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Everything posted by diverborg

  1. I can't help but believe our sue happy culture and all the liability bs that comes with it, is gonna be downfall of our economy at some time. This shit only hurts the consumers and only helps the lawyers when you look at the big picture. Granted this lawsuit was a little extreme, but in a way it paints a satirical picture of our society that is not that far off. I was in an accident a week and a half ago where a young kid hit me while making an illegal turn. We were both probably going less than 10mph. There was very light damage to my vehicle and will only require replacement of my door. I just got two letters in the mail from two different lawyers that read the accident report and said to give them a call. Give me a break. Let their insurance fix my car and move on. I thought about calling the lawyers just to tell them how I really felt about them.
  2. I can't believe people out there still fall for this BS?? I couldn't believe my ears the other day when a relative of mine (a student at University of Nebraska) said how one of his professors told the whole class that the world trade centers were rigged with explosives and gave them the whole fire cant melt steel bs. He was sadly convinced and nothing I could say would change his mind. Thats all we need is this caliber of professors brainwashing our easily persuaded college kids. I wonder how many college kids this guy has persuaded into thinking our govt intentionally murdered 3,000 of its own people.
  3. My previous comment was merely a rant/opinion/general feeling I have about the ACLU. I do not have any sources to back my "feelings" nor do I even care to try. It was merely me venting rather than trying to make intelligent debate. Plus the whole story was BS anyway.
  4. Just another reason that I don't want to live in CA either. If this was an older man that was home alone, I'm sure the ACLU would be pursuing this even if it was in Montana. I think they don't have much to stand on when an 11 year old girl home alone caps to armed and dangerous assailants and one that just previously killed. You know its gotta be driving the ACLU nuts and they'd probably love to watch this little girls life get ruined (I mean any 11 year old girl that knows how to shoot a gun has to be evil and in dire need of psychological help), but they know they haven't got anything to stand on with this one. As you can all tell I'm a pretty big fan of the ACLU.
  5. Although this maybe the law, I'm gonna hafta say its a pretty stupid one that leaves way too much room for interpretation. Technically If I'm on vacation videotaping a tour thru (insert vacation spot here), then I can get a felony charge for having audio on that video camera because I could be recording people's conversation around me. Maybe there is something in the way the law is written to prevent this. But, from what I gathered so far, you better not have any audio recordings anywhere unless you have everyone around you's permission. I just don't get this. This is really gonna take the fun out of Couch Freaks best dress contest this year.
  6. Well I've always considered myself a Republican, but if the Bush Admin is the new standard for the Republican party then I quit. I suppose I'm more of a libertarian if I even spelled that right. When you start messing with the free market like this, I don't think you should consider yourself a republican. I don't understand how anyone can tell a private business that they can't test their meat 100% and advertise it as so. Afterall its gonna be their liability if a mad cow slips thru and kills some people. I don't see this hurting the industry at all. If a few paranoid people wanna pay big $$ for a few steaks that they feel safer eating, then let them. The rest of us will eat our cheaper and just as tasty alternative. I don't see this any different than the organic industry.
  7. Well the photo obviously plays some perspective tricks. Even if it isn't doctored, I'm just calling bs on how big they claim the pig to be, based on the fact that they make it into sausage before even getting its weight or size verified. If you really had one of these mythical beasts, I highly doubt anyone would make it into sausage and expect people to just believe it was as big as they say it is. This would no doubt go into the record books and I'm sure bass pro or cabelas would pay some serious $$ to get their hands on it if it was legit. No reasonable person would make it into sausage without anyone seeing it unless the whole thing was a hoax.
  8. So his father says... I'm calling BS on this one. All the photo's sure look doctored to me and you really think these people shot a world record hog and never got it verified. BS, BS, BS, BS.... As much as I'd like to believe this is true, its always funny how someone shoots an animal this size and either buries it before anyone witnesses it or in this case "makes it into sausage." Right. "Yup it was 9 feet long and 1051 lbs, but we made it into sausage before anybody could verify any of this." I sure hope there is more to this story that will prove me wrong because that is one hell of a pig if it really weighed half ton and I'd like to believe it's true.
  9. Thats kind of a catchy tune. I can't help but to admit that I started swaying side to side a little bit with em. For real though, whats with the Canadian Flag?
  10. I truly enjoy hunting for pure fun, but I never waste anything I shoot. If I shot it, I eat it. Most hunters I know don't really have the small dick syndrome. I don't know how many true outdoorsmen you encounter daily, but judging by your post not too many I presume. Most hunters I know truly love and respect nature more than some looney activist from Seattle. I really don't know anybody that kills animals for the pure enjoyment of killing and just lets them go to waste. There are many reasons why I enjoy hunting but I don't think they are related to my small pecker.
  11. Ahhh, your posts now make a little more sense to me. Sorry bout the misunderstanding. I couldn't quite figure out what you meant about the "women have less rights" thingy in your original post
  12. I guess if I look at the situations regardless to how I feel about it, there does seem to be some truth to that.
  13. Are you trying to say it should be ok for a woman to cry rape when she's not being raped? Then not expect any consequences??? This is what I'm getting from your posts. Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding you.
  14. I'd prefer neither I think. If I had to choose though, I suppose whoever had the least brutal reputation would do. BTW, thats a very interesting argument towards this whole situation that I can honestly say I've never heard before. If GWB started testing his chemical weapons on the state of Nebraska, even if all the other 49 states didn't see a problem with it, I sure hope another country would be ever so kind to step in for me. I also think its very sad that you believe that its our goal to torture/mutilate/kill the Iraqi people. We eliminated the dictator that did these things to his own people. Some Iraqi's were happy, but the loyalists were not. We either pull out and let the civil war be fought and let the tyrrany continue, or we try to continue to stabilize the region and keep the reputation that we are there to kill/torture/mutilate the Iraqi people. I will never understand what's going on over there now, and its just plain sad. Yup, we screwed up, but I don't think we intended to turn the country into what it has become.
  15. The article isn't specific, but my first reaction to reading it was that she was still in the truck when he tried to drive away. If some guy is trying to take off with your wife in a truck you don't recognize while she is screaming rape, I think you'd fear for her life and shoot if you had a clear shot. If you don't, she may end up dead in a gutter. After I read your post though, I reread the article and it isn't specific whether she was in the truck or not. If neither was in the truck and the guy was just trying to bail, well...... If its the first scenario she should be charged alone for murder. If its the latter, they should both be in trouble.
  16. I'm not very familiar with Haggard or what was his ministry, so take this for what its worth. Isn't it possible that a "minister" who perhaps at one time was following God, (not perfect, cause nobody will ever be), was just tempted and fell to his level. I mean if you believe in the spiritual realm wouldn't it be the goal of the devil to spend most of his time trying to bring down someone of his status. Just a few thoughts. I don't necessarily believe that because he was tempted with homosexuality means that he is forever gay. So yes, this is a disappointment to all of his "followers" but they shouldn't have been following him anyway, but following Jesus that he led them too. I don't know if this guy is evil deep down or just fell when tempted like all of us do. That is not for me to judge and Christians need to realize that you plain and simple don't put your faith in man.
  17. I hope she tipped him a little bit more upon receipt of the diamonds. If not, what a bitch!! That's about all I have to say about that.
  18. The diaper fetish has to be worth something as well. I hear that can be hard to find these days.
  19. In hindsight I realize that it was a pretty dumb question. One of those wierd things you don't think about much when you first hear it, and kinda raises a "huh?" Kinda should have thought about it a little more before I embarassed myself on here
  20. I overheard a global warming argument recently that had me thinking. I don't know how true this is, so this is why I'm asking someone that might know. The part that I've already heard is that water vapor has a higher greenhouse effect than CO2. Many environmentalists are pushing for a shift from fossil fuel burning vehicles to hydrogen. Well the byproduct of a Hydrogen burning vehicle is water vapor. Would this be kinda countering the effect were hoping for. I'm assuming there are other factors and this argument really only applies to the use of hydrogen as fuel. This seems to make sense to the common guy if the greenie's plan is to actually push for hydrogen as a main source of fuel. Anyway, this is an honest question that had me a little puzzled.
  21. I believe the climate is warming, but in all honesty just don't know how much of it we are actually contributing. I'm all for being as efficient as we can be, but at the same time how much can we actually/realistically contribute to reversing it. Basically I just don't know, and don't get too worried about it either. ps well said BIGUN Just heard too many arguments both ways, that both make sense.
  22. Just had my first in about 900 jumps on Thanksgiving weekend. Typical spinning linetwists on my not so friendly opening FX.
  23. If you've ever been to a crash site, sometimes if the aircraft is going fast enought there just isn't big enough pieces to even know what hit the ground. This brings up another funny point on the missile in the pentagon. I previously worked on a govt contract maintaining c-21's. They had c-21's stationed at Andrews AFB in DC and I actually worked with quite a few people from there at different times. One guy I worked with for a few months witnessed the Jet hit the pentagon. But oh well, believe what you want, he's probably just lying to me to due his part on keeping the secret. Seriously though, there would be way to many people tracking this flight to ever hide its disappearane by any other method. Did you know you can track any flight on satelllite yourself by just a simple website. There's no way that thousands of people wouldn't have noticed this jet disappearing over the ocean or whatever they claimed happened to this flight. I gotta say I'm kinda a sucka for conspiracies deep down at heart. This video was put out very professionally and very convincing. If I would have watched this earlier in my life before I knew better I might have believed it. I remember when I was in High School and watched the Clinton Chronicles for the first time. Wow, I felt like the I knew something the world had to know. As I grew up I realized that you can make any one sided argument done well enough to convince anyone of anything. Thats just what this video is designed to do and they do it well. Try to look a little more at the evidence on both sides and not just this silly video. Most the pro conspiracy arguments on here are all using this video as its source. However conspiracies are fun to believe and if this is one you like, enjoy yourself I guess. I admit that theres actually another famous conspiracy theory that I"m actually kinda on the fence on, but that's a different subject, and if I brought it up, I would expect the same reaction as this.