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Everything posted by rhino

  1. LOL http://www.politicalsoundoff.com/home/barbara-bush-says-katrina-may-have-been-a-help-for-poor-evacuees.html "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."
  2. http://www.politicalsoundoff.com/home/why-is-fema-jamming-communications-around-new-orleans.html Another interesting read.. Apparently someone doesn't want us to know the true number of dead in New Orleans. September 4, 2005 -- Reports continue that communications in and around New Orleans are being purposely jammed (and severed) by the US government. The jamming is having an adverse impact on emergency, disaster recovery, and news media communications. The jamming is even affecting police radio frequencies in Jefferson Parish, according to an Australian news report. The President of Jefferson Parish Aaron Broussard told Meet the Press today that FEMA cut his parish's emergency communications lines and he had to have his sheriff restore the severed lines and post armed deputies to ensure that FEMA did not try to cut the communications lines again. Broussard's statement: "Yesterday--yesterday--FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on our line and says, 'No one is getting near these lines.'" Jamming radio and other communications such as television signals is part of a Pentagon tactic called "information blockade" or "technology blockade." The tactic is one of a number of such operations that are part of the doctrine of "information warfare" and is one of the psychological operations (PSYOPS) methods used by the US Special Operations Command. Jamming is currently being used by US forces in Iraq and was used by the US Navy in the botched coup attempt against President Hugo Chavez in April 2002. US Navy ships off the Venezuelan coast jammed diplomatic, military, emergency services, police, and even taxi cab frequencies in Caracas and other large cities.
  3. You and I both know you can easily cover 15-30 miles a day on foot. x 3 days = 90 miles inland. Most of them could have walked. Problem is most of them are lazy.
  4. You make a good point. Unfortunately 3/4 of the city is at the poverty level and the good ole mayor didn't line up the buses to help them get out. Thats piss poor planning. In a mandatory evacuation transportation should be provided for everyone by the government.
  5. I've told you more than once not to put words in my mouth. Do not EVER speak for me or on my behalf.
  6. http://www.politicalsoundoff.com/home/cia-member-reveals-clinton-bushes-behind-jfk-jr-assassination.html Another interesting read.
  7. lol.. ouch.. Good thing it's water.. :)
  8. Germany is such a beautiful country. I lived there for 3 years.
  9. Bill makes a good point. Jesse Jackson isnt that bad. Because he goes against the grain he is able to secure results most people can't. Look at the Chaves oil deal for example.. Not a bad move on Jesse's part. He's done a few notable things to compliment the bad ones..
  10. http://www.hurricanehousing.org/host.html Found this. It isn't good enough but it's a start.. Sponsor someone...
  11. I have made 100 phone calls trying to find (A) point of contact in the Red Cross, United Way, or Salvation Army to start compiling a list of families that need to be sponsored. I need everyones help.. I am building a sponsor a family website.. My wife and I want to bring in a family ourselves, clothe them, feed them, and get them back on their feet. ... We can't find this information... We need soldiers on the ground in the effected areas to help us.... I need list of families immediately. Already know few dozen people willing to do the same thing we are... Who wants to help me get this information??? I need them to call or email me.. [email protected] or pm me for my phone number.. We need to help these people.. I'm not sending money to the red cross but I will be more than happy to help myself. PLease help me help these people.. Rob
  12. The insurance companies are not going to pay to rebuild in the city. It just isn't smart.
  13. Diesel is cheaper here than everything else. Also, of you are military you can get discoutned fuel on base. My Jetta TDI gets between 48-54 mpg.
  14. My wife and I are aggrivated that we can't do something physically to help these people. I wish their was a site, an adopt a family type site where you could find a family, go get them, and help them get their lives back in order. If you live in the Houston, New Orleans, Mississippi, Florida areas go get a family. Thie is heart wrenching. Families left with nothing. No gas, no food, no way out.. Go help.. If I were there I would have plucked up a couple of familes by now just to try and help. Rhino
  15. Port Huron, $3.29, $3.39, $3.49 Diesel is $2.89 We'll see $4 soon.. Eventually leveling off at $4.50. Why are we bitching? It's $9 a gallon in London.
  16. I'm glad I get 50 plus miles to the gallon.
  17. LOL $2.99 for regular unleaded here in Michigan. $2.59 for diesel. I made a good move with my Jetta TDI. I say who cares. so people have to shut off cable now.. go back to dialup instead of comcast cable.. They have to stop being wasteful. Quit smoking, stop drinking.. Stop buying junk food.. Nothing but good will come from these gas prices if people only exercise minimal brain power. Rhino
  18. Been there :) Very nice place! Try Spa Belgium! Nice golf courses there. Nothing beats the Rhine River Valley during the October Fest.
  19. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9114813/ Poor insurance companies.. Been ripping people off for decades now they have to pay up.. No sympathy for the insurance companies from me.. Rhino
  20. Thats crazy, stupid easy.. We could be the richest vegetable oil producing nation on the planet.. All our farmers could be millionaires. !!
  21. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,167314,00.html Maybe they should have participated instead of bitching and moaning all the damned time. Iraq will move forward with or without them. However, I do not believe the new constitution will work because it's built too much around religion. The Clerics hands down, according to the new draft get veto power over laws and ammendments in the future. So they are going to have a bunch of religious fanatics saying yes or no to laws. Bad news.. The opposite of progress. Rhino