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Everything posted by regulator

  1. I just found out about the Havok and with all the complaints I've ready about the A-3, I have decided to change over to the Havok. I plan on ordering it soon before it warms up and I am able to get some jump runs with the helmet on to make my opinion complete about this helmet. But so far it looks like the way to go. Thanks for the help!
  2. I just finished my 'A' license and now I'm looking for gear. I got a brand new Altitrack for christmas (what an awesome girlfriend huh?) and now I'm looking for a good helmet. I'd prefer to get a full face, but was curious if one would be applicable if I went to the 'Dark Side' (freefllying). I'm still a rookie and wanted a little advice before plopping down over 300 bucks for an Oxygn A3. Which is what I was looking at getting. (and yes I know the A3 is for an audible alti) I plan on using 2 altimeters at all times. One on my wrist and an audible in my helmet. Would this configuration be suited for freeflying and perhaps when I've got my 'D' license wingsuit flying as well? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Paul
  3. And yes before I went home I went and got a case of beer for Kyle and the other instructors. Paul
  4. Well honestly it was close enough to the left end cell...perhaps a foot or two away and I thought for a second I could clear it with a CCC (the first part of canopy control check is to flare) well once I release the right brake it began to spin to the left...I can only assume because the weight of my body and the rig on the suspension line was closing the left end cells. It wasn't a rather violent spin per say but I knew that for one thing I wasn't the one making it spin and for another I wanted to make my decision BEFORE my hard deck. When I started my diveflow it was the first time I did a diving exit. Well I squared up with the door more than the back of the plane and I flopped around like a duck but I knew I could recover and I also knew that the cut away was something I HAD to get right. I'm just glad skydiving is sanctioned by others who are experts in the field and want students to know what to expect if ______ happens, and how to react to it. I will be a skydiver for the rest of my life because one it kicks total ass and two because of all of you. My other family. Blue skies and see you at the DZ in a week. Paul
  5. Ok I am an STP student at Skydive Spaceland in Texas. On my first jump of the day this past saturday I had my first cutaway. I was doing the Swoop Dive n' Dock diveflow and after I tracked away for 5 seconds I waved off and deployed my main. Aupon deployment I looked up and immidietly identified a lineover malfunction. (They had asked me several times and because my adrenaline was pumpin a little I had a hard time recalling exact events right after it happened). But now that I've had time to think this is what happened. I looked up directly after deployment and about two feet from the left edge of the end cell a suspension line was wrapped on top of the canopy. I was going to do a canopy control check and removed the right toggle and was about to remove the left brake when it started spinning to my left. It wasn't a hard spin and the canopy was fully square but I knew I couldn't land it in this configuration. So, I checked my altitude (3,500 Ft.) and cut away. Before I had time to grab the silver reserve handle, the RSL had already engaged my reserve and it was already above my head. I landed normally and figured the only way to get over this was to get on the next load and I was and when I left I only have two more jumps until my 'A' license checkout dive. It was a second or two there when my heartrate picked up but I was far from panicking and I'll admit it was a little weird looking up at the toggles and having them be red instead of yellow. But I should've known there was a weird premonition when right before my load a tandem instructor cut away and right after my load the same instructor with another tandem student cut away again. Weird huh? Well as far as I know everyone is ok and I was thorougyly happy I went through malfunction junction before I went up and I know I will have a few thousand jumps in a couple of years and I will never get too cocky that I refuse to go through it. Its a lifesaver and you can never practice this enough. See you in a week when I can get my 'A' license checkout dive and get even closer to my license! Paul
  6. I posted on here last week asking for help with my body position for starting a track and maintaining a straight heading. Well I went to the DZ (Spaceland) on Saturday and got Val to work with me on the creeper and I found out my shoulders were way too tense and once I learned to relax my upper body the diveflow went great. After exit Val dropped below me once we release grips from the compressed accordian but this was due to the fact that she wore weights (a little too much weight). But, once I completed my first track we were level in flight and everything turned out great! I loved it and right after I passed my tracking dive I went to the next diveflow and passed Up Cupping & Downspilling. Now I should only be 5 jumps away from getting my license and I am STOKED. Thanks to all who posted on here to help me get my body position and I will be back in two weeks (the next payday) to get to the Swoop, Dive n' Dock diveflow. Here are my jumps from this weekend: #1.) #2.) Thanks to everyone and I'll be at the DZ soon gettin' even closer to my 'A' License! Paul
  7. Is it just me or did anyone else see that Spaceland won the bid to host the 2009 USPA National Skydiving Championships? Sweeeet!
  8. Well honestly, we went through malfunction junction again. (Which is totally necessary!) and then we worked on our exit (Compressed Accordian) and went over how I am going to lock my knees and extend my toes and bring my arms down to my side (palms up) in a fluid motion. Maintain that heading for 5-7 seconds and 180 and track the opposite direction. I think the exit went fine, but I would like to get some creeper time with one of you badass instructors and work a bit on where I’m going wrong so I can fix it and learn to track in one direction. Perhaps Mykel if you are going to be at the DZ Saturday, the 8th At around 10 am could you be my STP instructor? I jumped with you last year and am looking for as much help as I can get so I can get to Swoop, Dive N’ Dock. And eventually get my ass off student status. Besides I’ve always liked the joke you tell about how you used to smoke weed back in the 70’s and 80’s. In any case, I’ll be out there and I want to get a lot more time to work on the actual ‘tracking’ portion of the diveflow rather than the exit and malfunction junction. See you Saturday, Paul
  9. Everyone is always doing some song from 1984. (literally) How about 'The Deep End' by crossfade or Blow my away by Breaking Benjamin? But thats me...I like originality. I'm going off the deep end!
  10. Thanks for the advice I can see where you are correct about getting advice in person rather than online. I was just wanting to get some experienced jumpers to look at the video and see something I did wrong and point it out. I am looking for advice so I can git er done! Thanks for the advice
  11. I am working on my 10th STP jump (14th overall) and for some reason tracking is giving me a hard time. I got the compressed accordian exit down but when I turn 180 degrees and start tracking I find myself doing the 'toilet bowl' track. I finally get close but this last jump was my second tracking jump and I have to do it over again to get to the Swoop Dive n' Dock Diveflow. It seems I am having a hard time to maintain my heading. Should my shoulders be in the position for an arch or should I bring them forward. If you want to see the video of my 'crappy track' go here. Please give me any advice you can so I can finally get off student status and GET MY DAMN LICENSE!!! Thanks Paul
  12. all of you are a bunch of fucking retards. People die. It happens. NO matter from a car, a boat, a tractor, old age, too much pussy, not enough perhaps, suicide....whatever...shit die and people miss you...then life goes on. Personally I plan on jumping every day I can and hittin terminal velocity as often as possible. Then one day some other dumbass like you guys can make stupid comments about my death. south texas skydivers kick ass
  13. Hey thanks for your post...Although I'm a little confused... from the sound of It, you almost sound like you jump at Perris too. In any case I'm back from California and I'll find out tomorrow if I get the Job. So anyway I wanted to point out that all of my training has used containers that have BOC main canopy deployment methods so that hasnt had to been a factor in any of my training at any drop zone. And I guess the main reason I want to know if the changing of dropzones so much is because I want to be good. I mean like really good. The strange thing is that Ive been living on the water since I was 1 year old. Ive been water skiing since I was 5 (when i was 7 i was slalom skiing behind a flat bottom boat) And as much as I love the water...I dont nearly have the ambition to be good in any aspect of my life as I do in skydiving. So I just want to be as good as I can and learn everything I can so one day I can be a freeflyer, or on a RW team ...or the coolest (in my opinion) be a wingsuit pilot...YEAH BABY!!! So tomorrow most likely I'll find out if I get the job and if I do...and you do jump at Perris I'll make sure I holler PK
  14. Darla, I met you at skydive spaceland with your son. I hope his college hasnt been affected by the recent hurricaine in Lousiana. PS Im the guy who let your son borrow the long sleeved shirt a few weeks ago.
  15. I'm sure that in the morning youre quite I would like to point out that the job in California is a full time job with no travel involved and I would definately like to finish my training in one place. And bankruptcy sucks ass! In 1995 I had an auto accident that wasnt my fault but blamed on me and the person that hit me racked up an assload of chiropractor bills and because i was unemployed at the time I didnt have insurance so the insurance company sued me for fifty thousand dollars. Therefore I declared bankruptcy because the state of texas suspended my drivers license because it happened on a public road.
  16. if I had one... declaring bankruptcy 3 years ago doesnt do much for credit...hey Ive got an idea sexy momma...lend me yours! and yes I know your name is Skymama, but more assuredly youve looked in the mirror recently.
  17. Well that would be sweet, but Since I'm unemployed at the moment its hard to finish my training. And Im unwilling to rent out my booty (even for skydiving)
  18. I never thought such a hot woman would be the first to reply to my message!
  19. Hi, My name is Paul Kirk, and I have 8 jumps. I started out at Perris Valley, California when I was working in Huntington Beach. I met Pat Mcgowan and Blue and Crazy Larry (Simmons) through another friend of mine who had jumped with them in Dallas. All it took was for me to just be there at the drop zone and watch people come in for landings and that was it. My friend went home the following weekend to Dallas, I stayed there in California...drove myself back to the drop zone and did my first jump course and completed my very first jump ever AFF style. I'm glad I went that route because it felt much more fufilling than to do it tandem. Anyway the job in Cali was over a week later and I went back to Dallas. I was there for around four more months in which i completed three more jumps at Skydive Dallas. Shortly afterwards the company I was working for didnt need me anymore so I had to move back to the Houston area to find more work. I met a new instructor at Skydive Spaceland-(definately one of the coolest people ever)- Kirsten Johnson...and I did 3 more jumps in one weekend and started to really define my abilities my arch is much better and mostly I owe it all to her because I felt most of the other instructors I ran into werent as helpful as she was. Let me tell you when I did my second release dive and she came over the radio when i was doing my pattern she told me that my skydive was awesome. I dont think I've ever felt any better. I have never found anything in this world that I wanted to dedicate myself to as much as skydiving. Well anyway I work in the telecom industry...and a few days ago a company in california (huntington beach) called me and they want to interview me for the job and theyre flying me out to California again. They told me that I'm one of the most qualified cantidates for the position, I'm gonna take the job if i get it because I LOVE california and I cant wait to start a new life in a new place. However this will be the fourth time I've changed drop zones. Now I will tell you that all the times I've changed drop zones before it was because of my work and not because of anything that happened or any of the instructors....but the industry I work in is very turbulent. Well anyway my question you think that because I've been jossled about in my training that it is bad or indifferent? Will it affect me in a bad way?