon so we can all go jump again, Merrick my bro!!)
  4. Jess...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am sorry I missed it! I didn't even know. I hope you got to jump, and I hope you had a great birthday!! What a bunch of cool whuffos!! On my birthday last year my grandma made me a cake and did the icing with a parachute on it. It was a round, but that was the only picture she could find in her ancient encyclopedias! hehe I thought it was really sweet, though! She did a good job! Hugs to you, Sis
  5. Michele, SCR stands for Star Crest Recipient. It means you were base for an 8-way or larger star formation. Get a copy of the latest issue of Parachutist and go to the article about the RW revolution (the title is something along those lines). In the bottom corner of one of the pages is a good description of what the SCR and SCS (Star Crest Soloist) are and who invented them. (Bill Newell, not USPA). They are awards stemming from the days when RW wasn't like it is today, and they are in memoriam. The SCR is much easier than the SCS (I haven't yet attempted the SCS - maybe at Quincy!) You have to fly into the 8th slot or later on the SCS, not just lay base. The best part of getting your SCR/SCS is the ceremony! hehe Sis (SCR # 14358)
  6. I believe you are referring to the "wrist." She must have broken both wrists on landing. OUCH! I am impressed that she didn't quit! Sis
  7. Oooh baby I love it when a man gives me control!! Can I do whatever I like to you? Sis
  8. LOL@pilotdave!! hehe I totally agree! Here I am, waiting for Quincy and all these nutbars can do is talk about jumping! I haven't jumped in almost three weeks (not as bad as dave there but still...) and I am jonesing! Shut up, Pyke, you gay motherfucker!! HAHAHA Sis
  9. well she left her 'poo in the dz.shower and the DZO was very intoxicated too...we went to eat in Stillwater and when we got back the dzo was standing in the middle of the room, in a robe, screaming, and threw her shampoo bottles in the floor...then started kicking them around the floor like a kickball or something!! he was hollering about how someone left all their shit in the shower and it apparently just really pissed him off! (we walked onto this scene) i whisper to pam "Isn't that your shampoo?" and she was like, "Yeah." Well she said to him that it was hers and he went off on her. They got into a screaming match and she walked out saying she would never come back and he said good...well they made up...she was back the next week!
  10. well I hope he can get these replies but I would doubt it! modem lines are hard to come by at quincy, i heard. i know he has web capable phones but still. anyhow, chuck if you can receive this: we won't be there until thursday night so we'll find you I promise!!!! hugs and tell your wife good luck on the accuracy and maybe could she give me a few pointers? LOL Sis
  11. Dar, I remember you! How are you?!? Glad to "hear" from you! Sis
  12. freaksister2


    Aww, girl I am SO sorry! I haven't had a chance to ask you today about it. If all else fails, you can jump my rig at Quincy. I'll jump it then you jump it, then I jump it, then you jump it, etc. AND one or both of us can demo gear so we can make some jumps together! You are going to Quincy with or without that Mirage! Love you girl! I'll make sure you get to jump! Your Sis
  13. Pammi, you're full of shit! If you had 14 jumps you wouldn't be going to Quincy! LOL - as it is you have one more jump than I do and we are probably going to be the lowest jump numbers there except for the AFF students! hehe Tent #4 here we come!! Sis
  14. Yeah, it is my DOPPELGANGER!! Everybody watch out! Quincy's in trouble!! Sis
  15. new account b/c my mum's computer doesn't load the new version of properly. i can't log in. so when i am not at home i have to use freaksister2. sis
  16. No, Clay, that's not cold. It's the scary truth. Ben, yes sweetie I know! When are you coming over to see me (and more than just a picture of the piercing)?? Get another job fast! Sis
  17. Hi Fred! Well, I am not an instructor or jumpmaster or anything. I am a low time jumper - a year in the sport and 60 jumps (this is NOT a lot). But I will at least give you a kind word and tell you a couple of things I hope will help. I read your post and went and read the story about your first jump on your website. First, nobody here will flame you! If they do I'll not only flame 'em back but I'll go kick their ass in person!! hehe This is not. rec.skydiving! We do get in little petty arguments and have little tiffs once in awhile but nothing too major so far and hopefully it will stay that way. Anyway, we like to be able to say that newbies can come here and be welcomed right in. There are several things in your post that concern me. The number one thing is: the questions you have about what is safe to do under your open parachute and what is not. You need to seek the advice of one or more of your instructors. One thing I noticed in your jump story was the question of whether you could flare while you were in a spin. I would say don't try this at all but defnitely not under 1000 feet! Don't try much of anything under 1000-500 feet except really pussy-feeling turns. SLOW, gentle turns. Probably heard that before but it is the biggest killer of jumpers. Other stuff that you can do under a *particular* kind of parachute will vary on the kind of chute. Fortunately you'll be under big docile canopies as a student and hopefully for your first rig too! Which brings me to part 2! I would say that you are NOT a fat, big or otherwise unusual jumper by normal standards, if you are six feet and 200 pounds! Several guys on this website would probably be bigger than you! AggieDave, Bwilling, etc. I jump with a guy who is six four and weighs about 235, and we can actually fall TOGETHER!! ;-) (and I am NOT that size, trust me!) I don't know what those people at your dz meant by a # 8 or 9 but maybe that is just their way of numbering student rigs. Most dz's number the rigs. An 8 or 9 might have the bigger chutes in them, and they want you to be safe so they say, better get the 9 (if it has like a 288 sq.ft canopy in it or something). I would sincerely hope you don't get the wrong impression by your JMs! If you want to lose twenty pounds, fine but I wouldn't say it is necessary. Most likely, any comments about your stomach were all in jest! Skydivers LOVE beer and you will see some HEALTHY beer bellies among them!! Thirdly, a book that will help you immensely is "The Skydiver's Handbook" by Dan Poynter. I think the website is like http:// but you can also buy it through Just do a search. This book is almost universally recommended as an indispensable book for beginners or even more experienced jumpers who have never read it. Best of all for you, it has a glossary of common skydiving terms. I know there are some places on the internet you can find them too but off the top of my head I can't remember them! Does anybody out there remember the URL to that old website you could link to from rec.skydiving? Sigh...DUDE, no matter what, I highly suggest getting The Skydiver's Handbook. I got a copy from the dropzone. You might do the same. Also, download a copy of the SIM (Skydiver's Information Manual) from the USPA website It is like twenty bucks if you buy it but can download it for free. Also, don't be afraid to ask us what things mean. We'll try to help. Finally, please communicate with your instructors and experienced jumpers at your dz. A #1 rule though: I was always taught to take your instructor's word over anyone else's, even someone who has five thousand jumps! (hehe in other words, don't listen to me?! LOL) If you want to know what gear to buy or what turns to do under canopy ask the people in charge!! That is their job and they should NEVER EVER mind helping you out! Oh, P.S. I don't know about the arm thing. My arms get sore after making jumps, but (AGAIN) might ask your JM! I am not trying to pawn you off, just re-inforcing that they are the best people to ask questions! Not the ONLY just the BEST! Also, make as many jumps in one day as you are comfortable with. The more the better is usually the consensus. I think as a student you will probably get exhausted after about four but I have seen a guy do his entire AFF in one day (8 jumps)! Try to at least make two. One of my JMs told me once, if you only afford four jumps a month, then make them all at the same time, not one each weekend! Don't jump if you are sick (especially with sinus problems) on medication, are extremely tired. You need all your faculties! Have fun! I did static line also, and you'll be on freefall before you know it! Welcome to! Hope we can help you out! Sis
  18. Yeah well I could be jumping too, but thought I better save my money for Quincy! That is why I am so prolific in my posting lately!! GRRRRR I better be able to make at least ten normal jumps and 3 specialty ones: Bi-plane, Hot Air Balloon, Helo! Can't do the damn HALO (23,000 feet from Mullin's King AIR WOOHOO!) because you gotta have a C or D or some shit license. Well fuck. I heard they don't check 'em well at all but I don't wanna hurt myself if that's the case. WTF is up with these people on TV fucking? GOOD GRIEF! Spare the rest of us, OK?! I need to find some whuffos to go out to the bar with! Damn! Sis (had to create a new user, Freaksister2 'cause this new won't let me log in at my mum's house! grrr)