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Everything posted by diverborg

  1. With all this engineering mumbo jumbo that just might be a little over these guys heads. I'm hoping maybe my simple little blue collar first hand experience might help out a little. I'm a simple jet mechanic and I do have to know how to operate and run a jet to be able to work and troubleshoot them. It just so happens to our advantage that these jets happen to run off of "you guessed it" jet fuel. Perfect example to parallel our situation. Well these jets just happen to burn this jet fuel to aid in propulsion as well as spin a turbine. Now believe it or not these turbines are made out of the highest heat resistant steel alloy you could reasonably and cost effectively make. They need to be to keep from melting, and I'm assuming they are at least equivalent to steel used in building construction, if not 10 times more resistant due to constant exposure to combustion. Now here's the big kicker, the only thing that keeps these turbines from melting from fuel burn is maximizing airflow for cooling and limiting the amount of fuel flow per air flow. If a turbine engine is started improperly and doesn't have the rpm to provide the airflow proper for cooling and fuel is introduced and ignited, the simple heat of burning jet fuel without the cooling airflow will melt that high temp steel alloy turbine like a styrofoam cup. A steel constructed building that just had 25,000 gallons of this stuff dumped all thru it, without any means of cooling didn't stand a chance and its amazing it lasted as long as it it did. My simple common sense combined with my simple everyday work experience told me this. Throw away the silly pencil thru a screendoor theory and steel not burning. I laughed my ass off when I saw that. And yes I did watch the whole movie, not sure why, but I did.
  2. Warning!! Warning!! Conservative here siding with the liberals. Cmon John just because we hardly ever agree with these guys doesn't mean we have to disagree with everything. User fees suck!!! On a more serious note I think most of the arguments against them have already been said. The trust fund is already in the positive, we don't need another govt piggy bank to be pumping money into that we'll never see the benefit because the govt will tap into it for other purposes (just like social security). General Aviation already pays more than enough taxes to support its usage. The economic impact of user fees would be detrimental to general aviation and IMO would cause an overall loss in fuel taxes and such due to less usage. Not to mention the lack of future demand for aircraft manufacturers as well as mx personnel, and R&D. The general aviation industry is a huge part of our economy in the US and creates a huge number of jobs. Would you be for creating a car starting fee for every time you pulled onto a public roadway even though theoretically the wheel and fuel taxes you already pay have created a trust fund in surplus of what is needed to maintain these roads? I hate to say it, but Bush is using this as a political tool to gain interest in the vast majority of the public that are ignorant about this subject, and who think that they would never be affected because they don't use the system.
  3. My roommate was one at the bar that night whose word I take over anybody I don't know posting here. You are correct I wasn't there and there could have been stuff that he even didn't notice. I'm not going to defend the behavior and I should have left that whole part out of my previous comment. However, I will stand by everything else I said. The timing is bullshit, and the some of the comments made in these posts are utter bullshit. I don't know why I even wasted my time to go back into this thread. I guess if I could get one thing across it would be just to cut these guys a little bit of slack. They all just lost a good friend. Sometimes people make mistakes when emotions get the best of ya especially when you add alcohol. Lets move on people. I guess none of you guys have ever acted out of line for lesser reasons that sometimes come with typical drunken behaviour. I understand everyone is worried about relations with this town to keep this bridge open, but there are more tactful and respectful ways of getting your point across like a few have been able to portray.
  4. Sorry to repeat your comments diverds. I was still writing mine when yours was posted. Oh well it needs to be said twice anyway.
  5. You guys are getting way carried away with this. I've been patient up to this point and now I'm getting pretty pissed off. First of all from my friends who were at the bar that night what has been said has been slightly exaggerated. The bar itself was buying drinks for this group as well as others sitting at the bar. If they were being that grossly offensive I doubt the bar would have been buying them drinks. Second of all they all just lost a good friend right in front of their eyes just hours earlier. So some of them got too drunk and got cut off. They made an EFS toast and the owner talked to them, from what I've heard they respected the owner's wishes when talked too. This owner is going to see plenty of base jumpers in his time to not judge everyone. I doubt he's gonna turn down that much business because one group of people made an EFS toast after losing a friend that day. And finally what pisses me off the most is that Sullyflyer, you had the nerve to post this the day after the accident. Where is your sympathy! Everybody grieves differently and this could have definitely waited a week. Even though some good information may have been posted, your original post is inflamatory and direct slam to those that lost their friend when you talk about how they disrespectfully mourned their loss. This post could have been written much differently as to not be so hurtful to those that are mourning. You could have made the same point and more people proabably willing to listen had you just discussed base jumping etiquette without an exaggerated attack on Iowa jumpers. Also anybody that was not at the bar that night has no right criticizing this group of people at all or even worse listing their names on here. You should all be ashamed of your attitudes and this thread should be deleted. I'm done with this.
  6. I got one about a month ago I think. myspace.com/freeflypinky
  7. Just got the call from some friends who were with him. Blue skies forever my friend.
  8. This sure ain't gonna help with the obesity problem with our kids. Here Johnny, instead of playing that dangerous game of tag, you have to play tetherball where you can't run around. Oh wait you might get hit w/ the ball, thats too dangerous. Well we could just play on the swings or jungle gym, but you might fall off. We have to ban soccer in case someone accidentally gets kicked. Well now recess will consist of supervised hopscotch on wrestling mats and using foam balls instead of rocks. This is a sad day for our youth.
  9. Pearl Vagina Vagina! Vagina! Vagina! Full Metal Vagina Me, Myself, and Vagina
  10. Forty year old Vagina Jurassic Vagina The Vagina Force III War of the Vaginas Alien Vs Vagina These are crackin me up. I'd better save some for other people.
  11. I noticed Qatar was gonna help out too, (a very little bit). Its too bad more muslim countries can't see that the Lebanese govt is a threat to every peace seeking country in the region including their own people and not just Israel. Of course I'm sure we'll hear from the anti-Israel group pretty soon on how Israel is the problem and the region would somehow magically be peaceful if Israel was wiped off the map. I just don't have the energy to argue with that kind of sentiment.
  12. Quote[oddly enough I agree with this sentiment. The faster we use all of our oil, the faster we'll be forced to come up with an alternative energy source./reply] I was pretty much being sarcastic, but you do have a point. I really don't care much either way.
  13. I disagree. They should suck it dry. I want my cheap gas now!! Screw the future generations. I don't plan on having any kids myself so its not my concern.
  14. Saw this on Yahoo news. I found it very interesting, but I don't have much to really say about it. Just curious to what people's opinions are on this. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060905/ap_on_re_mi_ea/mideast_turkey
  15. See we made this thing way back when in our country called the constitution that gave us these rights. SO IT IS OUR DAMN RIGHT!!! On a serious note I really don't like the 99% logic, because it can be applied to anything that someone may want to own. Its just another step in govt taking away freedoms and people allowing it because it doesn't affect them. Anytime freedoms are unreasonably taken away, whether they affect us in any way or not, we should be still concerned because the govt is overstepping its boundaries. In America we like to think the govt was setup to serve us, and not to be slaves of it. I also don't find collecting swords as that strange or rare of a hobby, for people to not care. There is obviously some people that have posted on this thread that enjoy it. And please lets be realistic. People can create more dangerous weapons than a sword in a few hours in their garage with commonly available items. Why would you go with this ridiculous political stunt? I hope you would vote against this out of the goodness of your heart and not for it because it doesn't affect most people. Does legislation like this really make you feel safer at night? If not, than not giving a fu$% is a serious disservice to those that do. Its a friggin sword!!!!!!, and one of the lamest political stunts of all time. Better put restrictions and/or govt permits on gasoline, beer bottles, knives, spray paint, sheetmetal, fertilizer, any liquor stronger than 60 proof, hammers, clubs, chainsaws, axes, and hot dogs. I sure hope I'm dead before the world has come to that.
  16. About 90% of my diet it is fish, so I use it for cooking quite often because I don't know of anything better to use for searing. I often cook salmon or trout that has enough oils in it, that nothing additional is necessary in cooking. However anything I catch around here, or when I cook shrimp, I like to put a thin layer of margerine in the pan. Thanks for the info on the margerine though, I never new stick was worse than tub, but I've always bought the tub stuff anyway. I'll check if I can find any differences in tub margerines next time I'm at the store.
  17. What can I say, I'm a kinda a health freak. The guys in my mom's side of the family tend to have heart problems by there late fifties or early sixties. AHhhhh thats way tooooo young to think about heart surgery!!!! BTW, WTF is EVOOO????
  18. Wherever you click on him is the part you control. You can make him do some pretty funny stuff if you playwith it enough.
  19. Maybe this will help some of you vent your angst. Heres a fun game. Not really a game, but entertaining nonetheless, regardless of your political party. http://www.break.com/games/georgerag.html
  20. I accidentally posted the wrong picture, I actually let that one go. Ok, Ok it wasn't an accident, I just wanted everyone to see my big fish. That fish was caught in a lake about and hour away from the dz. I never did get pics of the couple I just ate.
  21. I'm had catfish, that I caught fresh from the creek, that runs by the end of our runway. Yummy!! I always bring a fishing pole to the dropzone now, so I can catch dinner at the end of the day. I get made fun of all the time, but I've started a fishing cult out there now. More people join me everytime. Cooked this little bugger up tonight with a few shrimp and some freshly picked green beans. All seared in a pan w/ some margerine and italian seasoning.
  22. I remember a show on HBO about a 14 yo black boy that was charged with murder while robbing a bank. He was completely innocent and was actually on his way home walking his dog after picking up a job app at blockbuster. There was no evidence tying him to the case other than a mistaken arrest where one and only one witness claimed he was the guy. Very sad watching this poor kid get destroyed by the prosecution. The prosecutors came across like they knew beyond a doubt this boy was a ruthless murderer regardless of the lack of evidence. The family was too poor to afford a lawyer so the public defender who honestly felt this boy was innocent did everything in his power to win this case. When it was over it made you want to have some time alone with these prosecutors. Very moving documentary, and I wish I knew the specifics, but I would recommend watching this to anyone interested in our legal system. I'm sure you know all about this.
  23. QuoteSo, failing to name everyone can result in significantly reduced, or even zero recovery for the plaintiffQuote It makes sense, I just have a real problem with it. I know the family is bitter, but I think the reaction is innappropriate and shows greed more than anything. As much as I disagree with most lawsuits, I think the noble thing to do would be to wait for the cause to be revealed and fault to be determined. Then name those who were truly negligent in the lawsuit. I'm not in law whatsoever, but have sat jury on a civil suit so maybe this isn't possible. Hypothetically, lets say the engine blew because the dropzone purposely avoided the scheduled inspections to save money. Once that cause is determined, I can't understand how the dropzone could get out of a suit by blaming the engine manufacturer or the pilot. Seems to me that this stuff only shows they are interested in "how much money can I get?", and not determining who is really responsible.
  24. I'm pretty drunk right now, so I might delete this in the morning. I can understand the parents suing the dropzone and only the dropzone, if and only if gross negligence was proven, which is obviously not the case this early. What bothers me the most is they named the pilot, dehavilland, and pratt and whitney in the lawsuit. Utter bs, and for that reason they don't deserve a penny. It proves that all they want is money for a ridiculous blanket lawsuit where the cause is not determined. I know duckwater's post was harsh, but it would not surprise me if they would trade their daughters life for money at anytime, if they got the nerve to sue everyone not even knowing who is even at fault. I work in aviation and it is not possible regardless of what some ignorant assholes may think, to design any part that will last forever. How can pratt and whitney be responsible for an engine they built 30 years ago that has been thru dozens of inspections by different parties. The manufacturer creates inspection schedules because nothing lasts forever and parts do wear out!! The worst part about this is that they named the pilot in the lawsuit. His family lost a loved one too. Is their daughters life more valuable than Scott's? WTF!!!! This guy's family could lose their life insurance claim as well as their estate, not to mention the already loss of their loved one. What's gonna happen to his family. I know they've suffered a big loss, but naming another person that died in the crash so you can collect from his family is the lowest thing I've ever heard of especially when fault has not been determined. I highly doubt the pilot wanted to die and probably did everything he could. It would not bother me to see these parents and their lawyer to drop off the face of the earth.