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Everything posted by regulator

  1. Only a true narcissist would continually post pictures of himself over and over again. BHO is a piece of shit and doesn't care about the USA or any of the service members that died defending the name and honor that used to be America, land of the great. GWB wins
  2. Watch out you might get bashed by leftists on this site for 'not being fair on immigration'
  3. Not even during a full on government confiscation where all firearms were confiscated the state of technology currently will prevent humans from finding other creative ways to defend themselves from others.
  4. got any extra bedrooms in your house? How about an empty building your area You sure a funny I will give you that What's funny is how this President has deported more illegals than any Republican president ever has, but listening to you folks, you'd never know it. Reality is funny that way. And for another good laugh, remind us WWJD? What a bunch of sissies. You of ALL people should never call anyone a sissy.
  5. No white people would vote for obama because he's black. If thats the case who did kallend really vote for? Somehow I dont see him as a romney supporter.
  6. I completely agree and speak from my own experience with the IRS from owing 11 grand in back taxes. I see all the time about people owing 100,000 in back taxes and only had to pay 15,000! Such a bunch of bullshit. I spend 7 grand on a tax lawyer to reduce the amount and the IRS told me that I can just pay it all back. The IRS on a whole are a heartless group and should not even REMOTELY be cut any fucking slack at all about this situation. And if there are any of you out there that seriously believe this evidence was 'accidentally lost' ....I've got a some land in southeast asia I would like to sell you.
  7. It would be interesting to note the retention policy. If I have something in my email folders in Outlook that are 30 days old a GPO goes out and dumps them. If you are smart.. you set up an archive.pst for things you wish to keep and retain them but many companies discourage even that. We get missives from the legal types all the time to clean up your inbox and remove old mail. That might be the default time for a group policy for dumping old mail but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is that way everywhere. GPO's are easily editable and my last company chose for a 90 day period before dumping.
  8. So you seriously want to tell me a government agency with server farms coming out their asses can't has a SINGLE NAS for storage? Your hiprocisy and lack of technical sense is making me laugh. By all means...continue.
  9. So then in the preface would the names of the people who actually wrote it up in her behalf be listed as well?
  10. You can blame her. She's simple minded. Born that way.
  11. It is sometimes unbelievable what some other people believe. The truthiness is very inbred in some people. Well, I'd always take being inbred with the truth like you say than in your case actually having the dna to prove it.
  12. Another lie from you. He didn't kill UBL. He picked up a fucking phone and said 'go' to seal team six. They did all the hard work and now obama and his liberal cronies are taking money away from the military for welfare for illegals. Way to treat the people that put you on the map.
  14. It seems america doesn't really give a shit about hillary.
  15. Negative. he doesn't speak for himself. He reads off a teleprompter with speeches his people make up for him. And when the liberal media asks him a tough question that isn't on the script of questions to ask he runs away with his tail between his legs. That is most definately NOT a leader.
  16. Thank god we live in a country where we can express our beliefs in our own way.
  17. matter the party are intrinsic liars. And they should only be trusted on face value.
  18. OMFG REALLY? FROM YOU? DanG is probably one of the calmest, politest regular contributors to this forum. Far more so than Ron, far more so than you, and far more so than me. You must have a new field of vision with those rose colored glasses cause dan rides ron's religous beliefs like an old donkey quite often. Do you have him confused with someone else?
  19. Because it is racially offensive. Change it and there will be no issue. Honestly at this point I'm confused why the league hasn't stepped in and done a Sterling. Who are you to be the one who decides if its racially motivated? Have fun fighting daniel snyder. Its a loosing battle that is tying up resources that could be devoted towards...well something remotely pertinant.
  20. Liberal bias or not...Barak Hussein Obama has not once taken accountability for his own faults but instead pointed the finger at anyone other than himself. Bush did it! I am a realist. I know mistakes happen and the mark of a TRUE leader is one that accepts responsibility for his own screw ups. A real man that say Hey, I am responsible for this and I accept complete responsibilty for this and I will make sure going forward this gets fixed asap. But instead of that we always get....well if it werent for republicans blocking this....or its bushs fault...or the old fall back...well if you don't agree with the president you're RACIST. These are truly pathetic tactics. Watch the next NFL game with a high caliber coach and when the QB makes a mistake watch the coach accept responsibility for his player as his own mistake. This is what real men do.
  21. You know as well as I do that unless john is able to calculate something in his mind and prove it as imperical evidence himself it is not true.
  23. Yes, of course. Well, now you're just fibbing. so now you can read mind too. Who's winning the superbowl this year?
  24. Sad story for sure. The good news is that your statement acknowledges the existence of God. Sooooo...I humbly encourage you to read the 55th Chapter of Isaiah and pay close attention to verses 8-11. Perhaps there's a greater good God sees and knows that you, I or anyone else does not see or know. Why would I read that crap? If God can't even protect his people, why would I waste my time? In fact, there's no statistical difference in the death rate of any religious group. You would think with all that time jacking off to bibles people would be slightly more likely to live. Yet God still strikes those suckers down like everyone else