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Everything posted by regulator

  1. I'd be willing to bet that after this event gun rights will be even more restrictive in OZ.
  2. I assume it's because right wing gun lovers take every opportunity to promote their own cause, even when people have died. Oz was already a massively restricted gun state prior to their major mass killing the Port Arthur massacre in 1996. Since then the restrictions have become tighter and guess what - nothing else on the scale of Port Arthur. Their were photos of American tweets yesterday, instantly trying to propagandise this incident for the pro-gun lobby, the usual rhetoric that if just one of them had had a gun this would never have happened. Also I didn't see a single one of these from an Aussie. Stop trying to push your views onto other nations - we don't want to end up as broken as your country where the gun tide is, quite frankly, irreversible. Look at the numbers per 100,000 deaths. Australia sits at 0.2 from guns versus 2.2 in the US. This article is illuminating: You keep the guns, we (and Oz) don't want them. Dude are fucking serious? Don't even play that. The left's primary mission in life is to use any and every catastrophe and crisis to their political advantage. In fact 20 families from sandy hook decided it was a good idea to sue bushmaster because some nutjob killed their kids. But what you said...its a joke. And just as you saw...guns can still be illegal and people can still get them. Laws dont do shit in regards to personal health Also: I wasn't trying to push the views of my country onto your country...I was just pointing out that your restrictive gun laws are nothing more than paper weights. And while you can sit there all day long on your high chair annotating all of the bad, bad things guns do....I bet you one of those people in that cafe WISHED they had one so they could defend themselves instead of dying. And in no way do I want to sing the song 'this is my rifle and this is my gun' over the deaths of those two people killed in the cafe. May they and their families find peace in this difficult time.
  3. I'd gander to say this is one of the most gun restrictive nations on the planet and yet there's still gun violence. Laws don't prevent you from getting killed by crazy people.
  4. Why do I have to be the one to point out that guns are illegal in Australia.? How is this even possible? That's probably why this irks quade so much.
  5. A liberal president is the one that personally got him out... and then subsequently left a marine in a mexican prison to rot. You post is utter denial.
  6. More like the left simply doesnt adhere to the credo of 'never leave a man behind" Because well....liberals dont give a fuck about the military or anyone in it.
  7. It looks like you have a finger pointing issue.
  8. I wonder if Mr. Gruber will spout off more stupid comments about the american voter in the future.
  9. Well, there have been three players in the NBA who were shorter than 5'7". You can ALWAYS find outliers. I do not believe that science can disprove the existence of God; I think that impossible. Science makes no claim to do that. Anyhow, which god? There are thousands of recognized gods to choose from. The evidence in support of the existence of any of them is exactly the same - ZERO. The only difference between a believer and an atheist is that one denies the existence of 100% of them based on absence of evidence, and the other denies the existence of 99.97% of them for the same reason. Whats even more humurous is that some people in your line of work thought it was a good idea to refer to the higgs boson as the 'god' particle. Irony at its best.
  10. well at least we know where you stand. If anyone speaks their mind of their beliefs you are there to bash them every single time. Without hesitation. You know I you treat every religion with as much dislike? I don't really recall you ever bashing any buddists or muslims.
  11. Perhaps all of whiny ass liberals bled enough out of your vaginas that god parted the red seas. Oh wait you don't believe in god. Just abortions.
  12. Anyone that has a CHL is trained on how to display their license in a proper manner to an LEO. I think you are confusing training over having a propensity to get pulled over.
  13. That there statement says a whole lot about you. So what you're saying is that you're too good to get pulled over? 1 ticket in the past 18 months. Yeah that's really telling a story.
  14. Take care when dismissing peoples' imaginations. That said, the repeated comments that people "don't know what it's like" is all the more reason that if compliance in a particular manner is expected (under penalty of deadly force) then it has to be stated as such. Many people here have stated that they articulate actions and move slowly, and that's all well and good, but there's no "citizen academy" that everyone has to go to in order to learn how to not get shot by law enforcement. You can't say "it should be obvious not to suddenly lunge into the car" and claim "you don't know what we're up against" in the next breath. In most of these cases btw I don't have a problem with the offending officer merely being fired, I think it's just very difficult for that and only that to actually happen. Yes there is no 'citizen academy' on how not to get shot. It's called common sense and its not that that damn hard to figure out. Comply and make slow deliberate actions. When I get pulled over I always wait until they are at my window and after I give me DL and chl I state I'm about to reach into my glove box for my insurance card. If you act stupidly in a manner in which the officer feels threatened then you're at a higher risk of being shot. People too stupid to figure this out are usually the ones with bullet wounds. Citizen academy...that has be by far the most retarded thing you have ever said on these forums.
  15. Since when did you get to be a determining factor in judging who should keep their job or not?
  16. Hopefully the GOP gets Rand Paul/Trey Gowdy or Dr. Ben Carson. Otherwise this country is going down the tubes quickly with Hillary at the helm. She can even operate a broom much less the most important office on the planet.
  17. Personally I much prefer to have people not know I am carrying.
  18. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? I'm sorry but being born in the hood doesn't give you carte blanche to become a criminal and then blame it on white privelidge when it doesn't go your way.
  19. Meh. I'm looking on CNN. Obama is going to stick his nose in yet another race baiting case. I'll make about as many posts as Obama uses his power to incite more racial divides in America.
  20. Crowds look large. National Guard moving in. I'm feeling lots of people are going to be upset no matter the verdict.
  21. I have no aspirations on ever visiting NYC. I like driving.
  22. I'm a republican and I do NOT want jeb bush as president. As another poster posted...we as americans have had enough of bushes and clintons. We need neither. I'm all for Rand Paul/Trey Gowdy. Or just in case Dr. Ben Carson wants to run. Hillary can suck it.
  23. Nobody wants to see rachel maddow in a bikini.
  24. This looks pretty cool.