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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I don't have any marathon advice, but if you want to start a running program, could start with this. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  2. We just wrapped it up in our clothes in our luggage and prayed nothing got broke. Nothing did and we had a great time. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  3. That's what I was thinking. I did that just this week with Comcast and the POD people. I'd be in the middle of the street if I were in waiting on an ambulance! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  4. Hidden? Seemed obvious... ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  5. I could not talk my mother into it. So instead we surprised her. Gave her less time to worry andfreak out about it. She had perma-grin for weeks afterwards. However, I knew she deep down wanted to but wouldn't admit it. I would never try to convince my father. Instead we took him on an observer ride. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  6. I love going to plays. I enjoy them soooo much! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  7. That is a lot of laundry, woman! I tell my son to enjoy boredom; it slows life down. He thinks I'm insane because of course he can't stand being bored. Someday he'll get it. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  8. My problem is getting the stuff out of the dryer before it wrinkles. I'm bad about that. Then I'll have to rerun it to get the wrinkles out. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  9. LisaM

    I'm Hungry...

    Your dinner sounds better than mine... Your chicken and sausage sounded good to me!
  10. LisaM

    roller sakting

    When we went to the roller rink for my son's birthday 2 years in a row, I took my blades. No way would I get on roller skates again. I was the fastest mom out there! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  11. Now I have only been married 6 years which pales in comparison to your 34; but I think it is whatever works for your personalities. My husband and I love the same things and we do them together. We don't hang out separately. It works well for us. We have told people in the past "it's because we LIKE each other" . It's whatever works for the couple, IMHO. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  12. LisaM

    UPS SUCKS!!!!

    Thy played hot potato. The one left with the package had to take it. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  13. LisaM

    UPS SUCKS!!!!

    UPS dropped and ruined a computer and blamed us. FedEX did the same thing (they got the bottom wet so the computer fell out) and paid for the cost of the computer. "sure things get screwed up on occasion" I'm the occasion every time! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  14. LisaM

    UPS SUCKS!!!!

    Lost?! Ouch! That hurts! I will only use UPS when forced (ie nothing else is offered). They have screwed up more often than not. Hope they find your package! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  15. LisaM

    Cat Door

    Yes the magnets are to just keep the door closed. I'll bet they are messingw with me. I would not put it past them. They like to cause trouble. I have a can of tuna here ready to take home with me. I can't wait to try it. I'm just debating whether to put them in and the tuna out or vice versa. I don't want to freak them out and make them hate the litter room. But they might get bored if they are outside and can't figure out how to get in. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  16. LisaM

    Cat Door

    My fear there is they will then to hate the closet and not use the litter box. Think that is possible? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  17. LisaM

    Cat Door

    Just straight tuna? They have never had tuna. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  18. LisaM

    Cat Door

    See and my husband says it's quite the opposite that they must not be too bright to figure it out. I like the string idea. They love to chase strings. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  19. LisaM

    Cat Door

    I tried treats.... that's how I got one of them to go through with me pushing it past the magnets. If they were smart, maybe they made the magnets easily removeable then I could put them back when they figure it out. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  20. LisaM

    Cat Door

    We just moved into our new house and put the litter box in a closet under the stairs. We put in a cat door that has magnets at the bottom to hold it closed (makes it close faster and a bit noisier too). The cats can't seem to figure out they can push the door open. I have showed and gotten them to push it once I release the hold of the magnets. Advice? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  21. LisaM


    I felt some relief in the shower.... but that was of course temporary and then i ran out of hot water. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  22. LisaM


    I'm sure lots of you have moved when you are sick. It STINKS! My sinuses feel like they are on fire. I spent 2 days painting and today must clean the house (it sat empty for a while) in preparation for furniture. I'm still not sure how I'll have the energy to lift heavy furniture. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  23. Haven't had a land line in 7 years. Don't miss all those sales calls. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  24. I never thought of #7 that way. I don't wanna swipe my card anymore! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  25. LisaM


    Hehehe.. cute! Good to know I'm not the only one that has conversations with my kitty! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?