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Everything posted by gravitysucks

  1. HELLS YEAH! Look forward to jumpin and partyin in Brush.
  2. Yeah - that extra one square foot of reserve would make me feel a whole lot safer too..... Now get out there with the Firelite and tempt fate a few more times! Nothing quite like a game of "Ding Dong Dash" with Death to make a jump that bit more exciting!! Cheers! Firelite Reserve = 174 ftsq. PD176R = 189 ftsq. Reference the Canopy Comparison Chart pg. 256 of Para-Gear.
  3. Does anybody actually still watch Survivor?
  4. Anybody else notice the frog tries to sitfly? Just about 1/2 the way through right before he falls into the manhole, that damn frog goes into a sit that looked like my first few attempts
  5. Those big jet planes are ALL the same......
  6. Quote Nice to see something like that happen in your own lifetime ain't it? So don't set it back by taking any sort of crap about your hair!
  7. Hey DQ, heard you got a mohawk for the boogie! I got mine on Friday- goin blue with mine. Lets organize a 'hawk load. We can use em like rudders to fly ourselves through the air. Let your freak flag fly, man!
  8. That would be awesome. I didn't think he was still singing Alice's Restaurant. I turned over the piece of paper, and there, there on the other side, in the middle of the other side, away from everything else on the other side, in parentheses, capital letters, quotated, read the following words: Kid, do you know that skydiving is an inherently dangerous activity which may result in serious injury or death?
  9. I have GOT to get my hands on that Nebraska Neckwarmer mullet wig!! That would be even better if I could find some of those fake teeth. May the Schwartz be with you all as you travel the trail to Ft. Dodge......
  10. Vote in my poll and help me out on my Couchfreaks hair crisis!;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread
  11. Long, for sure! Now THAT was hot!
  12. Marriage- smartest thing I ever did. Not sure its the smartest thing my wife ever did though....
  13. So I've been growing my hair out, and on Friday my wife dared me to cut it into a mohawk. Being the suggestible type, I drove to the nearest hair place and did it. Now I'm ready to arrive at the Couchfreaks boogie in style! 1 small hitch though: I'm a grad student at a medical school. One of the faculty approached me today and told me my haircut was "not clinically acceptable." Plus, we have a mandatory ceremony on Wednesday night where we present the freshmen with their white coats. I can take the faculty criticism because I planned on shaving it after the boogie, but what do I do about the ceremony? Vote!! ETA: BONUS!! No matter what, I plan on doing some crazy facial hair... Perhaps the mustache that was deemed "illegal" and "not in the best interests of personal hygeine" by the Cass County Sherriff's Office.
  14. Bummer dude. Hey take it from me: I'm a grad student married to a grad student and I take full advantage of the chance to "invest" my student loan money into skydiving. But the time commitment does suck- I can't leave until noon Friday because of a test that AM. I have ditched class for skydiving before though PS glad to read that you got a good deal on a new rig, didn't catch you at Luverne but look forward to jumping with you one day. Peace
  15. No, you have to be taught to be a GOOD skiier. Any idiot can strap two boards to his feet and point himself down the hill. Its an intuitive fact of nature that what happends next is inevitable. Of course, if skiing is like sex, then you can call me Johnny freakin' Moseley.
  16. Being a static line student, my first pull was a hop n pop. I let go of the strut and went straight for the pull. My first thought: "Hmmm. That D-bag going through my feet can't be a good thing." My second thought: "Fuckin OUCH! That hurt!"
  17. Agreed! Looks very nice. Just go in for a trim. Of course for what you women pay for haircuts, you might as well get something done as long as you're going in. Maybe some darker highlights? My sensitive husband training must be paying off
  18. Full time graduate student for my M.S. in Physician Assistant and Volunteer Firefighter/Paramedic. Mostly though I just try to look busier than I really am.
  19. You will know you are a skydiver when you find yourself saying the skydiver's prayer before a jump: Lord, Please don't let me f**k this up.... First. Amen.
  20. We get 10K, maybe 11K on rare occasions out of our Cessna 182WB's with field elevation 1200'MSL. Hey mt_skydiver, look how much we have in common: We both 1. get lower jumps than all these people 2. got our A licenses on probably the same day and 3. both work in EMS. Plus I grew up not far from where you are now. Am I your evil twin? I didn't know you could jump in Bozeman, I'll have to look you guys up next time I'm in the area.
  21. Hey DQ man no hard feelings. When I get to Ft. Dodge I'll look you up and we'll make a jump. Trust me I've got plenty of my own friends that I would prefer keep a 50ft distance from my wife! All kidding aside I'm sure you're a good guy. I just get a little edgy about the way women get treated in our sport sometimes, it can be disrespectful and downright wrong. I think the women only showers are a good idea and I can't believe it took 25 years to figure that out. Now I know the Couchfreaks are totally cool and its not them specifically, its just that old habits die hard and the times they are a changin (well, they already have). Lookin forward to chillin with ya up there.
  22. I WILL get you a picture! Us FFs are always looking to support a "good" cause! I don't think I can pull off a jump in bunker gear, although come to think of it the pantz would be pretty sweet for freeflying if you took the liners out. But I'll try to get you a pic of me jumping in an FD shirt.
  23. Quote The world must be close to ending. Quote ...We're on the eve of destruction - Barry MacGuire
  24. YES! Darn things have chewed through my cable line, widshield liner.... who knows what else. And they throw nuts at my wife (or so she says.)
  25. Maybe becuase if I go surfing/snowboarding/whatever one or two times, I can wear the clothes and go "yeah, bra, I'm a surfer" and talk the talk but not walk the walk. There's alot of posers out there that just watch the videos but never take a drop in the pipe or catch a 6' wave.