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Everything posted by regulator

  1. There's no dain bramage...promise! :)
  2. The blacks and latinos that are my direct neighbors are doing just fine. Perhaps you should pick a better class of people to hang out with.
  3. At least he fucking tried to help. He didnt sit behind his computer and armchair quarterback what should have happened. Perhaps one day you can grow some testicles yourself.
  4. Most cocaine and heroin is manufactured illegally. Are you contending a sizeable group of guns in circulation were manufactured illegally? No hes saying gun control is so stupid it should be illagal.
  5. 3 posts on this thread alone and you haven't used your old reliable FAUX NEWS? You must not be feeling well.
  6. According to WHO? Watch this video. You can see from the beginning the dude has issues. He starts ranting on and on about drones and most likely his paranoia is induced from smoking weed, because he admitted he was on house arrest. I know smoking weed make you paranoid. But jumping to conclusions and wanting to run out and use the latest tragedy as political fodder has gotten annoying. The united states was founded from a revolution against oppressors. These men stood up for what they believed in to give future generations god given rights that enhanced their freedoms. Sure everyone knows it isn't perfect, but hiding in the corner and waiting to die isn't on the table for me anymore.
  7. Well since Left wing loons have been shooting up the place recently some other loons thought they should finally put the right wing on the map. Let me know when you post something that isn't so dreadfully BORING.
  8. Your political compass Economic Left/Right: -1.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.05 Well, that's a shocker.
  9. You do realize those left wing types are the same people that took this picture don't you? It clearly says so in the bottom right corner. So, a organization that trys to create new laws only based on emotion and clearly never knew shit about firearms in the first place...this seems spot on
  10. So its your opinion that Barry is no better than Reagan or W? The old recess 'he started it' excuse I guess. No it is an OFT used presidential right.... for a VERY long time. History does matter.. those who do not learn from it... you know the rest. The Army and the DOD will get to the bottom of all this, you can bet on that. If the greybeards Obama released (who are compromised anyway by spending 10+years in Gitmo) are dumb enough to return to terrorist activities, the US will know where to find them. I wouldn't be too hard on the POW, unless it's proven he revealed sensitive info that cost lives. Soldiers in all wars sometimes have crisis of conscience, sometimes get brainwashed, whatever. And excuse me...but what in the hell are we doing spending thousands of American lives from our all-volunteer force to fight in Afghanistan for more than a decade now? A volunteer force should not be asked to sacrifice their lives in futile foreign wars. Have you seen any Afghanis landing at Coney Island lately? Or even terrorists? Have we not learned the lessons the Russians learned there, or what other countries have learned about Afghanistan for a thousand years? I am completely AGAINST the war. It's as simple as that. If the draft were still in place, such as it was for the Vietnam War, Americans would have demanded an end to the whole thing years ago. The only people who benefit from these types of actions are the people who provide the bombs and the bullets. This is the 21st century. They got lucky on 9-11, but ever since then the terrorists haven't had much luck. I say we take our chances with home defense and spend more money improving our country, rather than tossing away billions a month on other enterprises. Who knows maybe the DOD gave them a small tranquilizer and implanted a chip under their skin.
  11. Left wing slogan: Never go into the military in the first place because it interferes with your vagina waxing.
  12. So...basically bore the shit out of the guard and he'll let you go?
  13. I'm not an expert at the subject however my father is and I learned from the best. 45 years LEO and 15 + years as a firearms instructor that trained SWAT and other police. But don't just say this "But what I do know is that if this kid had an access to fully automatic rifle with large capacity magazine, shotgun with drum type magazines, he would've bought those types of weapon, hell if we were to sell hand grenade he would've bought those as well." because that makes you seem like you could read his mind. Like you know FOR SURE unquestionably that he would have bought a damn Class 3 weapon and a nuke for christ sakes. I thought skydivers didn't speculate.
  14. Show me how you can fire a .50 BMG out of a moving vehicle and actually hit something WHILE you are driving and I'll change my mind on how assinine your comment was. And I am most definately NOT for marijuana prohibition.
  15. If any of you haven't watched band of brothers I would recommend it. In the beginning there was a man explaining how there were several men in his home town who weren't drafted because of various reasons...some medical. He said they committed suicide because they didn't have the ability to represent their country in battle. He then goes on to say 'It was a different time back then". I would say so at the very least. It seems like americans have lost something since those times. And we need to recapture some of that if we ever plan on staying a superpower.
  16. He didnt go through any promotion cycles....until he walked away. OK, so I guess they just started him out as an E-5 then. My mistake. But I'm hearing and reading some seriously strange stuff. Things like he set this whole thing up and planned to join the Army and desert. Then spend years in a Taliban training camp to be a sleeper agent in the US. I mean, really? That's pretty whacked out. I think it's far more likely he signed up with one thing in mind and found out it was totally different when he got there. Then he decided to leave rather than just finish his contract and muster out. And the longer people talk about this, the weirder things tend to get. It's been the hot topic on conservative radio since it happened and every day the callers just get weirder. The similarities to this show are quite eery.
  17. And by all means keep spouting off how much you dont know about firearms like youre a subject matter expert. Its amusing how you illustrate how much you really dont know.
  18. I just bought a springfield armory xdm 9mm with a 19 round magazine. Ill make sure to keep it locked up so it doesnt go on a shooting spree all by itself. Personally I dont give a shit about what happens in california. Ive visited several times and I have no desire to go back.
  19. I agree with what you said. He should be tried under UCMJ code and dishonorably discharged. Here is a cnn video of a man claiming to have been in the same unit as bergdahl.
  20. ------------------------------------------------------ Let's just stop that right here. I cannot decide if he was a traitor until he has his military trial. However the whole 'hero' talk about this asshat deserter where 5 men died trying to find him...5 BETTER men that is. Yeah hero should never be mentioned in his presence. That moniker should only be associated with the 5 men that died while trying to find this deserter.
  21. This has the same engine as my new Sea Doo 260 HP 1503 CC Supercharged Intercooled Rotax.
  22. This is just the beginning of how obama plans on releasing the current detainees of gitmo.
  23. why in the hell would members of his own unit have to sign non-disclosure agreements about a POW? That's stupid.
  24. So people who get tired of looking ... are all on welfare??? Makes a good FAUX News false factoid but the truthiness resonates so well with the weak of mind... and hearts filled with hate. The truth is there is another economy... people are doing what they need to do to survive. The GOP has done much to grow this group.... by denying money and jobs to the least among us. How very "Christian" of the delusional supposedly moral majority. ...and as we discussed before, moralism is not chistianity, and you know that. You use these poor souls against christianity and for your partisan agenda. You don't really believe in the true tenets of Christianity or Christ, do you? If so, stop pretending, otherwise you're just as hypocritical as them... Do you really think you're gonna change anything in SC? Do you really think the moral majority is listening to you in the SC...There are probably 20-30 regular posters and maybe 45-65 regular viewers in this "private" forum... This is all just for entertainment...and if that is your reason for being here, then GREAT! Carry on... Seems to me they have deluded themselves into believing they are Christian... I have no pretense.. you really should not assume. I would see these poor souls as you deem them, treated as the lord would have us treat all as he taught. Do as you will... your life is yours to squander as you see fit. Your constant unbridled hatred for fox news is unwavering, thats for sure. I know when I post from cnn and msnbc I label them as such. Yet every single reference from you regards fox is always the same stupid fucking FAUX. Seriously we've heard you regurgitate that same shit in every one of your posts since the beginning of time. Go find a new term to throw out and change it up for the love of god.