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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. You're going that way to join them rapidly as well
  2. There is also that, leaving santos in place probably does more damage to the R's than the D's
  3. Raskin (and, I assume a number of others) voted against expulsion for this very reason and it's a valid point. Sadly, I think if the shoe was on the other foot the opposite would not be true.
  4. This. I do OK - I'm up there in terms of salary. There are MUCH much richer people than me who pay much less income tax.
  5. If only it were that simple.
  6. But also a tough day for the UFC - bud light is repulsive stuff.
  7. Not sure where to put this - but I'm not exactly sure what "Ultra MAGA Honey" is....
  8. I have a few trans people working with and for me - "they" as a pronoun is the only one I struggle with because I often get it confused with a plural, It's no big deal though. I've had employees transition while they worked for me as well - usually get it wrong a few times but as long as you aren't doing it intentionally no-one minds. Its so much NOT a big deal I do wonder at the mentality of people such as those higher up in the thread who seem determined to be assholes.
  9. I'd suggest that Trump's a fantastic example of why it shouldn't be a thing.
  10. I can hear Benny hill music in the distance.....
  11. Pretty much guarantees it's true then. Discovery should be fun.
  12. Never going to happen. He'd have to do some (semi) honest work.
  13. Stumpy


    Thats the one! Sorry - its already a long day
  14. Stumpy


    He lived in Canada. You've never heard of him.
  15. Interesting article on this one I'm a little less optimistic than andreesen, but more optimistic than most. (Also, most of the work I am doing at the moment is AI related.)
  16. $10 Million? Pretty modest for a man in his position.
  17. What does that have to do with anything? Science is not your strongpoint, you should probably sit this out.
  18. The man is clearly quite ill. Someone compassionate to him really needs to pursuade him to step down. My FIL is in a very similar situation. It's sad. (Edited to add - similar situation in that he keeps having TIA's, not that he's in the republican party leadership. Glad we cleared that up)
  19. Interesting - aside from right wing governments trying to push religious beliefs on me and oppress people I know with them, christianity has the same affect on my life as all the other religion myths - i.e. none. Jay is welcome to his beliefs but the judgement on others is frankly hilarious.
  20. They're the basis for religion. You don't have anything else.
  21. You not only get a funny hat, you get a funny stick too!