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Everything posted by diverborg

  1. Cute Avatar, Diverds. I'm part of the group now too. I think we have 7 dropzone.com group members. Oh yeah, I'm "Pinky Nerd". Still a blast, and a great place to hang out and talk skydiving while enjoying some extracurricular activities. Plus its just freakin hilarious. You can create your avatar to actually look like your facial features in real life, its just amazing. The more I play with it the more I learn. The possibilities are endless, plus its only improving.
  2. wow, I've never spent so much time in a day on one thing. must pull away here's a picture of us in the club the pink boots are me breakdancing
  3. I quit, and can't figure out how to get back in
  4. This is an absolute blast, there are a few of us in here now. Come play. Highly recommended. I'm the big green ogre running around in his underwear.
  5. I don't know about other parts of the country, but I have never seen nor heard of these vehicles before. If they were marketed here more maybe more people would use them. Maybe someone here has more info on this, but how much more does a hybrid cost than a standard engine. Even if the extra cost can be paid off in gas prices eventually, how long do these cars last in comparison and what is the cost of maintenance on one of these. I have a hard time seeing a hybrid lasting 200,000 miles with as limited maintenance as standard vehicle. I could be wrong and it would be nice to crunch some numbers to find out overall cost effectiveness.
  6. This opinion is exactly why I'm so skeptical of global warming. I'm no expert in this field, but I've seen both arguments on global warming. I'm not saying that we don't have any effect on it, but there is too much research showing similar global trends thru history, and not enough research to actually link our current problem with our fossil fuels. The idea of more CO2 makes sense though. Your opinion which is common of many people seems to be taking advantage of this situation to push the greenie agenda. Trying to scare a mob into believing that global warming is all human's fault is the perfect way to push this agenda. It wouldn't matter if it was all the sun's fault and if global warming was totally debunked. Yall'd still be preachin down with the suvs. I'd be much more likely to believe research from someone that was indifferent towards the subject and didn't have a preconceived problem in mind.
  7. QuoteIt shouldnt be about following the rules, it should be about being a decent human being. A child is a child is a child. I would spend the rest of my life in jail to protect my children from people like you. Who think it is okay to pray on innocent , vulnarable CHILDREN.Quote Awww c'mon anyone that speaks three languages can't be a bad guy. Anyway, not trying to defend the behavior, but it is viewed entirely differently in other countries even western Europe. Pedophilia is one thing, but sixteen, seventeen err ok. I don't like the idea myself, still way too immature, but many developed countries view this as a legal adult age. And in many countries, girls at this age act like adults. I met this girl in Germany from Lithuania once. I didn't have the intentions of picking her up, but we met at a bar and soon became friends for the time I was over there. We hung out often and she was very brilliant, we had very in depth conversations and it wasn't until several weeks later that I found out she was only seventeen. I felt so guilty that I couldn't even continue talking to her on the phone let alone see her. She and her friends didn't understand why this was a problem for me and either did some other older people that I made friends with over there. There was an obvious maturity difference between a her and a normal teenager in the states. I can usually tell people's ages pretty easy, but I thought she was lying when she told me how old she was. Oh yeah, for the record, I was only 22 at the time.
  8. I don't understand how this is different from any other gun law in a state that allows a concealed weapon permits. If someone pulls a gun on me, do I really have to try and run and wait for him to shoot at me before I can shoot back. WTF? I don't know why this would be an issue anywhere, Florida has just decided to get specific on it probably because of a recent case (not sure though). Pretty sad when gc advocates gotta use their deceitful propaganda to further their agenda at other people's expense. This makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with this country that we even have to clarify this law. If someone tries to kill you, kill them first if you can, otherwise too bad, so sad, your dead.
  9. I didn't even think of that. Were doomed
  10. You think GW's cruel. Better hope some other country's leader doesn't break this woman's heart, we'll have nukes flying everywhere. Nukes + woman with broken heart = bad idea
  11. Fo shizzle my bro. We be talkin morrow dawg, but I's be gettin some new bloats for my whiz. But if you's got the bling to get the medici for your magicstick, you be bangin shorties into your phorties. H to the izzo, and if you bangin shorties you's got no time playa for the rest of the stizory bro. We's do need a forizum for da brotherhood so we be talkin bout downin Mickey's and such. I gottsa go, sistagirl be callin me for some luvin. She's be runnin hand thru my fro bouncin o twenty-fo. Black power, Jeff
  12. Bake him a cake My girlfriend finds iceskating strangely romantic. But, something romantic that a guy would enjoy? hmmm? I like it when my girlfriend goes deerhunting with me. She has to sit there and she can't talk or make any noise. Probably the best time we've ever spent together.
  13. Ok, I realize how they get these good times. If there's one you're guessing on you can check it by clicking "how am I doing." After discovering this I could solve them in the top 5%. Kinda takes the fun out of the online ones, if people cheat to get the high scores. It eliminates the lengthy process of elimination when you can just guess between a few you have it narrowed down to. At least I don't feel so dumb now
  14. 1. Bake toothbrush at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes to ensure sterilization 2. Apply hot boiling water to end of brush. 3. Wait 50 sec or you will burn your mouth 4. Apply toothpaste and brush 5. Throw toothbrush away so I guess you could say water first, mornings suck but at least I've taught my dog to preheat the oven and boil the water before I even get up.
  15. Jello shots usually work pretty well in landing any kind of tail.
  16. Do you live in Mexico? I wouldn't waste my time if it were that hot either. It is still unseasonably warm here, but the highs are finally topping out in only the 70's. Very nice in the early morning. Maybe not cool enough for the deer to be moving much. Still a any harvest would have to be filled with ice immediately and transported to a cooler pretty quickly. Good luck to ya, I'll wish some cooler weather your way.
  17. I thought I was so smart when I figured it out, till I clicked "how was my time." I found out 95% people completed it faster than me.. Excuse me while I go hang myself.
  18. I had assumed that would be coming eventually, but damn that was quick. But, I haven't actually killed anything yet. So I'm a KILLER wannabe.
  19. Just curious if anybody has hit the early season whitetail anywhere in the midwest. I've been out a couple times already and have seen plenty of wildlife, but no deer. Just wondering about other's experiences and/or trophies so far.
  20. That has to be one of the funniest threads I've ever read. Man, this world lacks a sense of humor. These people are so offended that the movie portrayed KIM JONG IL as RONERY. I guess you can make fun of our leaders, but any other world leader. Rong rive Kim Jong Il.
  21. Yep, I got that one too. Definitely one of my favorites.
  22. You should start playing the pc game "Battlefield 1942" with the desert expansion. In this game you can play on either the Iraqi side or the American side. Fun for all!!