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Everything posted by lippy

  1. lippy


    Just imagine if, at any/every point along the way until now, we'd just stopped at the current greatest thing instead of moving forward.
  2. That's the exact goal of the R's in this case. Trump is an obvious - and admitted - criminal who tried to extort a world leader to dig up dirt on Biden, and then incited an insurrection at the Capitol as part of a wide-spread 'whacky scheme' to reverse the results of an election he lost. That's why he was impeached. No doubt Hunter Biden had some issues in his past, but I don't have any idea what that has to do with impeaching his dad. The R's can't even articulate the crimes for which they're trying to impeach Biden, but no doubt a large chunk of this is northing more than an attempt to confuse uninformed voters into shrugging their shoulders and writing the whole thing off as political theatre. "Both sides are just going after the other's leader" Since we all know that you're the least uninformed person on this forum, I guess you're just ignoring the differences outlined above and spreading the word of the R's?
  3. Just poor, innocent, victim Slim getting time-outs for a sin no greater than posting while conservative...And maybe - just maybe - also the sin of loving too much.
  4. Look at some of the big-ag kit tag’s using AI for weeding and precision herbicide spray. How many fewer laborers are required due to that technology coming online.
  5. ....and he's pretty sure that's because a Dem stole it.
  6. 'never' is a strong word, but they sure won't be doing it anytime soon....for that matter, neither will either of my current ICE vehicles. I get just around 400 miles on a good day.
  7. It'd be a fuckofalong day, but you figure 1000 miles averaging 75mph is about 13.5 hours. Add 2 hours for charging breaks and it's not hard to comprehend.
  8. I'm not saying that I expect FF to go away tomorrow...if I did, I wouldn't be designing a new panel for oilfield service companies at the moment. But Brent's got a habit of coming on here and sharing "absolute truths" that are little more than what he thinks will piss off lefties.
  9. Impossible to answer without knowing if the potential R/D was witnessing a migrant being arrested or watching the launch of a vegan food truck. I’ll be honest, I have no idea where “Beetlejuice, The Musical” falls on that spectrum.
  10. Take it from Brent, who’s never made an imperfect prediction in this forum!
  11. I’ve been back to northern Cape Breton, but the fisherman there (who are some of my oldest and dearest friends) are often pretty comparable to AB oilfield people in terms of political ideology.
  12. In recent trips home, it's obvious that the Canadians aren't immune to this either. Speaker's Corner Idiocracy watch-party anyone?
  13. Of all the demonstrably wrong opinions you've floated in this thread, I think we have the taker of cakes, as it were.
  14. I’ll take door #3, please. I have friends of faith who I enjoy spending time with. With one, it was an early conversation in the friendship the first time they tried to ‘save’ me: believe what you want, I’m open to discussing it, but don’t go preaching. If faith makes somebody’s life better then kudos to them: who’s not looking for a tool to make life better?!? Just don’t use your faith as a weapon against others. Apparently, as read above, God grants ‘sin exemptions’ for babies and the mentally impaired. Does God view other religions as mentally impaired or will they all burn in hell too? (Asking for a friend)
  15. So would you say that parents of non-Cristian babies are wasting their time teaching their kids not to be selfish since they’ll never get into heaven anyways?
  16. Here’s my $0.02, for what it’s worth….if your faith makes your life better and you wanna share that then fill your fucking boots, I’m happy for you. If you want to start telling me I’m going to burn for eternity because I don’t believe in your imaginary friend, I’m happy to write you off as a person worth giving another minute of my time.
  17. He may have just been trying real hard to hold in a fart.
  18. Anybody else watching the GOP debate? It's entertaining/sad/confusing/chaotic. Debate prep has come a long way I guess, which makes for 8 people just looking for an opportunity to chime in with their pre-prepared remarks.
  19. Ohhh, I think we’re all aware that there’s some green grass associated with that post! This is far from my biggest issue with your post, but it’s pretty Fuck’n hilarious that the post above was after you corrected for grammar.
  20. That really works best as a chant, and the other side has all the best chanters.
  21. lippy


    Dude you're going on a year now of posting BS videos that 'irrefutably demonstrate that Ukraine is just about to lose the war'. Maybe you should look for new video sources....Or better yet, put some thought into answering Jakee's question above. With all your resources on the issue, it shouldn't be hard no? Or you'll just spew some BS and post another video tomorrow...My money's on door #2, you're so predictable.
  22. lippy


    Normiss can speak for himself and may well correct me, but I'm assuming he was referring to the twice-impeached, 4x-indicted con-man. Not the current President and recipient of unsubstantiated accusations.