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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. My apologies. I meant to say RigTrack.Net which is our name. But yes, I do see some similarities and will look deeper into this. But RigTrack.Net is so much more... it's for the community not just one individual. Thank you for the information. - Lisa ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  2. Alex, again thank you for your input. I will work on this type of option (what is your repack cycle). But, notice the system is designed more for riggers to enter rigs for their clients.. not necessarily for the general skydiver to enter his or her own gear (though this will be an option for those whose rigger might not participate but they'd like the automated reminders & notices). I think this will work on a case by case basis for now as those folks from other countries come on board. You certainly know the repack cycle for your country and I for mine, etc. Thanks again! Your imput has been invaluable to RigTrack! =) - Lisa ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  3. Alex, you bring up some very good points about the system working internationally. The phone number is an easy one to change as well as missing dropzones and gear (everyone does currently have the ability to enter missing gear at this point). I have added your gear (the PD Reserve was indeed in the system) and will continue to do so over the upcoming days. As far as different rule sets, this absolutely makes senae and I apologize I was unaware of the different "laws". Having said that, I will make it a priority to be able to add custom rules for these cases. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Thank you for your input! It is greatly appreciated! - Lisa
  4. Thanks for the encouraging words! My husband and I really believe this has been a long time coming. As he got closer and closer to getting his riggers ticket, he saw a need to track rigs and owners and service bulletins OH MY. He's a great visionary. Go RigTrack! =) ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  5. This absolutely is a work in progress.. which is why we are in the beta testing phase. I'm adding data daily as quick as my fingers can work. Cheers! - Lisa
  6. Just register from the register link to become a beta tester! Please email me at and I will list your dropzone right now (my apologies for any missing dropzones right now). =) ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  7. Hello! I posted a while back about an upcoming web system for riggers and their clients: - Tracking Important Dates (such as reserve repacks and AAD servicing) with Automatic Email Reminders (custom setup to your preferences). - Notifying riggers of Service Bulletins related to any gear you have in the system (based off of serial number and/or DOM). - Check against missing/stolen gear database when entering new rigs. - Easily send messages to one or all of your clients (to say, let them know you'll be out of town) - Share your clients and/or rigs with other riggers in the system (for example if a group of riggers share the load of repacks for a school) Well, RigTrack.Net is now ready for beta testers. A beta tester receives a free year of membeship in return for helping us to test the sytsem. You'll be provided with a feedback link for suggestions and comments. Additionally, all bugs will be recorded and sent to the developers. We'll be taking on a select number of beta testers and then the top contributors will receive a free lifetime membership to RigTrack.Net. - Lisa
  8. It's coming sooner than you think! RigTrack is a new upcoming web based application for use by riggers and skydivers alike. Riggers have many options to track their clients. One of its many features does exactly what you've mentioned, Derek. It even goes a step further as to allow a rigger to sign up for email notifications if a SB/AD is issued for a client rig... i.e. the Rigger does not have to go searching for it! We are very excited about this application and will be asking for beta testers within a month (beta testers of course get the service for free). Stay tuned! Visit and keep an eye on this space! - Lisa