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Everything posted by rhino

  1. How do you do it with Vegetable oil?
  2. That is sad.. Now, why did you have to ruin a positive thread? lol
  3. Some people have all the luck http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9116360/ Rhino
  4. I agree That's why I like the WFFC! :) If my home dz had a pond I would go ten times as much.
  5. "Those chosen for release are not guilty of serious, violent crimes — such as bombing, torture, kidnapping, or murder — and all have admitted their crimes, renounced violence, and pledged to be good citizens of a democratic Iraq." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,167212,00.html Damn,, I'm sure they all said whatever they had to in order to get out.. Add 1,000 more bad guys to the count in In Iraq.
  6. That's fine. Doesn't mean it isn't possible.
  7. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1799035;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread
  8. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/08/25/national/main795694.shtml (AP) Great views — and plenty of goosebumps for those afraid of heights. An American Indian tribe with land along the Grand Canyon is planning to build a glass-bottomed walkway that will jut out 70 feet from the canyon's edge. The horseshoe-shaped skywalk, expected to open in January, is part of the Hualapai Tribe's $40 million effort to turn 1,000 acres of reservation land into a tourist destination that will also feature an Indian village and Western-themed town. The tribe's reservation is some 200 miles by road to the west of the section of the Grand Canyon National Park that most tourists visit. The walkway, with a glass bottom and sides, will be supported by steel beams and will accommodate 120 people, though it is designed to hold 72 million pounds, said Sheri Yellowhawk, chief executive officer of the Grand Canyon Resort Corp., the tribal-owned company that is overseeing the project. "You're basically looking 4,000 feet down. It's a whole new way to experience the Grand Canyon," Yellowhawk said. Admission will be $25. The project is still seeking an insurer, said architect David Jin, who said he came up with the skywalk idea while visiting the canyon in 1996.
  9. Once again you aren't paying attention to the context of my posts. I said it was an interesting read. I didn't say I buy into it.
  10. I don't see it as a coverup. I see it as smart politics. You hear in the news (4 soldiers died in Afghanistan today) but you don't hear about the ones that died in Germany from wounds. Or in a hospital in Quwait. (spelling?)
  11. http://www.politicalsoundoff.com/home/economic-hit-man-for-neocons-tells-all-about-corporate-world-takeover.html Another interesting read..
  12. We'll soon know if it is bullshit. I have no doubt that things are being sugar coated.
  13. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9071642/ More states to follow..
  14. Something else I felt was worth forwarding. Rhino The Bush Administration is lying on a scale of epic proportions when it comes to the true "dead" count of our soliders in Iraq. The problem is, and they know it well, is that no one ever gets all of the relatives together to counter their ridiculously low numbers. Well, this blog site is doing a virtual version of exactly that. Forward this email to as many people as you possibly can and simply ask them to go to the link and look for the names of the soliders they know have died in this war. If it's not on the list, ADD IT to the list. Let's get a real count and confront this administration with the startling proof. http://www.tbrnews.org/Archives/list.htm Independent Site Asks For Your Help To Get True Count Of Soliders Who Have Died In Iraq Nearly 9,000 U.S. troops dead? A NATIONWIDE CALL FOR INFO FROM SURVIVORS. Has the Bush administration drastically understated the U.S. military death count by redefining "death"? The following article suggests that it has, and it calls for a nationwide campaign to honor deceased service members by naming and counting them. According to the article: "...DoD lists currently being very quietly circulated indicate almost 9,000 [U.S. military] dead"; this far exceeds the "official" death count of 1,831. How can this be? It's largely because "U.S. Military Personnel who died in German hospitals or en route to German hospitals have not previously been counted." In other words, "death" has been redefined. WHAT YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW: 1. If you know (or know of) service members who've died in Bush()'s wars, look for their names on the full, alphabetized "official" Pentagon death list, at www.tbrnews.org/Archives/list.htm. IF THEIR NAMES ARE NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE SEND A REPORT TO: tbrnews (at) hotmail.com. You're also encouraged to notify your Congress members, your local newspaper, and other interested parties. ( Note that the alphabetized list is updated regularly at tbrnews.org. It currently includes deaths reported up through early June. ) 2. FORWARD THIS WEB PAGE TO ANYONE YOU KNOW WHO MAY KNOW SERVICE MEMBERS WHO'VE DIED. 3. Forward this web page to veterans' groups, other organizations, responsible journalists and respectable elected officials. "The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 80 US Military Deaths in Iraq() from 1 through 21 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,831 US Dead to date (and rising)" ( THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS FROM www.tbrnews.org/Archives/a1682.htm ) U.S. Military Personnel who died in German hospitals or en route to German hospitals have not previously been counted. They total about 6,210 as of 1 January, 2005. The ongoing, underreporting of the dead in Iraq, is not accurate. The DoD is deliberately reducing the figures. A review of many foreign news sites show that actual deaths are far higher than the newly reduced ones. Iraqi civilian casualties are never reported but International Red Cross, Red Crescent and UN figures indicate that as of 1 January 2005, the numbers are just under 100,000. by Brian Harring, Domestic Intelligence Reporter Note: There is excellent reason to believe that the Department of Defense is deliberately not reporting a significant number of the dead in Iraq. We have received copies of manifests from the MATS that show far more bodies shipped into Dover AFP than are reported officially. The educated rumor is that the actual death toll is in excess of 7,000. Given the officially acknowledged number of over 15,000 seriously wounded, this elevated death toll is far more realistic than the current 1,400+ now being officially published. When our research is complete, and watertight, we will publish the results along with the sources In addition to the evident falsification of the death rolls, at least 5,500 American military personnel have deserted, most in Ireland but more have escaped to Canada and other European countries, none of whom are inclined to cooperate with vengeful American authorities. (See TBR News of 18 February for full coverage on the mass desertions) This means that of the 158,000 U.S. military shipped to Iraq, 26,000 either deserted, were killed or seriously wounded. The DoD lists currently being very quietly circulated indicate almost 9,000 dead, over 16,000 seriously wounded* (See note below. This figure is now over 24,000 Ed) and a large number of suicides, forced hospitalization for ongoing drug usage and sales, murder of Iraqi civilians and fellow soldiers , rapes, courts martial and so on – I have a copy of the official DoD casualty list. I am alphabetizing it with the reported date of death following. TBR will post this list in sections and when this is circulated widely by veteran groups and other concerned sites, if people who do not see their loved one’s names, are requested to inform their Congressman, their local paper, us and other concerned people as soon as possible. The government gets away with these huge lies because they claim, falsely, that only soldiers actually killed on the ground in Iraq are reported. The dying and critically wounded are listed as en route to military hospitals outside of the country and not reported on the daily postings. Anyone who dies just as the transport takes off from the Baghdad airport is not listed and neither are those who die in the US military hospitals. Their families are certainly notified that their son, husband, brother or lover was dead and the bodies, or what is left of them (refrigeration is very bad in Iraq what with constant power outages) are shipped home, to Dover AFB. You ought to realize that President Bush personally ordered that no pictures be taken of the coffined and flag-draped dead under any circumstances. He claims that this is to comfort the bereaved relatives but is designed to keep the huge number of arriving bodies secret. Any civilian, or military personnel, taking pictures will be jailed at once and prosecuted. ...This listing program is finished so act accordingly. If there is an actual variance of, say, 10 names, that is acceptable. 50 would indicate sloppiness and anything over 100 a positive sign of lying. As of June 16, TBR has received 32 new, unlisted names *The latest on the wounded: “Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, is a 150-bed hospital that's already seen over 24,000 wounded military patients from Iraq and Afghanistan since the commencement of hostilities “. Knight Ridder Newspapers June 6, 2005 (Note: The Pentagon refuses to publish accurate lists of any wounded. Ed) LINK TO FULL, "OFFICIAL" ALPHABETICAL LIST: www.tbrnews.org/Archives/list.htm
  15. http://www.legacy.com/Cleveland/Guestbook.asp?Page=GuestBook&PersonId=14731578&GuestPage=6
  16. This is a note I sent to Brian's family. I want you to know that I keep the photo of Little Alexander reaching for his fathers casket on my desktop, on all of my computers. I am a Sgt in the U.S. Marines myself. Being a father myself of a 2 year old boy, I took this VERY personally. I sent that photo to over 10,000 people, asking them to seek out, thank, support and appreciate any service member (or family of one) that they can find. I am deeply saddened by the loss of a fellow brother in arms. I am also extremely proud of Brian and his family for acting with grace and dignity. To Brian's wife, I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for this happening to you. (I know you won't) but please do not let that little boy forget his Dad. Thank you for your grace, and sacrifice. To Brian's parents, thank you both. Loosing a child is the only thing I could consider to be hell on earth. The way you have conducted yourselves in the aftermath of this event honors Brian. Brian's fellow soldiers need your continued support. To Brian's brother, well done, well done... It goes without saying that you are a man of honor taking care of your brothers’ family. To Alexander, I know little one that you won't understand this for years to come. Your father gave his life for our freedom. Don't be mad at him; always be proud of your Dad. He is a soldier that died in battle. Nothing is more honorable. As a father myself, I've looked at my son, thought of you and cried dozens of times because I am so thankful to be alive to see him. Your sacrifice has helped millions of families appreciate and love their children that much more. I am looking at the photo of you reaching for your father’s casket. As tears run down my face I just wanted to say, Thank you, and I am truly sorry for your loss. Sgt. Robert D. Cowan U.S. Marines