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Everything posted by monkycndo

  1. I had two out recently. Not giving advice, just telling what happened. I have a Sabre and roll the nose to prevent a slammer. It actually snivels pretty nice. So, I lost altitude awareness, dumped low, and while the main is opening slowly, had my cypres fire. Didn't even know it happened. I had my toggles unstowed with a good main and was turning toward the landing area. The canopy feels a little strange flying. Take a second look up and have a side by side. I take a split second to look for outs while deciding if I want to chop the main. Look back up and now have a biplane, which appears stable and is steerable. I still thought about chopping, but the SIM popped in my head about keeping a biplane. With the brakes released, it looked like the main was pulling the reserve along. With the drag of the reserve, can't make it back, so aim for my best option. I gently steered the main to an effective PLF landing. Only flared a tiny bit. Having twice the canopy overhead with a slow approach helped me make it into a pretty tight out. I'm not sure if it was the textbook thing to do, but it got me safely to the ground with only minor bruising to my leg and my pride. Once again, not advice, just what got me down alive unbroke. Two lessons I did learn. 1. Watch my F*CKING alti so I don't have two out in the first place. 2. Go over the EPs so they are something you don't have to think about, but something you just do. Lucky to have just walked away, Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  2. Something like that happened to my brother as we were helping a different brother move across country. We had been driving since early morning and stopped at a truck stop for breakfast. We are getting ready to leave and both have the voice of our Dad go off in our heads. We stop, look at each other and say, "You better go pee now, because we aren't going to stop. There was only one urinal and one stall in the restroom. The stall is taken and I get to the urinal first. I finish and wash my hands, then exit stage left. My brother makes a production out of taking a piss. So I'm waiting for him outside, when he comes out laughing his ass off. I not sure if it is the same when a woman is hovering over the toilet, but sometimes when you are standing at the urinal, it can take a bit of time to get the flow going. Sometimes a little extra effort as well. It might not even be a bit uncommon to pass a little gas due to this extra effort. So once my brother stops laughing so he can talk, he explains. So, back in the restroom my brother is working on attaining some relief. Due to the truckstop nature of the food, he has also gotten a bit gassy. So not unexpectedly, he toots while waiting. The intensity of the report was a bit unexpected, even for my brother. I'm talking about making the cheeks shake. He remembered the the stall was occupied and started to feel a bit embarrassed. He thought about apologizing because it was so loud and aromatic. But just before he could, a loud, deep southern voice comes booming from the stall saying, "It sounds a lot better since you got it tuned up." Mike started laughing so hard, he almost forgot why he was in there. I guess it's true what they say about southern hospitality. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  3. Congrsts on the five year. My sorta adoptive mom is a 20+ year survivor of breast cancer. She jokes that people thought she was a bit unbalanced before the surgery. Now they know she is.
  4. I feel for you. Had all four of mine done at one time under local. Two were fully impacted with multiple roots and had to broken into pieces. The doc was the best and barely felt a thing. He would only do wisdom teeth on Friday to give you the weekend to recover. What made a huge difference was the post surgery advice. He gave me my first vicodine before I left the chair. If you keep the pain at bay, you never have to fight it back. Ice packs for 15 minutes at a time at 30 minute intervals alternating sides to keep swelling down. Rinsing with salt water to prevent dry socket/help the gums. Watching what you eat to be easy on the sore gums/jaw. I followed his advice and had no infection and only minor discomfort. Lots of ice cream.
  5. It was part of my packing class that once a month to clean and lube the cables and flex the tree rings. So far they have been clean when I checked. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  6. Never been married, but have lived together for 3 years with girlfriend of 5 years. Not together any more. I would recommend living together because until the two of you are living together, you really don't know about those annoying habits that your SO might have. You know, like leaving the toilet seat up or leaving the wet nylons hanging from the shower rail. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  7. There is too crying at work. Every time the vending machine runs out of reeses peanut butter cups. I have a tizzy fit and cry like a baby. It doesn't get the machine filled any faster, just keeps my coworkers thinking I'm nucking futs. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  8. Back atcha, Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  9. I got vicodin for my wisdom teeth extraction. All four at once. The dentist gave me one before I got out of the chair and I went straight to the pharmacy to fill the scrip. They will keep the pain at bay. It is not as good once the pain kicks in and you have to fight it back. Boy can it constipate you. I followed the dentist's instructions exactly on cold packs to keep the swelling down, medication/food on the appointed time, and salt water rinses for dry socket. No infection and only minor discomfort. My dentist knew his shit. Hope you feel better. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  10. Had my first(beer) out this weekend on jump 57. Opened a bit low and had power lines between me and the landing area and the normal out. Didn't want to chance it trying to make it back, so my only option was a tiny backyard. Snuck it in and PLF'd like my health and wellfare depended on it. Only hurt my pride and won't be pulling low again. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  11. OK, sick, sick sick. But still LMAO.
  12. I'm 10 years old. My dad was the school bus driver for my area. I'm sitting right behind him and we are the only two people people on the bus. We are heading down a hill with a steep upslope on our side. Coming up the other way at us is a truck hauling hanging meat. The driver of the truck falls asleep and starts to drive into our lane. He wakes up, over corrects and gets the truck on two wheels. This all happens in a split second. Now the corner of the box of the truck is tilted into our lane right at head our height. My dad has no place to go due to the hillside and I can see the look of terror in the other driver's eyes. I know I was scared, but couldn't even fathom what my dad was feeling. Somehow the other driver gets the truck back on a four wheels just a heartbeat before he hits us. We make it past him before the hanging meat in his truck kept moving and flipped him on his other side. That's the closest I have ever come to having to change my shorts. And it was way too close. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  13. Two different examples with differnet GFs. While on a long roadtrip, my GF wants to stop at a freeway rest stop(frequent request as she had a bladder the size of a walnut). She wants me to stop right at the entrance. When we get back to the car from the potty break, she pushes me into the passenger seat with THAT look in her eye. So right there with all the trucks driving by enjoying the view. Almost forgot all about what was happening on the outside of the car.
  14. God help anyone who's on the plane with me tommorow I like to add a little BBQ sauce to the chili dog. Adds that little extra to the aroma. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  15. Dude, you can't give him all the credit. Your rendition of an engine was top notch! I've been practicing. Next time it will be counter rotating. I've been watching strippers wearing tassels to get the motion down. I just hope the video is better next time. Monkeyboy. 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  16. Started out in AFF with flare call over radio. By jump 4 had the radio, but flared on my own. Got use to the how and when to flare for a nice stand up. Now I'm jumping my own rig and my last 4 landings have been ugly. Nothing broken, just ugly. It just takes lots of practice and time to get the feel for it. Took the canopy class with Brian Germain. Most important, fly the canopy until it doesn't want to fly anymore. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  17. I tend to be the one that drinks a little less and remembers what everyone else can't remember due to impairment. Lots of fun telling them what they did while impaired. (Might or might not be true) I'm not all that shy and don't care too much what strangers think of me. Try doing Monty Python crazy walks down the Miracle Mile in Chicago. My girlfriend at the time just stood back and acted like she didn't know me. Life is too short to worry what people think of you. Be the fun friend. Just watch out when you get a whole pack of us together. Those guys that bring the white coats that have the sleeves that tie in the back start chasing you around. What??? It has never happened to you??? Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  18. Hmmm... seems you have more reflective, thoughtful moments online, but that could just be because I didn't get to see that side of you considering all the drinking/skydiving/carousing we were doing that weekend. Just blame it on the Mayhem Boogie. Hollister has that effect on people. I am normally shy and very quiet. *wondering if people will actually believe this?* I'm just about the same posting or in person. Don't have much to hide. Pretty open and willing to talk about anything, whether I know anything about it or not. You have to figure that out for yourself. Bit of a warped sense of humour. (Figured I'd throw that in for the Brits and the spelling police) Didn't really mind the tutorial I received about WWII aviation as provided by Sebazz1 during the Mayhem Boogie. Actually thought it was pretty funny. Even still, you just better watch out Seb. I have a long memory. Krisanne, you seam just the same in person as you do postwhoring here. But I mean that in a good way. Not sure if I will be at Hollister on the 21-22. If I make it, yah baby, lets jump. Party On, Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  19. My brother did it. He married a canuck. It took a lot of time and effort, had to prove he wasn't taking a canucks job, and the paperwork lasted what seemed like for ever. But it is sooo beautiful in BC. I try to visit once a year to see the fam. Come to NorCal. The snowy mountains are a short drive for the snowboarding and we have lots of DZs that you can jump year around. King Air to 18K. Gotta love it. Party On, Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  20. I think I recognize that guy. That is Qualcomm park in San Diego. And he took my idea. It's good to be king! Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  21. I grew up spending most weekends at the airport since my dad was a private pilot. I LOVE heights. There are quite a few skydivers that told me they are afraid of heights. The big difference is that once you are out of the plane, you have the most incredible 360 degree unobstructed view and there is no reference point to awaken the fear. I enjoy that feeling of anticipation in my stomach when the spotter calls "door" and then it's my time to jump. Just be forewarned. Once skydiving gets in your blood (and it most likely will), you might as well have your direct deposit sent to the dropzone. It's just easier that way. Enjoy your skydive, Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  22. Snip snip here. Had no problems and no kids since either. Don't have to worry about that % of failure of other methods either. And if she doesn't believe me, I just ask if she wants to see the scars. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  23. I pack for myself. Rather pay to jump then have a packer. I am slow now, but when I start going to boogies, I don't want to have to rely on packers I don't know and still have to wait in line to get my rig. So far my pack jobs on my sabre have given me smooth openings. The only way to get faster at packing is to practice. And did I mention that I am cheap. Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  24. Oooops, I thought you were responding to the hood ring thread. My mistake. [Tries to leave thread quietly] 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity
  25. Yep, saw this on the news. Pretty scary. The only way to opt out is to give a bunch of info to them. They do pull you out of their search engine, but if you get listed by another other site they search to compile their list, you are right back up there. Any time you fill out some questionnaire, a club card application at the grocery store, whatever... it gets listed somewhere on the web for zabasearch to post. I love the usefulness of the internet, (even but it worries me what people can do with it. [with Elmer Fudd Accent] Be afwaid, be vewy afwaid! Monkeyboy 50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity