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Everything posted by regulator

  1. The 5 Most Dangerous Guns in America According to rolling stone: 1.) Pistols 2.) Revolvers 3.) Rifles 4.) Shotguns 5.) Derringers Of course #2 and #5 should be listed under pistols...but since they like making lists I thought I'd make one myself. The most dangerous types of bears in america. 1.) Hungry Bears 2.) Angry Bears 3.) Large Bears 4.) Medium Sized Bears 5.) Depressed Bears What is truly pathetic is someone actually got paid to write that piece of shit article.
  2. It's pretty amusing how black professors can now read the minds of all white people and know what they think...because white people just don't talk to black folks anymore. WTF Ever. Because well, talking to my black neighbor about football and how his kids are doing in school yesterday never happened.
  3. "This Week" allowed many whites to hear what a black man is thinking about race. Most whites don't know because most whites don't have interracial conversations about race"
  4. (CNN) -- On ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who happens to be black, suggested that opposition to him and President Barack Obama in part is due to racial animus. For that, he has been vilified. He has been accused of trying to scare people to the polls (as if listening to the evening news wouldn't already do that), stoking racial divisions and throwing down the race card. And he is asked rhetorically "is it possible to oppose Obama and not be a racist?" The response to the attorney general's words has been very heated, and there is an obvious explanation. "This Week" allowed many whites to hear what a black man is thinking about race. Most whites don't know because most whites don't have interracial conversations about race. To be fair, neither do most blacks. It's just that we know what other blacks are thinking because, well, we talk to other blacks about race. "This Week" allowed a window into the thinking about race from a black person's perspective. That is unusual, given the dearth of guests of color on shows such as "This Week." If anything, this points out the need for white America to hear more voices from people of color. But if you look at Holder's actual words, there really isn't anything surprising, or especially bold, in what he said. He said: "There's a certain racial component to this for some people. I don't think this is the thing that is a main driver, but for some, there's a racial animus." Let's review: He said "I don't think this is the thing that is a main driver," but it is as if when certain whites hear the word race (or a derivative) as the explanation for any part of an event, they go situationally deaf. Poll after poll shows how blacks and whites view our country through different lenses. Consider a recent Gallup poll that asked whether the justice system was biased against blacks. While 69% of whites answered no, 68% of blacks answered yes. How does this happen? Because by and large when talking about race in America, whites have conversations with other whites and blacks have conversations with other blacks. What Holder said is very different from what whites who don't talk to blacks generally hear. As I tell my students when I teach about race and the law, I note that important breakthroughs on race can only come when you have a conversation with someone who doesn't look like you and doesn't think like you. But this is not a level playing field. Blacks and whites can look at the same event and come up with completely different perceptions. When a black person says this is about race, many whites say we're playing the race card. But when a white person says this has nothing to do with race, rarely does he or she ever get called on it. In this case, Holder, a black man, very gently said race could ... maybe... possibly have something to do with a piece of it, and look at what happened. Let's take a few examples that to me show unprecedented hostility directed toward the President, in my opinion, because he is black. First, the utter nonsense about the President's birth certificate; it refuses to die -- it is actively kept alive -- despite all the evidence to the contrary. Second, the number of pictures or posters at rallies with the President's face on a monkey's body. Third, Congressman Joe Wilson yells "you lie" during the President's State of the Union Address. If anything, Holder was too tepid in his analysis, but I'm sure that's a function of his knowing that whenever he says anything about race, he gets pummeled. The real lesson for me is the paucity of guests with the same views as Holder who are given a national platform the way that he was. If week after week, on issue after issue, blacks were invited on as guests and allowed to inform the discussion, after a while, there would be fewer and fewer instances of situational deafness. Whites would come to understand that there is more than one way of looking at something -- especially when it comes to race -- and when it comes to race, would not ignore the expertise that lies in black voices.
  5. The consistent, deliberate lying by Conservatives gets really old. There are many medical uses for birth control pills that have nothing to do with contraception. Two of my sisters have been on BC for years to control issues with their hormone cycles that produce serious behavior issues when they have their period. Depression, anger, uncontrollable rage, etc, is well managed by being on the pill. The treatment and the results are of great benefit to them, their husbands, and their children. Medical insurance pays for Cialis and Viagra. Why would it noy pay for BC? The hypocrisy of Conservatives never fails to amaze me. In theory, freedom from unwanted government intrusion into one's personal life, liberty, and personal responsibility are supposed to be bedrock values for Conservatives. Over and over again, Conservatives make 100% clear that these values apply only to white males of Northern European ancestry. Other races, and all women, are not subject to these values. Due to the practical application of Conservative philosophy, in some states, women are subject to severe government intrusion into their personal, private medical decisions. They are subject to mandatory, unnecessary medical procedures in the hopes of altering decisions that they have made. Nothing close to that level of intrusion is inflicted on men. Conservatives would never allow that. They would flip out completely. Nothing positive for US society has ever come about via the practical application of Conservative values. Women would not be able to vote, would not be able to own real estate in their own names, or have their own credit history. Slavery would never have been ended. The Jim Crow laws would still be in effect. Are you seriously this delusional in your unwavering support for the democratic party? Politicians are all liars. They all promise one thing and virtually never do it unless their next election needs requires pandering to their demographic to remain in office. Yet I have never once eeen any words by you condemning anything obama or any democrat has ever done. I'm more of a libertarian, than republican but I do not agree with the patriot act. Obama is a horrible leader and you have your head stuck up his ass you can tell me what he had for lunch. So answer me this...If you like your plan you can keep it. Tell me how that wasn't an outright lie.
  6. I'd be willing to be that's not remotely the only thing you are anal about.
  7. There is no reason to believe that Australia has fewer mentally ill people (per capita) than the USA, yet Oz hasn't had a mass shooting since 1996, when they tightened the gun laws there. Kallend, In order for the USA to duplicate the model OZ has there will have to be a door to door gun confiscation by some type of government officials. Are you honestly naive enough to think that won't cause the next american revolution? Tell me how you think going door to door in every house in the entire united states and ATTEMPTING to confiscate between 100 up to 300 MILLION firearms will actually work. I'll tell you right won't.
  8. +1 I'd like to ask you a question. How do we as a society begin to make a difference in the mental health area? It seems like if someone is depressed the first thing the dr. Does is issue some psychotropic drug to the patient. While that can't be the only reason for some to lose it, it does play a part. You seem to be rather level headed. How do normal citizens make a difference with such a daunting task at hand? The first thing we do is put out there that if a person is depressed, that person will lose rights and privileges. So if you are feeling on edge and think you could use some help, do yourself a favor and don't tell anybody. Not a friend, a counselor, or a shrink. Because if you do, then you're going to have your guns taken. And that private pilot's license or ATP license for your job will be taken. And if you have a security clearance, it'll be lost, as well. And you'll spend the rest of your life being that scary loser who couldn't keep it together after your wife was killed in a car crash. Meanwhile, there is another case about a guy with a history or violence and more than one restraining order who is pissed at his wife and goes to kill the family of a friend. And some may ask, "Why, had he only received help from a doctor then this would have been prevented." Sorry. Doctors don't treat bad-to-the-bone evil. This guy had no right to a gun, but had one. Restraining orders didn't mean anything to him. And he had the time to tie up all those people and execute them. Who here thinks that a hospital was the right place for this guy? If you think that a hospital was NOT the right place and maybe a jail or prison was, then mental health has nothing to do with it. Ps - ever notice that it's always the white guys that get the "mental health" thing? Any other color and it's a cultural or an evil thing. White guys - they are the ones who needed mental health help. I agree with what you said. And honestly my wife and myself have had a rough time in the past week. I have been pretty damn low and never thought of killing myself, because that's never been a real solution. But I've been depressed and now that I have my CHL I feel that I can't tell anyone else about my troubles because of any possible repercussions. I find I have to analyze myself and come up with my own solution because of what could happen if I did reach out to the wrong person.
  9. He comes from the land of harry potter. nuff said.
  10. +1 I'd like to ask you a question. How do we as a society begin to make a difference in the mental health area? It seems like if someone is depressed the first thing the dr. Does is issue some psychotropic drug to the patient. While that can't be the only reason for some to lose it, it does play a part. You seem to be rather level headed. How do normal citizens make a difference with such a daunting task at hand?
  11. There's a movie that basically covers everything you said. It's called a 'A day without a mexican'
  12. Since when did your opinion quantify this as 'official' of the inverse? Because you sure talk like 'your' opinion is the only correct option.
  13. I'm ex military myself. I was taught to fight for the man next to no matter where they come from or what ethnicity they had. When I was in high school my best friend was black. His name was Tim Mcgruder and I spent the night at his house quite a bit. We as a civilization have come far from where we were. But now 'racism' is used so often it truly takes away from the true racism people from most ethnicities had to endure during the times you described.
  14. And yet there are always people pulling the race card because it fits their purpose. It's a pathetic argument. Explain to me how when two skinheads beat up and kill an innocent black man that's instantly a hate crime, but when the roles are reversed...well they just had it coming to them for being white in a black neighborhood.
  15. Ahh. Let me guess. All states in the south is 'dumb as dirt'?
  16. I'd be willing to bet any state that is in the southern portion in the US is 'corrupt as hell' according to you.
  17. oh I get it. Because he called them 'Mexicans' rather than 'undocumented Hispanic workers' then it becomes racist.
  18. This is quite likely since the last time I was in Chicago was in 2002.
  19. And the guns the kids are provided with belong to the gangs as part of their business model. If the kid loses the gun or it is taken away by other thugs or the cops... the gang will retaliate against the young banger. pretty sure any social group that requires you to get your ass beat senseless before entrance isn't a respectable organization.
  20. I've been to chicago several times. Every time I drive from the south up north as soon as I hit chicago it was nothing but housing projects. You can sit there on your high chair and talk shit about texas all you want. Texas will forever be a better state than your vagina laden liberal utopia otherwise known as chicago. Meanwhile texas has one of the best economies in the nation. Funny, I didn't see chicago on this list.
  21. So you drive a prius yourself and this offends you huh.
  22. we're just trying to emulate you...the master troll. teach us your infinite trolling skillset.
  23. BOOM