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Everything posted by diverborg

  1. Or Are they??? google "Kongamato" or http://www.cryptozoology.com/cryptids/kongamato.php
  2. Jumping over fire sounds much more dangerous than shooting guns. BTW I always thought u were black too.
  3. YUP, I'll be there thursday thru sunday. Lookin forward to makin some killer jumps. I gotta blow some rust off. I've been gettin fu%$ed on my weekends lately. The only days I can jump have been horrible weather. Probably the worst year for me so far. Last beautiful day was my gf's b-day. Then I've had 3 weddings on the best weekends out there. This weekend was perfect and I had to work. I'M GONNA BLOW SOME SERIOUS CASH AT THIS BOOGIE. I'm starting to get bitter, hopin the forecast for Luverne looks good so I get warmed up for Redemption.
  4. Missing this boogie last year is probably regrettedly the worst mistake I've ever made in my life. I was sent to simuflite in Dallas for 2 weeks over the boogie because of my friggin job. I should have quit instead. You can guarantee I would never miss this booogie again. I put in my vacation immediately once the dates were confirmed. Plus "JIMMY COINER" damn, I just can't believe he's gonna be there. I haven't been able to sleep since I read that first post.
  5. Not a clue. I don't know what any of those abbreviations mean. The only one I know is "lol". So I thought I'd try to be cool like other forumators and make one up.
  6. You know what's hilarious is, I've actually had to take one of those at work. There is a good friend of mine at work that is Mexican, oops sorry Hispanic I mean. Gonna save his identity and call him Juan Martinez. One night I had to page him over the system and as a joke I said "Juan Louise Jose Hernando Gomez Martinez the third, please call extension 1246". He thought it was hilarious, but a couple other people didn't and reported me. Thus I had to take the class. What bothers me though, is he was the only Mexican guy that was there when I did this. Good thing that some politically correct person is feeling righteous enough to look out for my friend and knock the haters like me.
  7. Dude your sig line is by far the funniest Jack Handy quote I've ever heard. ROFLAMANODORP
  8. Before anyone has a stroke, that was a joke too.
  9. Thank you, glad to see a liberal admit they can find some humor in some non-political correct jokes. I'm not racist, but I love cultural jokes. I think what this world lacks is a sense of humor (all races). Why can't we joke about certain things without assuming there is hate behind them. Another good example Dave Chappelle. He makes fun of everyone, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians. But its funny because he's in a minority. I have no guilt in making cultural jokes, because I love everyone anyway. Except black people.
  10. I just don't see how that was so tasteless. The joke's only punchline is that we have a lot of illegals taking advantage of the system. GET OVER IT!!!! Its a real problem. Not a racist statement. Why is everything have to be racist to "you people"(referring to libs, don't worry not blacks) Illegals mean anybody illegal, of course most are mexican, but who cares. Would we all be racist if it was Canadians that had the effed up govt instead. I'm so glad we have such righteous people as you to point out how tasteless it is to make a joke about such racist material as illegal immigration. I'm sure you make the world a better place because of your opinions and the illegals thank you for your lack of sense of humor.
  11. I guess I don't feel there needs to be intent for a more severe punishment than a simple traffic ticket for killing someone. Thats why we have a separate charge for vehicular manslaughter because it's rarely intentional to cause an accident. However if you've been drinking I do believe you can be charged with vehicular homicide which carries even a stiffer penalty. Perhaps true in this example, but If I'm passing in a no passing zone where I can't see a bike coming over a hill, I view that as far more reckless than firing a gun in the air. But none of that really matters. Kinda a silly argument altogether, not really sure what my point is other than, I feel that if someone knowingly breaks a traffic law and kills someone there should be far more serious consequences than a simple traffic violation.
  12. If someone breaks a known traffic violation and kills someone in the process, how can that not be considered criminal. Would you view it differently if I broke the law and shot a few rounds off in the air on new years and a bullet hit someone and killed them. I don't see the two cases as very different, but I can assure you the latter would carry a pretty stiff amount of prison time at least here in the states. I understand it may be slightly different if the traffic law was accidentally broken, like missing a stop sign or something, but illegal passing, uturns and excessive speeding are safe to assume intentional. But hey, I don't live in the UK. Crap, I told myself I was gonna quit posting in here.
  13. Nice pic Joe. Looks like you guys are tearin it up at ur new home. Its really sad up here in NE, awfully tempting to say f*%# it, quit the job, and join yall. I'm afraid pretty soon I'm gonna grow a mustache get a beer gut and start wearing booties.
  14. Skyvan boogie in Nebraska at the Seward Municipal Airport April 22 and 23. $20 jumps no registration free beer. Camping available. 10 day weather forcast is sunny and 76 degrees. For info contact Steven Stump at [email protected]. See you there.
  15. I'm not a good person to try and convince that insurance companies are all but legalized crooks. I've been bent over twice by my former insurance company and two others of the other drivers. I've been involved in two accidents of which neither were my fault or the slightest bit of carelessness on my part. I drove an older vehicle I only had liability only on. Both accidents involved semi-trucks that couldn't see my little honda civic IN FRONT OF THEM. Obviously there was minimal damage to both trucks so they never filed with my insurance company. Both times my vehicle was destroyed and my company would do nothing because they had nothing to defend. No witnesses stopped in either scenario so the police put could not determine fault in report. It wasn't brain science though to see who was at fault. Both times their insurance companies refused to pay the claim. The second accident I had enough and decided to get a lawyer. It wasn't until then that they offered to pay half the claim if i let it go. I grudgingly accepted. Without a doubt they were at fault, but they deny first until you threaten with a lawyer. By the way I have never had an at-fault accident or ticket, but my insurance company raised my rates for both of these accidents.. Sorry for the long post, had to get that off my chest.
  16. I consider military persons federal employees just as much as I do Suzy.
  17. I guess this is where were just gonna disagree. As an adult student at a college I don't need the college feeling as if they should filter my job opportunities. I'm an adult with my own convictions and would prefer to see all options presented. Thats what college is about right, being open minded and seeing all sides to everything. It doesn't seem to me that the govt crossed any major boundaries here. Its not like they control the curriculum or schools operations. They are simply saying if you want our federal aid, you will give federal jobs the same recruitment rights as anyone else on campus. Seems plenty fair in my book. If the damn school is gonna nitpick that bad then they should be totally private without govt aid, as many schools are to ensure they don't have any govt influence.
  18. Maybe they were referring to private colleges, I guess the suit was brought up by a law school. I didn't see anywhere in the article though where the subject was only about private colleges though. Seemed it was pretty general about any taking federal aid, private or public. The job fair idea seems fair but according to the article the decision made was to give the military the same rights as other recruiters. From the article... I interpreted this as other recruiters being allowed on campus, while trying to ban the military. I find that bs considering the amount they receive in federal funding. Technically though according to the law, if other recruiters were only allowed during job fairs then the same could be applied to the military. However, I don't see that being the case. Do you feel if other recruiters are allowed on campus at any time, the military should be as well?
  19. The one problem with that, is that the state universities that I have been too have allowed other companies to recruit outside of a scheduled job fair, so why not the military, especially if the schools receive federal funding. I'm not sure on the laws, but maybe the university if they wanted to, could deny businesses from recruiting without invite though. Soliciting is everywhere at every college you go too, unless private, so who got on their high horse to say the military isn't welcome. I know at the University of Nebraska, we had a recruiting office on campus, mainly for those interested in ROTC. I think keeping that office on campus is a service to its students, because there will be plenty of students interested, and this makes it easier for them to join up and find a career and get scholarships. There was never any "harrassing" going on that I saw. A simple no thanks was plenty.
  20. Interesting, I hadn't heard that one yet. So much for that damned right winged Fox news for not giving me the right wing information that I wanted to hear!!
  21. I have to admit i found some humor in this comment. To anyone... I at first found this guys suspension to be a little silly even being a right winger... until, I actually listened to the whole uncut version of this guys "lesson". Pretty disturbing in my opinion. Some definite brainwashing going on, especially if 150 kids walked out in support of this guy. The one student that tried to call him out, was hardly allowed to talk and every question was countered with either another question or another anti-american rant that was unrelated in an attempt to distract students from this other students valid points. I have no problems with opinions being brought up in the classroom. It encourages thinking, as long as you allow and give time to the other side. This however was way out of bounds. In my own experiences, regardless of how intelligent hs kids can be, they are still very open to "indroctrination" especially from teachers they admire. Should not be a teachers job, right or left, to try and recruit students to their side. Should be their job to stimulate thinking.
  22. What really bothers me about this whole thread is that a cop is not going to even fire his gun period unless the situation is life threatening to begin with. No cop is gonna shoot some guy in the leg for stealing a purse. If a cop fires his gun his life is in danger, and to threaten that cop with manslaughter if the criminal could have been wounded rather than killed is just fu*%ing ridiculous. I find it apalling that anyone would want to put their law enforcement in this position. Oh yeah, and if a cop caps some unarmed guy for stealing a purse he's already gonna get manslaughter charges at a minimum, so this law is stupid.
  23. Correct me if I'm wrong in what I'm about to assume, because I haven't read all the posts leading to this statement. Are you saying we should revoke freedom of speech from churches if it conflicts with what is being taught in public schools?
  24. I just googled it and stand corrected. This asswad really exists. This article however made it sound like homosexual protests were normal at funerals, however i just researched it and this idiot and his family are the only ones involved in this and it has only been at two funerals. Seems funeral protests are pretty common, but I like how the media wants to stir the pot with the homosexual thing.
  25. However I can see how these bikers go, to drown out other activists, ie anti-war and anti-american groups, but how can their soul mission be to just block this one turd. How many funerals can this guy have really made it too and survived.