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Everything posted by SkyDekker

  1. Am I to believe that conservatives in the US do not change their mind in 30 years? That once you believe something, you never change your mind? I am 31 years old and there are many, many, many issues I have changed my mind on, multiple times. Guess you can call it flip flopping.....I call it keeping an open mind and learning... We all know that we learn in life through trial and error. Guess Bush doesn't learn much then, since he never makes any errors.....
  2. It would seem to me that good Tac Com and a second officer would have been a better option than a tazer.
  3. All the great news stories from Iraq aren't really getting lots of coverage on Fox either....or any news agency around the world for that matter. Good news is generally not news, though in Iraq it would be, specially for a right leaning organization like FOX. Yet it is not really being reported.....certainly makes you wonder...
  4. Why? That is exactly what she would have asked for before Tasers. since it is pain compliance, with a bigger chance of killing, how would it have looked if she had taken out a baton and started beating her? Why did she not chose that option? Certainly less chance of killing her. Funny enough, broken bones these days are harder to explain than an old lady dying. That one we would just chalk up to a sad side effect of the Taser.... Pretty sad fucking state of affairs when your police officers cannot deal with a 75 year old lady without using a bloody taser..... Have you ever been hit with one?
  5. Or like telling them about an immediate thread and talking about mushroom clouds etc etc.
  6. Funny, your president has been using scare tactics to get what he and his puppet masters want from the population. But let me guess, that is just good leadership........
  7. Off course they have. Clinton also said he had no sexual relations with that woman.
  8. Haven't you guys had a Republican dominated house and white house for the last couple of years? Shouldn't be too hard to curb stupidity like this in four years. Ahh never mind, just easier to blame other people....
  9. Which is still a better option than forming an opinion with your head sruck in the sand........ Using 'you' in a general sense........
  10. Never mind presidents with family ties to the nazis and a terrorist family.
  11. I once submitted a high school biology essay on micro organisms and throughout the essay had written micro orgasms.
  12. well, at least the picture was taken by a woman, you can't claim no women were involved
  13. truer words have not been spoken........
  14. he doesn't have much of a choice. He has been looking more stupid than normal claiming he did everything right when the rest of the world is telling him he did it all wrong.......
  15. Judging from many on it would certainly seem that way.
  16. Off course he has, he meant the 11,000 that have been killed, their souls are free now............
  17. And of course you have researched all their ascertations to ensure that they are true?
  18. Bush for president for four more years, that is my wish. By the end of those 4 years I'll be worth more than Bill Gates
  19. These guys crack me up...... The UN is completely fucking useless, nobody in their right fucking mind listens to them. Bunch of fucking morons. Well. obviously we were right and just invading Iraq. I know we didn't find any WMDs, but you do realize he didn't comply with UN demands for 12 years.
  20. I had seen it before, but love it, just hilarious......
  21. It's even worse: $10 million is what that amendmend was asking for. $5 million per year for 2 years.
  22. I voted yes. I told my wife before we got married, if Halle Berry or identical female triplets come my way..........
  23. I don't think it really has far to crash, does it?