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  1. PS- I wont register it, I will just use the code for the 30 day free trial. Thanks
  2. Studying for the written exam, can someone PM me a code for prepware 09 or prepware 10, if you have it. Thanks in advance.
  3. that is awesome!!!! Dave Chappelle is hilarious. I would prolly gove my left nut to be this Joe Mowery fella. Does Joe think there will be anything on the news?
  4. ok, a little more info was given via PM: it may have happened at skydive ohio? sound familiar?
  5. anyone hear the rumor that Dave Chappelle went skydiving somewhere in ohio? I heard it but cant find anything about it on-line
  6. Have ben reading alot lately about how bad the military is and how we should not be in iraq and alot more negative things. Just wanted to say thanks for serving....you are all great and I admire what you do.
  7. SO WHO DID YOU VOTE FOR!?!? this ballot can stay secret as well as the real one. no political posts here just vote.
  8. www.okcupid.com/slut quick and simple test. I am an amatuer...only 53% NSFW...sorry
  9. And no i did not recieve this from a girl, it was given to me from a friend from SoCal. Next time instead of handing out a fake phone number to those annoying people at parties....hand out this one. 909-650-5412 listen to the recording.....it is great
  10. well i did it. but "the man" deleted it. can't say i didn;t have the guts too though.
  11. I can not run from a dare!
  13. Coming down to visit a HS friend back from deployment. Any ideas what do do while I am down there....other than skydiving of course. what to do for a fun night life?
  14. 213 things a Specialist in the US ARMY has been specifically told by his chain of command he is not allowed to do. http://www.avalanchetankers.us/archives/000058.html Great stuff. I love all of them #46 I am not authorized to fire officers #63 Command decisions do not need to be ratified by 2/3 majority Post yoru favorites and enjoy!!
  15. Well, this is an election year. I know alot more people vote on presidential elections than any other, so who out there is a registered voter and going to vote?