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Everything posted by misaltas

  1. Intelligent beings have moved across the earth looking to better their situation for millions of years. You think you can beat that with a fence and a docket of employer prosecutions? Good luck. It's like trying to hold back water folks. They're coming, not stopping, and you would too. The only long term solution? The mexican economy must improve. Added bonus? It sounds to me to be the most humane and civilized solution. For everyone involved. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  2. Sure, until one peels back the reason why it doesn't feel right. Could be because over the 200+ years since the US was constitutionalized, and especially over the past 50, the federal gov't has grown much stronger than I feel the framers intended. And its citizens feel that overbearing weight moved onto their shoulders, and we end up feeling more like a monolithic country and less like a federation of states. Take federal income taxes and other fed taxes, hundreds of new federal laws each congressional session, the bloated executive cabinet performing functions which the states or lower should handle. If the states had been able to retain as much power and control over themselves as the constitution originally intended, proportionally at least, I think there would be a lot more americans understanding of how and why the EC is and works the way it does. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  3. It would be hard to argue with that. It's tragic all the way around. Or, allow me to quote another thread post written by someone more articulate than me: >some petty burglar breaks in to a house...."best kill him, just in case" And that's the unfortunate thing about humans. We haven't yet evolved the ability to read a burglar's mind to accurately assess the threat level. One thing I learned out here in SC is that not too many people change their minds about anything. Or maybe that's just true in general. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  4. I certainly respect professionalism and excellence in any field, and the skills you've honed help make the world a better place, no more and no less than some degreed professional. But to be honest, you lost me on that last sentence. The only pay one deserves is what someone else is willing to pay them for what they do. Nothing more, nothing less. One can list complex skills until the sun goes down and if no one needs them, they're (quite literally) useless. Yours seem to be valuable, so you're paid for that value. Good for you, but not my point. I don't see unions' positions as good or bad, black or white, managements'/owners' either. I can add to the one-sided conversations here on either side, but that would be pointless. But one thing that does bug me about some union members who don't think things all the way through is that they feel they're owed something more than the market will bear because of some fill in the blank reason which is something other than simple supply and demand. To me, the goal of a union is to distort fair and open market forces. Why? Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  5. All beings are born on a mission to survive and thrive. All natural decisions they make are directly or indirectly related to that motive. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  6. So, someone who thinks cops should be killed for being cops, rails against a cop for being too jumpy in a remote, resistive, outnumbered situation. The irony may sink in someday. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  7. Oh if Gore had only won his own state of Tennessee. Or even just Arkansas... Either way, Florida going to Bush would've been moot. Very simple. So much for rigging an election. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  8. CNN article says in part: The Iranian parliament on Saturday voted to designate the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Army as terrorist organizations, IRNA, the country's state-run news agency, reported. ... The Iranian lawmakers' condemnation was in apparent retaliation for the U.S. Senate's resolution Wednesday requesting that the United States designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, or Quds Force, as a foreign terrorist organization. Just me? Or sound to anyone else like a 6-years old's game of "I know what you are but what am I?" Great. International relations reduced to rubber-and-glue. Think!!! Any country in their right mind, and interested in their own defense is going to try to involve themselves in an extremely destabilized situation right next door. It makes sense that they're going to want the situation to go their way. If a world superpower 5x US strength and from the other hemisphere were completely deployed throughout Canada, and rattling their sabres and telling the US what kinds of weapons or energy production it can and cannot have, you can bet the US wouldn't sit quietly. Kennedy Doctine, Monroe Doctine? Iran's involved in Iraq? No surprise. Quite frankly I have no idea why they try to deny it. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  9. The TSO in that picture was hired under an affirmative action program? Even if so, not sure what that has to do with your point. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  10. Wikipedia is not a source. Each topic's content must come from a collection of other sources otherwise it's usually marked as not conforming to standards. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  11. Everyone remember when Ross Perot warned us about this back in '92? Oh wait, I remember, he was a nutjob. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  12. Exactly one second after exiting the aircraft for the 2nd time. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  13. Yes! Douglas Adams is not quoted nor paraphrased enough, I think. So much brilliance and talent in too short of a life. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  14. Seems the reporter twisted his words a bit. He didn't say that bombing holy sites first would act as a deterrent, he said putting on the table the threat that this would be the retailiation would serve as the deterrent. Still f'kin insane though. Mutually capable mass destruction as a deterrent ended up working ok for a while with the US/USSR because both central gov'ts were in reasonably full control of the means of destruction. That isn't what we have here. Maybe some on either fringe would like to trigger just that type of retailiation in order to further polarize and energize the mainstreams on both sides. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  15. It's interesting what makes a sport boring or exciting. Example. I can't watch tennis. Just two people hitting a ball and grunting. Every match looks exactly the same. My cousin played competitive tennis for a long time, and watches good matches all the time. I tried to find out why, and it's cuz he sees so many things going on that I don't. So I've found it mostly has to do with how much experience you have with it. With american football, rhys sees helmeted thugs crashing into each other for 2 seconds then fat commentators talking about it. Most american football fans also see the complex chess strategy of it, not just the checkers. (and commericals? tivo!) Same goes for the 'real' football. I see 90% passing and dribbling to setup 2 seconds of very occasional action. And far too many fake injuries and horrible cry acting. I'm sure the rest of the world's 'football' fans see a lot more than that. And don't get me started about nascar... Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  16. I had two hours to kill. And now they're two hours of my life I'll never get back. So I'll try to spare my fellow skydiving internet friends some time. In short In short, it's a film in the "conspiracy" genre. The makers know the truth of this conspiracy, and the rest of the world (6 billion of us) are blind to it. We all need to wake the f**k up, because the revolution is now or never. Summary First five minutes: Montage showing the horrors of war, circa 20th and 21st centuries. The first half hour: Stories in the Bible, and Jesus repeat many similar stories cooked up throughout recorded history. It's all based on the zodiac. Smart humans without answers to ultimate questions create religions. Religions are then used by power elites to control the masses. The second half hour: 9/11 conspiracy talking points. Many of them. You've probably heard them all. Evidence presented to support each point. Basically, 9/11 was a "false flag" attack committed by the US like the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, and Tonkin Gulf to bring and keep the US in a state of war. The last hour: ...answers who's doing this. The power elite and bankers. They're slowly enslaving the masses using war and fear as tools under the banner of religion and motivation of greed to eventually create one world state. But if we all opened our eyes to the truth, we could rise up and start a revolution. Five minute finale: Only love can neutralize centralized power. It goes on to say that we all need to realize that we're not weak individuals as the elite want us to think. We're a worldwide collective of humankind, part of the same whole, we're one organism and we should love one another. So, the end result of the power elite is to create one single worldwide entity. But the end result of this revolution against the power elite the filmmaker wants is for us to wake up to the fact that we're one single worldwide entity. Whether the filmmakers see the irony is not clear. Fin. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  17. Yes. Although it would remove one of the top reasons why canadians like going there. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  18. I'm confident the Arab world's next Anwar Sadat is out there somewhere, but at this point silent, probably remembering quite well what happened to Anwar Sadat. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  19. Pretty interesting 1-6 there, except you can drive a mack truck through #3. Let's say I have a house painting business and employ 10 people at $16 an hour each. I shut down my business, lay off the workers, and start up later and advertise 10 painter jobs for $8 an hour each, no benefits either. Darned if I can't find any qualified workers at that rate, but I'm trying! Well, guess I'll use your #3 to advertise in the Matamoros Gazette and instantly get 10 takers. I'm back in business. Market forces work great when the labor market is limited to the US. Add a third-world country into that market and maybe you eventually end up with two third-world countries. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  20. Yeah, close enough. You from there too? Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  21. Darn good test. Came out to: "Mid Atlantic Also known as a "Philadelphia accent" but also heard in south Jersey, Baltimore, and thereabouts." Don't really dig the Philly label, but south jersey will do. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  22. Exactly 4 years. BOOORinggggg... The stories from the 3-yr geeks and tenacious 6+'ers are much more interesting... Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  23. To scare the preposition into moving to another part of that sentence. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  24. Except for perhaps your average Texan. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts
  25. Bill: Good article, thanks. Yes, I get the point. But I'm not talking about those who honestly assess now it was a mistake and need to acknowledge and admit it, or those against it from the beginning. I respect and disagree with both. The despicables are those who's position moves quicker than a windsock or grabs the most simplistic political opportunities, or against Bush to be against Bush. Out of conciseness, my previous brush was perhaps too broad I'll admit, and there are politics on both sides no doubt. Our enemies know our nation is divided on this. That's a big part of their strength. Oh if we had remained united, as the world (UN) was, as both US parties were on this issue just a few years ago. Alas, all united talk, little united action... Invading Iraq was a mistake? If so, then maybe not because it was the wrong thing to do, but perhaps because modern American society has lost the stomach for doing the right thing, if it ends up taking more time, effort, and cost than our shrinking attention spans can handle, or if politicians can exploit it to their advantage. If that's what made it "a bad idea overall" then so be it. When will be the next threat that we won't defend ourselves against? I'm afraid we only have the will to unite after innocents die. Case in point, Al Qaeda was a growing threat we all pretty much ignored and are now all united against. Too bad it took them hitting us hard to create that unity in us. Looks like that's what it'll take again. Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts