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Everything posted by complexity

  1. i don't have any comparisons but articles I have read in the Washington Post and NY Times discuss how he has much more moderate social views. Plus many of the conservative groups aren't that happy to get him after Ashcroft (who was a darling of the conservatives.) However, he has been quite controversiual on anti-terrorism strategies and stances on civil liberties as it pertains to terrorists.
  2. While Gonzales is yet on the job (must be confirmed by the Senate), it seem that Gonzales is someone that Democrats/less conservative individuals would be much happier with than Ashcroft. Gonzales is not well liked by the conservatives due to many of his stances of the past (he is softer on affirmative action, has supported minors right to abortion over parents, and has differed in certain views on the 2nd amendment. I personally have high hope that he will be a more moderating attorney general -- yet will fight against judicial activism, regardless if this judgets are conservative or liberal. But he is known for his loyalty to the Bush's, so who knows.
  3. Milkduds -- then you can buy some popcorn and eat them together and it tastes like caramel corn! YUM
  4. complexity

    Pizza !

    i have been there! It was way good -- we ate so much food. There is also a great place in Evanston Illinois called Davis Street Kitchen with awesome stuffed pizza.. and yes, LOVE the bread. No carb-cutting girl here!
  5. complexity

    Pizza !

    I so agree with you -- where is Overgrinders? I think I have been there before when I visited my girlfriend. Is it the east bank area?
  6. complexity

    Pizza !

    Chicago pizza is the best..and I swear you can't get it anywhere but in Chicago. Gino's East, Carmen's or Giordanno's. Stuffed spinach - YUM Two pieces of it and you are in a food coma.
  7. i have: run two marathons been inside a glacier hole where there is an entire village of ice sculptures (in Switzerland) met the last 4 Presidents eaten an entire tray of brownies at one time
  8. my man seems to like it when I moan.. or are you talking about when we women moan and complain?? Truth be told, i think men when they are on their own with their partner moan and bitch more than women... kind of cute though.
  9. Yes -- and i had to join AAA so that they could unlock it as part of their service plan. It was cheaper and a better deal to become a member than pay someone to open it. But my biggest blonde moment had to be when I left my keys in the ignition, car unlocked, and running for two hours while running errands in the mall. I came back and luckily the car was still there but I was out of gas! (and this was in NJ!!!)
  10. I so hate the word MOIST and the word Vagina others are: nice harry fart
  11. 62% SLUT. I am curious about those 90% plus people... wow, craziness
  12. I was on both percocet and vicadon after i had surgery and I have to say that percocet ROCKED. i had a 10 supply and when I was out I asked for some more because it totally numbed my pain and made me feel so good. However, as it such an addictive drug my doctor recommended I just take 4 ibprofen instead I can totally see how people get addicted to the stuff.
  13. Yep...........My son drove me nuts from time to time but not like OPC's. (Other People's Children) Can't stand them!!! He's 9 now though. He knows better than to act stupid. OPC's -- I like that
  14. have had sex before the first "date"... But want to add that we both felt it the minute we met each other and he and I are still together after 2 years...
  15. But don't they (the ubiquitous they) say that its different when you have your own kids? And that in spite of currently other children driving you up the wall/getting tired of taking care of them, you will totally change your outlook once you have your own? I love most children and thing their antics are so adorable for the most part, but I have to agree that when I am with them for too long (and they get bratty/cry), I just want to put them on a shelf/drawer and put them away for awhile. Guess you can't do that to children though Guess thats why I have a dog and a cat right now. They are cool.
  16. This world is full of individuals who are doing good thing for others; sometimes just between friends and family, other times for much greater causes... and often anonymously. It always makes me feel good to witness the goodness of people on behalf of others - it helps balance it with my cynicism. Plus it always makes me feel good to do something for others, especially when they have had a down day or are going through tough stuff. what good deed have you done today or recently, or seen others to for others less fortunate?
  17. or what about : front: 32 D and real back: tight booty (with arrow pointing down)
  18. its gloomy, grey, and drizzling depressing.
  19. You are so right Wendy... its a sad but true reality. Sometimes those on the outside can help those stuck in caves find their way out, but oftentimes it take the individual to find the strength within to truly experience life and all that it has to offer.
  20. Brussel Sprouts. Still not the best but I do like them now.
  21. but you wouldn't be wondering what you are missing outside because you wouldn't know what you are missing. Its a lot different than knowing what you had and now never having it again. What you don't know, doesn't hurt or help you...
  22. While I hear what others are saying about being able to meditate and find happiness in the memories of the outdoors when now stuck in a cave, I would have to agree with Valerie that ignorance is bliss and I would better be able to handle living in a dark cave if I had no idea what I was missing. sad but true -- i don't know if I could have that inner strength for the rest of my life in a dark, denk cave.
  23. Well, you have a point but I think that the people that will really make a difference in deciding the election are the small group of undecideds in those swing states - some of who voted for Bush last time and some of who voted for Gore and some who didn't vote. They aren't the ones who think Bush stole the election - its the diehard Democrats who do. And those hard core Democrats will be out there in full force regardless of WHO it is, as they hate Bush that much. Also many of them think that Gore and his campaign lost an election that he should have won due to poor campaign strategy and Gore's inability to connect with voters. Also, I also think that many undecided voters don't see Gore as a viable candidate because they, unlike the liberal Dems, DO think that he lost the election. And if the liberals play up losing the election to the fence-sitters it may backfire and seem petty and negative. Better to look forward and use Gore at speeches/rallies with the core and let him rant and rave and foam at the mouth. And so we have... Kerry. A second-rate candidate in everyone's eyes (including most Democrats) but he doesn't have Gore's baggage and perception of being a loser.
  24. Well, in spite of how bad twinkies, hohos, and wonder bread may be for all of us, I personally was sad to read about the company filing Chapter 11 as I love that crap! Its my one big snack weakness. Plus it so reminds me of childhood as they have been around for years (I remember visiting the Wonderbread plant with my 2nd grade class) Anyway, there are plenty of other foods that are just as bad, if not significantly worse, for us. Hell, look at the grocery aisles, go to fast food, etc. Twinkies are not killing us and making us into diabetics. Eating them, and other foods, in EXCESS is what is causing these problems. I eat a twinkie or two - i then go work out. I also eat them in moderation. Maybe if Americans would have some willpower and discipline and get off their fat asses.