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Everything posted by Programmer

  1. If you all remember the best little whorehouse in Texas ( not the play.... the whorehouse), the shit hit the fan when an unscrupulous reporter from Houston ran an article that revealed that there was a whorehouse operating in Texas that was technically in violation of Texas law. He said the Department of Public Safety was ignoring this, and the governor over-reacted by closing the whorehouse. Those media guys can certainly cause trouble on a slow news day.
  2. The results can vary, as we've seen from the replies. Here's a safety tip: stow your brakes and un-collapse your slider before you give it to a packer or before you proceed with the pack job yourself. If you can't specifically remember doing these two things, pull it apart and make sure.
  3. Gambling is a tax on people who didn't pass math.
  4. M80s - firecrackers... We took the do-it-yourself route. Imaginge 3 or 4 twelve year old kids showing up at the local chemical supply store asking for potassium perchlorate, powdered aluminum, picric acid, etc. They would sell us that stuff no questions asked, and we would take it home and see what we could come up with. One kid burned his hands pretty badly mixing some of the ingredients and we blew the plaster off a wall in the house, but overall we were pretty lucky. Safety tip - use a long fuse. I like that thing about the car surfing. I wonder what you could do with a station wagon or a van with a wingsuit tethered to the luggage rack on the top. The wingsuit flyer/surfer could wear a tandem student harness......
  5. At Dublin this year I got on one of the best balloon jumps ever. Early in the morning the balloon took off from the airport with 4 skydivers and a passenger (skydiver's wife) who doesn't jump. The wind was light, so we were only a little past the airport when we got out between 4000 and 6000 feet. The skydivers landed on the airport, then the balloon caught some changing winds on the way down and it landed back on the airport. I think the person who had the biggest thrill was the skydiver's wife who went as an observer. Instead of a typical balloon ride where you drift at tree-top level then land and wait for a chase truck, she got to go to 6000 feet, watch people jump out, then she landed in the balloon right next to where her husband landed his parachute. Too Cool.
  6. If you like the early Beatles, a better question might be "What's your favorite Chuck Berry song?". If you listen to Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Little Richard, etc., then listen to some of the first Beatles songs you get a real sense of deja-vu.
  7. That's not the transmission they were looking for. It doesn't have any "planetary" gears.
  8. I have this image of you on your HemiBigWheel, chasing bad guys and saying /Cartman voice/ "Respect my authoritie" /Cartman voice/ like in the South Park episode where Cartman gets deputized.
  9. Mmmmmm - I like eating at the "Y" She said fast food. That place takes at least a half-hour, usually a lot longer. Anyway, did you know you can get a low-carb breakfast bowl at Hardee's -- with tater tots.
  10. "...had to find the custodian and tip him..". That means you live in New York. If the custodian tells you he hasn't seen your canopy, and a week later you find out he's using it for a boat cover, it means you live in Alabama.
  11. How about relating risk-taking characteristics in skydivers to risk-taking in stock traders or others who take financial rather than physical risks? Or, since you're going for a degree in counseling, risk-taking attitudes in skydivers compared to risk-taking in career criminals who risk getting caught with every car they steal, for example?
  12. For some reason, I always sleep well in a sleeping bag in a tent on a cold night, especially if there's a stream running in the background.
  13. Just to help you out, here are directions to anything in Atlanta: 1. Don't get on the interstate, it's a traffic jam any time of day 2. Get on Peachtree and turn left. 3. Go about 3 miles and turn right on Peachtree. 4. After 6 blocks, turn on Peachtree. 5. Go a mile and a half. The place your looking for is on the left between the strip club and the Waffle House. Now that you know how to get around, welcome to Atlanta
  14. I was taking a week long computer class in Tampa. I don't remember what building we were in, but it was right next to the Buc's practice field. The course was being taught by a company that had recently moved to Tampa from New York where their offices had been in the World Trade Center. The class took a break, and someone in the break room said a plane had just hit the WTC. Several of us went into the room just in time to see a live shot of the second plane hitting the second tower. I remember that someone said, "I wonder if he got lost", and I said, "That sky's perfectly clear, that was no accident." There were so many people from New York in our building that it was almost like being in Manhatten. Our teacher had a brother who worked for a fire dept. in New Jersey and she was able to reach her family and determine that he had gone over to Manhatten with his fire company. She didn't find out until the next day that he was OK. He got there after the buildings had collapsed. When the scope of the attack became clear, the instructor took the whole class to lunch and asked if we wanted to continue the class or just go home. There was a very definite feeling around the table that we shouldn't let some terrorist make us stop, so we decided to keep the class going. The spirit of the New Yorkers in the building was inspiring.
  15. It was on last night. They showed a picture of a huge dust devil to illustrate the type of crosswinds the motorcycle had to deal with. The second stunt had Luigi Cani swoop into the front seat of a Corvette at about 80 mph. I like the disclaimer at the start of the show where they tell you "Don't try this at home". Even if I thought I could do some of that stuff, they don't need to tell me twice.
  16. The pistols will fire just fine on the moon and can be used to shoot moon bears. Whoever came up with this test has obviously not spent much time on the moon.
  17. Not much I can add here that hasn't already been said quite well. I would just emphasize that you need to look out for your credit card and cell phone accounts - can she use them? You say the car is in her name. Is the loan in her name? The name of the game at this point is self defense.
  18. Your failure to plan is not my emergency. When you get to Hell, I'll be waiting for you - and I'll be pissed. The guy who cares left for the day. Can I help you?
  19. The second one is Mike Mullins new Cessna. It's a 182 that gets to 20,000 feet in 1 1/2 minutes. Really, the low pressure area makes water vapor condense. In the Blue Angels photo, see the small vapor cloud just behind the pilot's head on top of the canopy.
  20. Elvis is DEAD ????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!
  21. I never really know how to handle this one. I'm sure you can help. Suppose you enter a public restroom and just as you sit down, the guy in the next stall says something like "Hey honey, I was just thinking about you." Should you assume he's on a cell phone and keep quiet, assume he's just being friendly and give a friendly reply, assume he's being more than friendly and tell him you don't go in for that, or fart loudly to let him know he's crossed the line and you have more important things to do? Does proper ettiquite dictate some other response? Thanks in advance for your kind advice.
  22. "How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling" by Frank Bettger. If you're in sales and you've never read this book, it's like being a Rodruiguez brother and never drinking tequila.
  23. Don't pay any attention to him. He's a Limey.
  24. SIM section 2-1.D Skydivers are to be at least either a) 18 years of age or b) 16 years of age with notarized parental or guardian consent
  25. I stand corrected. I know Skymama could, but over in No-Man's-Land, she would.