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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Are you deliberately trying to piss people off? Or do you really believe that a nation founded on freedom of religion is endangered by religions other than yours? The sort of thing that needs to be stopped is the attitude of intolerance you are expressing. The USA is not losing it's culture, it is expanding it's culture. Why are you so afraid of the other? You are probably correct that fear of change is part of what is propelling people toward Trump. But can't you be better than that yourself? The reason I pose so many questions is that I have a hard time understanding how you can justify the feelings you express. Is it possible that you are in the grip of a group that embraces paranoia as a bond? For a person who expresses a desire to bring people over to your beliefs, you sure seem to be doing your best to make them as unattractive as possible. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  2. The fifth Beatle and third to die. The world is rapidly aging. http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/09/entertainment/george-martin-obit/index.html Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  3. I guess democracy was kind of a risky experiment when it was designed in that way. If it matters a lot to the people today, there is an amending formula to change it. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  4. gowlerk


    Simple, Zika is a virus sent by God to punish sinners. Just like AIDS. See, everything is about God and morals. Really though, I think Kallend set it up in the OP when he used it to take a shot at the pro-life movement. It snowballed from there. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  5. Really, it's not always about you. I was talking about Tony Heller's friends. His Wattsup friends, or ex friends, they won't print him anymore so he had to start his own blog. But he'll always have you believing, right? Like I told you before, you are not really a player. You've taken yourself out of the game. You are just a sniper on the sidelines with a pea shooter. Completely irrelevant except as a plaything to tease. Your nonsense is so easy to completely discredit that it's laughable. Make an effort, keep up, get in the game. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  6. Ford tough. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  7. I don't need to play that ball. It's clearly under inflated. The player? Already fouled out. Even his friends don't believe him! Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  8. Tony Heller at Real Science blog You are quoting a self promoting fanatic who can't even use his real name most of the time. "Real Science Blog". How come you always quote loose cannons and not real scientists? Is this the best you can do? More deadenders? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Goddard This guy is so far out that he even claims to understand the climate on Venus. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  9. any politician - both sides My gosh, I hope you guys see the applicability of your statements to pretty much any poster here that is strongly partisan..... (mean spirited ridicule is pretty much the ONLY response a handful of people here even have - they don't even try discussion at all. As for the political front runners, just listen to the speeches, they are spoon feeding that crap to their followers in every single speech - it's the lion's share of the content) But the right has built an entertainment empire around it. People on the left have attempted to counter the Rush, and Fox news propaganda machine with similar but opposed organizations. But they have failed. The left just does not tend to think that way. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  10. What you say is all true. People do judge their own wealth by what they see around them and not what they read about. I think it takes a higher level of discomfort that the current one to rile them up enough to revolt. Voting for Trump is an easy way to show displeasure. You don't have to actually risk being shot in a street revolution. I think the roots of this nonsense go straight to the Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck sort of outrage as entertainment media shows. They built the audience for these ideas, and for the "no compromise" right wing extremism that answers any objections or counter arguments with ridicule. Ridicule is what Trump is so effective at using against anyone who opposes him. And it works with this audience that has been conditioned to accept it. But the size of that constituency is limited. It is my opinion that it is not large enough to sweep him to power. If I am wrong, it will be "interesting times" indeed. It sure is fun to watch the people who thought they were the leaders of the right squirm. I'm thinking that at least some of the people voting for trump in the primaries are actually doing it for that enjoyment, and will vote against him in the general election. If I were American, I think I would. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  11. I'm not making that underestimation, it is real and is there as you say "in many parts". However, not in the majority of America. The rage and bluster gets blown out of proportion and gets a lot of attention in the media. Mostly America is full of regular ordinary people who are also shaking their heads in amazement about the Trump thing. He is pulling relatively large numbers of people to vote in GOP primary elections. His supporters are more motivated than other people. But in the end they are a minority. Just large enough to maybe wake up the Republican party. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  12. Hitler rose in Germany during a time of great stress in that nation. Although the white middle class in America is under some stress, and feeling somewhat threatened by the ongoing change in the country's demographics, America is still by far the most economically powerful country on Earth. There are small counties with higher per capita incomes, but the average American is filthy rich by world standards. The division of powers in the USA makes Hitler type figures highly unlikely, even if one is elected. This "Trump Crisis" will soon blow over like a reality TV show that has run it's course. It's entertaining to watch, but not of real consequence. Even in the still possible event that he becomes president, the damage will be contained by the system of checks and balances. But he won't be elected barring major changes in the situation. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  13. It's Canadian beer - so . . . Oh.... you strike at my Canadian heart and soul. Our whiskey got many of your people though the tragedy of Prohibition. And now you stoop to calling Crown Royal beer. You, you...hard shelled reptile. No - your whiskey is good - . . I'm sorry if I hurt your feelers. Awwww....maybe your shell is not as hard as I thought. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  14. Trump is not Hitler, he is a populist, not a facist. I don't know why you feel the skydiving community should be better. It is dominated by white men, mostly rural or suburban. That is right in Trump's wheelhouse. Trump will not win the presidency if America actually turns out to vote. America is far more diverse than the people here. Unless the GOP's attempts to suppress the votes of those in demographics that tend not to support them are far more successful than they have been so far. Voter turnout in midterms has resulted in lopsided GOP wins, and narrow Dem wins every four years. Dems that don't bother voting in midterms deserve what they get for being too unmotivated to make the effort. In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve. America has not yet sunk low enough to deserve a clown as president. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  15. I made it myself, that's how I know it's true. Everyone does this in the end. We all have to believe something. Even within your church you will find that people dissent over belief. No two people believe exactly the same thing. As much as the need for knowledge is human and leads to faith, it also leads to schism. Your particular brand of Christianity is a breakaway from another slightly different set of beliefs. And if your group lasts long enough some will leave over differences. And each of these beliefs is as valid and true as any other. You made a decision what to believe, and so did everyone else. And all of us could change our minds at any time. And we would still be just making it up because man is not ever going to be able to know where he came from. My main problem with religions is that leaders use it to abuse others and enrich themselves. I am a practicing Kenist, I follow the teachings of Ken. The first rule of Kenism is that no one is allowed to make money from it. Especially not Ken. Like Jesus, I have a strong dislike of priests, even though I have met some that I admire. In my thinking it is wrong to make a living telling others what the nature of God is. If you want to devote your life to service, there are far more honest ways to do so. If you want to devote your life to God that's fine too. Just as long as you support yourself. I think that's more than enough for today. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  16. Did you check with Rush on that? Moderators posting about other posters. Priceless... I was assuming he was talking about that Limbaugh fellow. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  17. gowlerk


    I think there are some deleted posts in the thread. But Ron often indulges in his God given (literally) mission to bring the grace of his beliefs to us here. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  18. gowlerk


    I see it as a desire for knowledge that is unattainable. I don't deny or believe in a creator myself. But I acknowledge that I have no way of knowing. I accept it as a mystery and believe that man should not and can not ever know. I also understand that each person has their own belief on the answer to this puzzle, and I support their right to those beliefs. But it annoys the heck out of me when people try to push their belief on others. So I push back. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  19. gowlerk


    Same as God, what a coincidence! So practically every civilization in the history of humanity has developed a concept of some type of mysterious God just for the hell of it, what a coincidence! Uh... that's exactly what I'm saying. The concept of God answers a human need for understanding what he will never understand. So he makes up answers and passes them on. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  20. There you go again, promoting your demonstrably evil and false god. What do you have against free will, personal choice, personal responsibility and personal accountability? It's a religion thing - free will except you can't have your own thoughts. You must be part of the establishment. I just want to give poor suffering christians a chance to see the light and the truth. It makes me sad to see their self delusional thinking. If only they would leave the dreary darkness of their evil religion and join me in the light. Freewill and responsibility comes when you cast off the shadow of clerics who would have you study books of lies. Accountable people seek and find truth, they don't find it in a church, or in a book of fables. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  21. All the Canadians I know carefully avoid running over turtles crossing the road. On the other hand, over the border in MN I see crushed turtles on the roadway every spring. Canadians are turtle lovers. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  22. Why? Because the right of American politics HATES her. Why is that? Because she is a confident, competent women of the left and is successful. Same as they hate Nancy Pelosi. They hate all good Dem leaders, but they reserve a special level of vitriol for women. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  23. This is nothing more than an opinion, but you asked for just that. The malfunction was most likely a tension knot. They happen most often at a cascade where there is a little more bulk for a wrapped around line to grip. You can never tell afterward because cutting away releases the tension and the knot. If it was a line over you would almost certainly find line burns on the canopy, probably on the topskin. Is this more likely with a stowless bag? Maybe, I have no real answer to that one. I do know that lots of people like them and get good results, but I can also see a greater possibility of disorganized lines. Either way, stow you lines carefully and neatly. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  24. Nice, your post gets here via the back door. Congrats. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  25. The Premier of Manitoba should order them back to work and if they refuse! Fire Them. Manitoba has an NDP Premier (Leftish). Beside, the guys with the secret knowledge are on strike too, not just the grunts. Whiskey making is not just science, it's art as well. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.