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Everything posted by regulator

  1. Go look at my first comment. You know where the pres gets asked something not on the 'list' of appropriate questions to ask and he runs away with his tail between his legs. That sure is an accomplishment.
  2. So I suppose you prefer a president who can't answer his own questions without using a teleprompter?
  3. Are you accusing kallend of being a spelling nazi?
  4. Gross incompetence is a running theme with this administration. The fact that he has to constantly read in a newspaper about the state of his administration shows he is not leadership material, but when faced with controversy he runs with his tail between his legs. See when the liberal media isn't running the teleprompter with constant softball questions and actually hits him with some more difficult questions he runs away like a little bitch. And liberals are proud of this 'man'?
  5. Nice to know if I ever need a knee, or if I ever want to be gunned down in the street. Well, since you mention it, Cleveland has a higher homicide rate than Chicago. As do Miami, Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Birmingham, Orlando, Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore, Atlanta, Little Rock, Indianapolis, Columbus (OH), OK City, Baton Rouge, Jackson, Oakland... But Chicago has better hospitals (and universities). Ill take your chicago hospitals and raise you houston hospitals.
  6. thats exactly my point. more laws do not equate to fewer deaths regarding firearms. no matter what state you live in.
  8. (CNN) -- A gunman described as mentally disturbed and possibly bent on retribution sprayed bullets from a slow-moving car in a small Southern California college town, killing six people in a rampage called "premeditated mass murder," Santa Barbara County sheriff's deputies said Saturday. The gunman also died from a gunshot wound after his car crashed Friday night, police said. It was unclear if the fatal head wound was self-inflicted or the result of a firefight with police. Seven people also were being treated in a hospital for gunshot wounds or traumatic injuries, including at least one who was in surgery, said sheriff's office spokeswoman Kelly Hoover. "The sheriff's office has obtained and is currently analyzing written and video evidence that suggests this was a premeditated mass murder," Hoover said. Hoover apparently was referring to a YouTube video titled "Retribution" posted by a young man. In the nearly seven-minute video, the young man rants about women who ignored or rejected him over the past eight years and warns that he will "punish you all for it." "Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my revenge," the man says on the video. The shootings occurred in Isla Vista near the University of California, Santa Barbara, in a crowded area bustling with activity on Memorial Day weekend. "I don't recall hearing any screaming," witness Robert Johnson told CNN, describing the moment the gunman opened fire on people outside a deli. "It was at that point where I turned and ran in the opposite direction. ... There's a lot of confusion. Even shortly after this whole ordeal had ended, I think a lot of people didn't realize the magnitude of the situation." The violence began and ended within minutes, from 9:27 p.m. when shots were reported to around 10 minutes later when police discovered the body of the suspected gunman, CNN affiliate KEYT-TV said. Authorities said there were nine separate crime scenes. "Sheriff's deputies responded and found several victims suffering from gunshot wounds. As sheriff's deputies were attending to the victims and performing first aid, they were also receiving suspect information. Only minutes later, there were additional reports of shots fired in several other areas of Isla Vista," Hoover said. U.S. law enforcement officials said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and FBI were assisting local police in the investigation, including trying to trace the handgun used and where the possible suspect obtained it. Johnson told CNN he was standing on a corner when he heard what he thought were fireworks. Then a black BMW with tinted windows drove by and either slowed down or stopped outside a deli where as many as eight people were eating outside. Someone in the car opened fire. "It all happened very quickly, but I think this happened to be the largest group on the street," he said. "It think it was just targeted because it was the largest group in the area." People jumped up and ran, Johnson recalled. KEYT reporter John Palminteri told CNN that some witnesses reported hearing the gunman talk to some of his victims as he fired. Outside a 7-11 convenience store, he said, workers came out amid the gunfire to pull to safety a girl who had been shot in the leg. Another victim, a bicyclist, apparently sustained massive head injuries after being struck by the gunman's car. One woman told the station that a driver of a car flashed a gun at her and asked, "Hey, what's up?" before opening fire. She escaped unharmed. "I heard some pops, but I just assumed they were fireworks," said Daniel Slovinsky, who was eating at a restaurant. "Contrary to what you might expect, there wasn't a whole lot of chaos immediately. I didn't hear any screaming. A few people were running. ... It wasn't really until police started yelling at people to get inside that we realized something big went down. But even then people didn't know what." KEYT reported that "witnesses described seeing a black BMW speeding through the streets, spraying bullets at people and various targets." Six minutes after the first emergency call, the suspected gunman traded fire with sheriff's deputies, and the vehicle plowed into a parked vehicle, said Hoover, the sheriff's office spokeswoman. The suspected gunman was found dead from an apparent gunshot wound, she said, adding that it wasn't clear whether the death was self-inflicted or whether deputies killed the suspected gunman. A semiautomatic handgun was recovered, she said. It appears the suspect acted alone, Hoover said. Santa Barbara Sheriff Bill Brown called the suspect "severely mentally disturbed," according to KEYT. Authorities searching for a motive were looking into a video posted on social media that contains a man's tirade against women who supposedly rebuffed him, Brown told the station. Hoover said the suspect has been preliminarily identified but his name won't be released until "a positive identification is made." The identities of the victims won't be released until the next of kin are notified, she said
  9. Really????? Higher taxes, sold weapons to the enemy, gave money to drug smugglers, listened to psychics, was mostly asleep, lied to America, allowed Saddam to gas his own people, got off scott fucking free... Shouldn't you be in a cave somewhere loading rounds and awaiting the apocalypse? And obama has never lied to america? The dude has to read about what happened in the fucking newspaper to know whats going on with his own administration. That's not leadership that's an abject farce. Would you ever picture wimpy ass barak becoming something more than himself by enlisting in the military? Even the reserves? Of course not. He's a giant pussy. His foreign relations speak loudly of that.
  10. And what does this have to do with race? Unless you are saying that we send all the black kids to poor schools... You really should study up on this subject, it might be enlightening for you Wait a minute, the Republicans are trying to get school choice going! Only the Democratic party and the school unions are fighting it... racists.... Problem is your school choice means RELIGOUS SCHOOL VOUCHERS Yep, initiatives instituted by the "Dixiecrats" Who as good conservative fled to the GOP as part of the "Southern Strategy" OK, do you have an example of legislation that says, "Only blacks shall (choose something) before they can vote?" Look into the lack of machines etc in poor districts and waiting times designed to discourage...OR even better.. fix the voting machines as Diebold did after their CEO promised to help out the GOP any way they could. if you can't win fairly.. cheat.. its the only way the GOP has a prayer of a chance Wait, I thought earlier you said tests at polls were racist. Now I'm confused. Yes... you are indeed confused... forest for the all those silly trees comes to mind I don't think the red coloring got your point stated strongly enough. You should try another color.
  11. Unless youre a white person with christian beliefs. Just like virtually every liberal on rhis site constantly knocking ron for his beliefs. And while republicans get constantly annoited as racists from the left, conatantly crying out racism when there is none is a common tactic of dems. Dont like obamacare? Youre racist! Dont like how the president handled the IRS scandal of targeting tea party groups? Youre racist! Its a sad pathetic political tactic. Get a new talking point already.
  12. Really? Now there's a real boost to your credibility. Yeah, you go with that. Somehow I think he doesn't really care if your approval rating of him is on the decline...or maybe that's just me.
  13. And you personally know this as a fact because while you were in college you owned a goat you rented out yourself? Seriously STFU.
  14. At least 3 times a week I see a new 'report' from cnn about how evil the koch brothers are. Cnn seems to be waging war with the koch brothers.
  15. Isn't Bloomberg's old stomping grounds supposed to be the one place in america where every person is free and equal? Unless you're white and christian, of course.
  16. The media would have freaked out if a conservative would have said this (rightfully so). The Al Sharpton’s of the world drum up racism when it doesn’t exist, and when it actually does, they remain silent, because this person is a Democrat. From Downtrend: Another Democratic lawmaker is under fire for racist remarks. Ellen Birnbaum, a legislator from Nassau County, New York, is resisting calls to resign from an outraged public after she allegedly said. “This is a bad neighborhood because African-Americans live there. Very few people would want to go there.” The comment was apparently in reference to the area surrounding a community center in New Cassel. She has apologized and said her comments were “insensitive,” but refused to resign and said she wants to rebuild the trust of the community. “I will every day to build bridges with the African-American community,” she said. … “You cannot say these things about a particular community and expect that an apology will simply wash it away,” said Abrahams, who last week stripped Birnbaum of committee assignments and removed her from the Democrats’ caucus. At the rally, former Nassau Legis. Robert Troiano, a North Hempstead official, read an account of Birnbaum’s remarks, which he said came from a “collective recollection” of people who heard them directly. She was speaking to staff attorneys and was overheard by an aide to Legis. Siela Bynoe (D-Westbury). “She said, ‘Why would anyone want to go there?’ Then . . . she added, ‘It’s a bad neighborhood,’ and ‘It’s a ghetto’ and . . . ‘It’s full of those black people,’ ” Troiano said. “She then . . . whispered, ‘Come on, who from the rest of the town is going to go there? After all, mostly black people live there,’ ” Troiano continued. “She later added, ‘All they want to do is play basketball.’” I look forward to not hearing anything about this on the mainstream media. Can you imagine what would have happened if Mitt Romney or George Bush would have said something like this?
  17. In your case your 'enclave' is new zealand.
  18. Unbelievable. It is useless to argue about the invasion of Iraq. SH needed to be removed and we did it. The point now is to investigate the BHO administration and their political motivation for the Benghazi murders. I especially would like to see HC fully discredited in the process. Meh, four people died...who gives a shit...rather put effort into a couple hundred kidnapped girls, or a myriad of other atrocities. You want nothing but using a couple of dead Americans for political brownie points. You don't give a shit about them, you just care if it can be used against a politician you don't like. Their families care. Way to annoit yourself as captain douchebag. If you were killed representing your country do you think your family wouldnt give a shit?
  20. I think he should be drafted. Mister Irrelevant sounds like a good spot for him to be drafted in. Honestly scouts didn't have him touted that high in this years draft class because of his skillset on the football field. But now the obama administration is pushing 'make sure you accept gays OR ELSE' its become a sideshow. But my kanuck friend said it best when he said this: 'Gay people should not be discriminated against, but they should also not be given preferential treatment. I yearn for a world where people are hired based on their merits and not because of the special interest group they represent' well said.
  21. My father is 40+ years law enforcement. I have seen him act professionally in some situations where there's no way I would have stayed as patient. I was not knocking police in general, just idiots that shoot unarmed citizens, like these asshats from california. But those types are all over. here is a video of some LEO's in Texas killing a suicidal perp with a knife. Last time I checked the asshole cop that shot the guy with the knife fired off 11 rounds. Edit to add: my father currently reloads for the local sheriffs dept to this day. He doesn't go on patrol anymore but when he did he was also a firearms instructor and I learned how to handle firearms from the best.
  22. which is the battle cry for all liberals. Sandy Hook?