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    New Zealand

Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster - like being hit in the face with a slice of lemon wrapped round a gold brick. Your so unhip its a wonder your bum doesn't fall off! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  2. Best Packs i've used bar none are MacPac. However since they are from NZ the price may be a little unfavourable for you guys. The reason i like them is they have the right balance of padding on the harness - too much is as bad as too little. If you can get them in the states, then have a look - you might like them. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  3. That web address doesn't seem to exist... but is the dz owned by a guy called Ray by any chance?? Never try to eat more than you can lift
  4. I have a question - does a backfly have a similar speed range to normal belly to earth? It looks to me like it should be faster unless you are in a fairly uncomfortable position (barring wings of course) Cheers for any input Never try to eat more than you can lift
  5. But apparently essex is different to chav!? Sure i read that somewhere. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  6. Hmmm - not entirely sure this is true. You seen any film of tow-in surfing recently? If you want to see some incredible stuff - whatch billabong oddysey. I reckon the waves those guys are on are at least 30 feet. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  7. Me white stilletto's are killing me Never try to eat more than you can lift
  8. Queen chav You are 100 % chav Bleeding 'eck, your earlobes must be nearly round your ankles under the strain of all those Argos Additions gold hoops. For you are officially lord and master of all things chav, queen of the tracksuit and regular patron of Pizza Hut - though there was life before Burberry you know. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  9. Golly JP thats uncanny, you've got us down to a tee old bean! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  10. I'm no expert but i have the same problem when its really cold - but once i have started mine once and run it for a few minutes, it usually starts fine after that unless you let it cool down for a LONG time. Good luck! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  11. Ditto - but the weather is poo too. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  12. It will probably ber a pain in the bum to pack in comparison! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  13. Isn't that what the vast majority of the trucks in the US are used for anyway? Its like people buying 4x4's here - usually the furthest offroad they get is the road to the golf club and then they have to wash it because it got dirty. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  14. The only stupid question is the one you didn't ask. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  15. ah yes - the TVR. Otherwise known as fighting juice. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  16. See now thats the flaw in this plan right there.... Mine are, Get good at 4-way and compete Nail my sit and stand Go to the US to jump at least twice more this year, Get in at least 100 jumps. Not break myself landing That should do it for the moment....
  17. Meh - your just biased! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  18. Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me. Oops, did i just say that out loud??!! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  19. I know how you feel. We must all love our jobs.... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  20. Ah but thats missing two other words.... ... Vodka and Never try to eat more than you can lift
  21. "Don't play poker with a guy called Doc" Never try to eat more than you can lift
  22. I remember that song.... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  23. Actually temperature change is good... as is champagne. Apparently the bubbles do funky things.... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  24. its all in the buildup.... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  25. Good family friend of mine is one of the salesmen for these, you should see the most up to date versions, they can do some pretty amazing stuff and the graphics are hugely improved, however the price puts them out of the reach of most sport DZ's. But i believe the USAF have a whole bunch and the RAF have 2 or 3.... Never try to eat more than you can lift