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Everything posted by diverborg

  1. Time for bed, will continue with quotes tomorrow.
  2. Smells like a baby's diaper filled with Indian food.
  3. Its made with bits of real panther, so you know its good.
  4. I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party.
  5. What? You pooped in the refrigerator, and at the whole wheel of cheese. Wow, I'm not even mad, in fact I'm impressed.
  6. The word "idiot" is actually German for a "whales vagina."
  7. Where'd you get the avatar, at the toilet store?
  8. NO!!!! I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogony.
  9. So what process would you suggest to prevent the criminals from keeping their guns while we disarm the innocent civilians? Before you get upset, I do not know your point of view completely on this subject, just making a point that is not just the gunowners alone that have to come up with the solutions to an impossible situation. If you have a solution then your argument will hold more water. As far as my answer to your question, we already have made it illegal for these people to obtain, posess, or even touch these weapons, yet I don't think anyone is gonna argue with me that they still have them. So what good is it gonna do to throw the innocent civilians in with the gun ban. Seems like a recipe for disaster to me. Wow wouldn't it be great if all the criminals decided to turn in all their guns along with normal people if the govt issued a ban on them. Lets be realistic.
  10. So what you're trying to say is that the reason you are worried about it getting stolen is that someone is gonna come out to the dz to break into your vehicle looking for a gun to start shooting people. No offense, but I'm glad I don't have to live with these kind of fears. I think if someone had the intention to kill people they would probably already have a gun or find one any other way. I don't think someone witnessing someone showing off a gun to someone else would posess someone to break into a that vehicle to go on a shooting rampage, Especially somone from a dz. Can you decipher this post through the 25 times I used the word someone?
  11. Not without a $500 deductible. Sheesh, that guy would be toast.
  12. This is the the third time I've seen someone talk about not showing/taking your gun to the dz because it has the chance of getting stolen. What kinda dz's are you guys jumping at? Is that a legitimate concern, or just a weak attempt for an argument. Seems to me that the gun would be much more likely stolen anywhere else one would normally bring it than the friggin dz. I'm curious to find out how many people out there have had a locked vehicle actually broken into at a normal dz, (not a boogie). Do you have a safe to lock your rig in? Why would you ever show your rig to anyone for chance of it getting stolen? My rig is worth a lot more than any gun I own.
  13. I never knew you needed a permit to carry a gun in your truck. Guess I'll have to take my skateboard to my hunting spot. Ummm, at least around here, Wal-Mart sells guns, I don't think they'd have a problem with you showing one in the parking lot especially if they have them in the store. Wow, we're blowing this one out of proportion. No one said he was waving these things around for everyone to see, or that his motives were even self-centered. If someone wants to see a gun, what is the big freakin deal if he shows it to a guy in the dz parking lot. Everyone seems to assume this gun is gonna be loaded and that he's gonna start firing it randomly.
  14. Hmmm, I think I'm gonna go dig up an old thread and revive it. Sounds kinda fun. Any suggestions?
  15. Thats awesome, I wish I had someone to take me deer hunting when I was 11. Maybe I'd be a little better at it than I am now. Wow, it's been a frustrating season (archery though), nuthin yet. Maybe tonight will be my lucky night. Congrats to you and your nephew. Oh yeah, and 192 yards, WOW, unbelievable, especially for an 11 year old.
  16. Wow, who pulled this thread out of the graveyard. Maybe someone asked that already.
  17. I don't know much about the RSPCA but PETA is a pretty radical organization that crosses too many boundaries and often their tactics are far too illegal. If PETA had their way the world would be vegetarians, no more turkey on thanksgiving (just way to cruel to grow animals for food) but then hunting is cruel too for them. Just check out their website, it is pretty ignorant and ridiculous. www.peta.org They oppose animal testing of any kind and get all their information from looney activists and celebrities rather than studies. For that I say, quit bitching and voluteer yourself then. All of it is propaganda with no realistic solution. The reason I hate them though, I've had them illegally trespass multiple times and interfere with my hunting. They've vandalized my vehicles on the side of the field I was hunting in. When I leave my hunting spot for the day and come back, my treestand was cut down and destroyed. I've seen them bring their children and walk thru the forest I was hunting blowing whistles. All of these scenarios happened on private property.
  18. Tell me about it, all this talk about deer is just downright frustrating. I've been out about 15 times already with my bow this year and have only seen deer twice (out of range of course). Something's keeping them away from my hunting area because I see a bunch every time I'm done hunting up the road about 1/4 mile. Sure wish they'd come my way so i could get some venison (mmmmmm...). Think I need to find some new hunting ground. The thought of deer (jerky, steak, sausage, burger) is just making my mouth water. I got friends that have already taken 2 deer this year with their bow.
  19. As a good friend always told me..... Big girls need love too
  20. This is what i disagree with. When I was in Dallas, I saw more tittie bars and porn shops on one street that I've seen in the rest of the world combined. How are these any better than selling a dildo in the eyes of morality. Seems like there's another motive behind this law. Maybe some lawmaker's wife replaced him with a toy and its his mission to save the men. Maybe its just an outdated law that a couple enforcement officers seem to be holding on to. Either way, I would think a big Texas city would have a little more to keep the officers busy than busting dildo dealers.
  21. i don't know where you went when i took that. you left the game. are you back now?
  22. an interesting tuesday night, heres a pic of some action
  23. Aahhhh, so you're Rascal Harbinger
  24. Dude, did anybody look at this guys picture!! It's Justin Timberlake with a beard as a disguise. I heard Britney was at the game and he was trying to get revenge.