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Everything posted by seejanefall

  1. My female face hasn't been drawn yet. . . _____________ PMS #394
  2. Either one is fine, don't forget there is also the Licensed Social Worker. As a former Psych major, I would say the most important thing is finding someone you trust to talk to. Shop around. If the matching happens, it really doesn't matter the title. _____________ PMS #394
  3. I put life changing. Three years ago I had a different outlook on life, not a particularly bad one, but I would not have imagined then that I would plan my weekends, vacations, etc around the sky as I do now. I have met the extended family that was lacking in my life. I remember talking to an up jumper when I first stared & her quote of "those who don't fit in, skydive" seems more true than I realized at that time. There hit a point in my student progression that I could no longer explain jumping to those who don't jump, it had gone beyond "hey, I kept my arch when the static line pulled". _____________ PMS #394
  4. My husband and I both made three, and had to drive two hours each way to do it. Our home DZ was closed for some football game. . . _____________ PMS #394
  5. Yep, Ralph and a tandem master grounded me about a month and a half ago due to erratic gusty winds from the east (a very short landing approach at the DZ). Only one load went up that day, a tandem, and they got out a mile and a half away from the DZ, and fought all the way back to the DZ. Even though they landed safely in the middle of the peas, it was a little unnerving watching a tandem get pushed backwards. I didn't have a problem being grounded, I know they had my best interest in mind. _____________ PMS #394
  6. only two clicks for this brunette. _____________ PMS #394
  7. Scampy Von Bushy My husband is Count Honeynuts _____________ PMS #394
  8. Don't forget random pea gravel to step on in bare feet when you're packing. . .
  9. You could always take one of your own digital pictures and post it on you desktop. . . _____________ PMS #394
  10. Biting the hand that feeds Jane. HUH? Even better: Watch out, there's a Jane about. _____________ PMS #394
  11. Regular Matzo can make a mean lasagna. It's is really worth eating. . . they get soggy enough in the cooking that they become a noodle consistency. _____________ PMS #394
  12. I guess Matzo Meal Pancakes made from scatch would taste a whole lot better than the ones I've had from a box from Manischewitz. They absorb so much syrup, and to have to use the syrup with sugar instead of corn syrup. . . don't get me started. . . _____________ PMS #394
  13. Good idea. Another thing that I've found helps me to flare symetrically is to flare to the center of the body instead of to the sides - ie at the end of the flare your hands are in your crotch, not at your hips. Keeps your hands within your peripheral vision, making it easier to see when one is higher than the other. It also helps me to avoid reaching - kinda hard to reach with one hand when both of them are in your crotch. That's the way I was taught to flare, bring both hands together in your crotch. It does prevent you from putting your hand out, plus it puts your arms in position should you need to do a PLF. I was always told by Ralph to "Flare to your plaything" (edited to add this was instruction on student sized canopies, I know my 150 has a different flare point) _____________ PMS #394
  14. I am really sorry to hear about your newest ankle injury. I hope you heal quickly. _____________ PMS #394
  15. Ok, if I put a straight on picture I get Andie MacDowell & Audrey Tautou (who I'm very pleased with because I love the movie 'Amelie') _____________ PMS #394
  16. My first match was Penelope Cruz. Not so bad, I could have done worse. I think a lot of it has to do with the angle of your face in the picture you upload, my picture has me looking from the left and the vast majority of the matches are also looking from the left. _____________ PMS #394
  17. I loved this game as a kid!! My cousins had the real game in the 80's. It was a task to get the "makin' bacon" pose, one piggy mounting the other. . . _____________ PMS #394
  18. I love the spinning and twisting, but hate the stomach drop feeling of roller coasters. That's actually how I decided to start skydiving -- I asked my husband if his tandem felt like that. . . he said no. . . I said I've got to try skydiving. . . _____________ PMS #394
  19. Two of the guys I jumped with at Chicks Rock were Navy guys from Virginia -- a skydiving instructor and one of his jumpers. _____________ PMS #394
  20. Very good post. _____________ PMS #394
  21. I was thinking the same sort of thing while the clip was on!!! _____________ PMS #394
  22. D'OH!!!! I only did a search in the bonfire. _____________ PMS #394
  23. This morning on the news I saw a clip about a vulture in England who has refused to learn how to fly. He's a couple years old now. The trainers seem to pride themselves a little too much on their animals & are upset that the vulture wants to walk everywhere. . . Here's the kicker, they took the vulture to a wind tunnel to try to teach him. What's next?????? _____________ PMS #394
  24. I'm in the never smoked category, have been a runner since birth, so it didn't mesh. I did have a whole bunch of smoker friends growing up though, and for a couple years I'd go around asking them why they decided to start smoking. The main response back was that they didn't really remember why they decided to start, at least not a reason they wanted to fess up to. _____________ PMS #394