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    New Zealand

Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. Good work! i had almost the exact same thing happen to me this weekend and it gave me a good chance to practice that rear riser flare i had been working on! (and i have changed how i stow my excess too ) Never try to eat more than you can lift
  2. Have you told HH?? I think he can virtually decapitate them or something with his fork.... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  3. I remember them talking about it and saying that it tokk a bunch of attemts to get the thing to actually catch fire! The remains were on display at the holiday boogie Betsy will probably know..... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  4. ROFL Never try to eat more than you can lift
  5. See here:;search_string=infinity%20mirage;#1312352 and here:;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread that gives you a start! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  6. JP the human elevator...... That was a funny jump I think those pictures must have been before the shots - everyone looks (more or less) vertical!!!! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  7. I've heard that kind of thing more than once. Police are human too and are quite often frustrated that they can't give someone more than a telling off. As for "happy slapping"? I go for the "seriously unhappy beating with a large stick" retaliation. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  8. Stumpy


    Thanks - (and Clay as well) She didn't get it through the doc, she knows people who know people and all that Those pages help tho - cheers, Never try to eat more than you can lift
  9. see this: Must have been quite a ride!!! Incidentally, you doing this in the uk? if so, where? Would be interested to know...... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  10. Stumpy


    Hi all, I have a mate who is using this as a diet pill, she is into bodybuilding - does anyone know about this - potential side effects that kind of thing? I thought this was the thing that all those tour de france guys got caught with so am a little worried that it can't be good for her if its a banned substance? Thanks in advance, Dave Never try to eat more than you can lift
  11. Jim is damn funny too - he of the "lumpy farts..." Never try to eat more than you can lift
  12. Stumpy

    In my pants

    "Too many DJ's.... In my Pants!!" Never try to eat more than you can lift
  13. Do it - balloon jumps rock almost more than anything else i have done!! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  14. Dude - i think you need to check your figures...... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  15. Hmmmm......Nice Boots Never try to eat more than you can lift
  16. Cheers for coming paul - after having creeped in your mockup - thats a BIG tunnel! Can't wait! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  17. Sneezy Farcklefrack Never try to eat more than you can lift
  18. Inconceivable!! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  19. I ride sportsbikes but thats pretty funny LOL Yeah yeah we all look like power rangers (actually my gear is all black but hey!) Still rather that than "Hells Accountants" Good quote i heard - "The V-Rod - bringing HD kicking and screaming into the 20th Century" (Incidentally - you cruiser people, V-Rod, Like or dislike?) Never try to eat more than you can lift
  20. I agree with the other posters here on the aspect of Sports vs Cruiser. If you are talking cruiser, its probably ok to go bigger than a 600, but if you are talking sportsbike almost definitely not (with the exception of some V-Twins) A 1000cc cruiser will likely be heavy and you will drop it turning it in the road, a 1000 cc sportbike will be light, manouverable and likely spit you over the highside at 160mph and kill you as well as scaring you shi*less every day. I agree with the other poster, for good first bikes, look at Fz6 (Fazer) Hornet, SV650, bandit that kind of thing, whether you want to end up cruising or sportbiking, they will teach you the skills and not be too unmanageable. Good luck! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  21. You sold your bike for THAT gear? In THOSE colours?! Only joking S Never try to eat more than you can lift
  22. Stumpy

    F1 vs. Human

    Think thats not quite right - hi end race cars such as lemans cars and a number of single seaters have ground effect venturis that actually "suck" the car down, but Formula 1 actually has that limited to slow the cars down a bit (the infamous "plank" that they had to have fitted to the underside) So there probably would be some effect but i think the speed would negate it. of course i may be talking complete bollocks. I know one of the williams guys who makes carbon fibre bits so i'll ask him if i see him! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  23. Yep - know the feeling! All my kitesurfing gear is getting ebayed shortly...... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  24. I really need to emigrate.... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  25. Caspar - you jump with the UWE crowd don't you? If that club sabre is the one i think it is its a gem - ask Mat about it, i think it was his originally. I had a sabre 170 and it only ever spanked me when i was experimenting with a lot of packing methods people on here suggested. The rolling and stuffing the nose, all that stuff made it worse. Once i stopped trying to get clever with it and packed it by just stuffing the nose slightly, being VERY careful with making sure the slider was big and slightly out the front (get someone to show you what this means!) and then rolling the tail, it opened fine evry time. Like i said, talk to Mat about it, he has loads of jumps on that canopy and i don't think it spanked him at all. good luck! Never try to eat more than you can lift