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Everything posted by rhino

  1. Sure they are.. Mom and pop know that if little Johnny joins the Air Force or Navy he won't be on the front line. Marines and Army however is a different story. I am not singing anything here. It is my belief that we will definitely see the draft in a short time to come. Especially with the Pentagon saying 4 more years with 100k+ troops left in Iraq. Our forces are being worn out. People are getting out by the MASSES. Don't be fooled. I have dozens upon dozens of Marine and Army friends alike that are just tired, tired of Iraq, Afghanistan and being away from their familes so much.
  2. I didn't say I would do it. I said the White house.
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,166490,00.html The draft will be here soon. They won't have a choice. Rhino
  4. He didn't sacrifice shit. His son did. I love it when parents take credit for their childrens honor and valor.
  5. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/08/23/national/main791483.shtml Not a very Christian thing to do.
  6. Bingo.. Can't give what you don't have.
  7. When you learn how to read, and accurately judge context in my posts get back to me. Up to now you are failing miserably.
  8. http://www.politicalsoundoff.com/home/high-ranking-army-officer-missile-hit-pentagon.html Another interesting read.
  9. http://www.politicalsoundoff.com/ Click on the link (Can This Man Save The US?) do you get it now?
  10. That's what I thought.. steal a 10,000 gallon fuel truck. Bury it in your backyard and be set for life.. LOL
  11. I think they need to raise the hard deck on pull altitudes. Personally i don't like having to pull in the 2500 foot range. Luckily Mullins would drop me in a different spot out of the jump runs and let me pull high.. Last wffc I went to I was pulling at 5-6k from Mullins plane only.
  12. I'm sorry... Terrible loss.
  13. She doesn't have to win. all she has to do is pay the same people Bush did to mess with the poll numbers. Then she's in.
  14. a friend of mine drives a gas truck. I was told that (many) gas trucks across the US have come up missing. Full tankers. gone..
  15. http://www.politicalsoundoff.com/home/more-information-on-fitzgerald-indictment.html
  16. Most people think this way. So did I until the power outage. You need to prepare like so many others. Don't get caught with your pants down (unless you are having a good time)
  17. I'm sorry you had to see this.. I can tell you that I HAVE NEVER convinced anyone to jump. That has to be their decision and theirs ALONE. I never convince people to jump. They just want to because I do. I ever push or pull. I am completely neutral because of this reason.
  18. Last year, the power went out for a couple of weeks here in Michigan. People were backed up at gas stations for hours, getting fuel, ice, water, food.. The dependancy people have on modern things became painfully apparent. Since then I took the liberty of looking into the power grids, what is effected by what and how. Turns out my in-laws living 100 miles north of us are (still in Mi.) but on a grid that was not effected by the last blackout. So we have a plan for our family. 1. PLENTY of water in the basement. 2. PLENTY of food (enough to survive winter) 3. Antibiotic ointment and basic medicines (first aid kits) 4. Seeds of all sorts (you never know) 5. 5x5 gallon gas cans filled in the garage 6. Storage bins for both cars 7. Never have less gas in either cars than it takes to get home 8. High Powered rifle with plenty of ammo complete with Ghillie suit 9. Primary and Secondary meeting areas if we get separated from each other in a major emergency type of situation. 10. Battery/rechargable wind up short wave, am/fm waterproof radio. These are some basic precautions that we have taken in case of emergency. If the power goes out in the middle of winter what will you do? What will you do? If you don't think it's going to happen again you are simply in denial. If you depend on the government to take care of you... Your in for it. Create a basic emergency plan for you and your family. Having and knowing how to use a compass is invaluable. Knowing Land Navigation is invaluable. GPS is nice providing GPS systems still work. Cell phones won't work in a major emergency. Everyone and their mother will have the 2 mile range hand helds so that won't work..
  19. rhino

    Manners!!!!! LOL

    During class, a teacher trying to teach good manners asks the students, one by one "Michael, if you were on a date, having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the rest room," she asked. "Just a minute, I have to go pee", he said. The teacher replied, "That would be rude and impolite. What about you John, how would you say it?" "I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." The teacher responded, "That's better, but it's still not very mannerly to say the word 'bathroom' at the table." "And you Peter, are you able to use your intelligence for once and show us your good manners?" I would say: "Darling, may I please be excused for a moment, I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope you'll get to meet after dinner." The teacher fainted