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Everything posted by rhino

  1. God Damnit... Blue skies bro....
  2. It isn't propaganda. Are you out of your mind? It was a thread of respect. Anyone that took a crap in that thread is a piece of shit anyways. It was to say thank you to those that have given and are giving us our freedom. Nothing about respect and appreciation is propaganda. Get a grip.
  3. Can we put it back. Remove the bad comments and just lock it? WTF?
  4. Iran seeks nuke talks with Europe http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/08/14/iran.ap/index.html see... they know it's coming..
  5. It isn't about believing it. It's about why it’s being said. 1. Powell testifies in a closed door hearing 2. The results of that are indictments of most of the Bush staff, the Pres included. 3. The ONLY person that has more power than the attorney general is the President (during a time of war) 4. UN has an emergency meeting on Iran's nuclear program 5. Rumsfeld says (no doubt these weapons we found came from Iran) 6. President doesn't take the possibility of using force off the table So.. We go to war with Iran, Bush and staff can keep their jobs.. Am I off here? Rhino
  6. Topping at $2.78 a gallon in Michigan. I've been telling people for a year we'll see $3 a gallon the end of year. People said I was full of it.. Well. $3... Here we come... And it won't stop there... Rhino
  7. My opinion of you gets lower and lower with every post.
  8. It's a mild form of social security-type pyramid scheme. You don't even know what a (pyramid scheme) is.. do you work for someone? ever seen government structure? chain of command? Insurance company compensation diagrams?? AMWAY stands for American Way. Fantastic company started by 2 men in their basements selling soap. They paved the way for home based businesses. You are obviously uneducated in the subject and choose to follow the masses and judge what you know nothing about. No.. I am not in Amway. Amway is a great company. Rhino
  9. I think celebrating is better than mourning from a National perspective. When I die... I want people to throw a massive party.. Not get all sad... After all.. I won't have to pay bills.. put up with my ex-wife.. bla, bla bla.... LOL
  10. Will you give it a rest for once.. Change your damned avatar.. Looking at your posts then that pic is aggravating. lol
  11. More interesting reads.. Rhino According to a report published Monday by the Washington Post, the Pentagon has developed its first ever war plans for operations within the continental United States, in which terrorist attacks would be used as the justification for imposing martial law on cities, regions or the entire country. The front-page article cites sources working at the headquarters of the military’s Northern Command (Northcom), located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The plans themselves are classified, but “officers who drafted the plans” gave details to Post reporter Bradley Graham, who was recently given a tour of Northcom headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base. The article thus appears to be a deliberate leak conducted for the purpose of accustoming the American population to the prospect of military rule. According to Graham, “the new plans provide for what several senior officers acknowledged is the likelihood that the military will have to take charge in some situations, especially when dealing with mass-casualty attacks that could quickly overwhelm civilian resources.” The Post account declares, “The war plans represent a historic shift for the Pentagon, which has been reluctant to become involved in domestic operations and is legally constrained from engaging in law enforcement.” A total of 15 potential crisis scenarios are outlined, ranging from “low-end,” which Graham describes as “relatively modest crowd-control missions,” to “high-end,” after as many as three simultaneous catastrophic mass-casualty events, such as a nuclear, biological or chemical weapons attack. In each case, the military would deploy a quick-reaction force of as many as 3,000 troops per attack—i.e., 9,000 total in the worst-case scenario. More troops could be made available as needed. The Post quotes a statement by Admiral Timothy J. Keating, head of Northcom: “In my estimation, [in the event of] a biological, a chemical or nuclear attack in any of the 50 states, the Department of Defense is best positioned—of the various eight federal agencies that would be involved—to take the lead.” The newspaper describes an unresolved debate among the military planners on how to integrate the new domestic mission with ongoing US deployments in Iraq, Afghanistan and other foreign conflicts. One major document of over 1,000 pages, designated CONPLAN 2002, provides a general overview of air, sea and land operations in both a post-attack situation and for “prevention and deterrence actions aimed at intercepting threats before they reach the United States.” A second document, CONPLAN 0500, details the 15 scenarios and the actions associated with them. The Post reports: “CONPLAN 2002 has passed a review by the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and is due to go soon to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and top aides for further study and approval, the officers said. CONPLAN 0500 is still undergoing final drafting” at Northcom headquarters. While Northcom was established only in October 2002, its headquarters staff of 640 is already larger than that of the Southern Command, which overseas US military operations throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. About 1,400 National Guard troops have been formed into a dozen regional response units, while smaller quick-reaction forces have been set up in each of the 50 states. Northcom also has the power to mobilize four active-duty Army battalions, as well as Navy and Coast Guard ships and air defense fighter jets. The Pentagon is acutely conscious of the potential political backlash as its role in future security operations becomes known. Graham writes: “Military exercises code-named Vital Archer, which involve troops in lead roles, are shrouded in secrecy. By contrast, other homeland exercises featuring troops in supporting roles are widely publicized.” Military lawyers have studied the legal implications of such deployments, which risk coming into conflict with a longstanding congressional prohibition on the use of the military for domestic policing, known as posse comitatus. Involving the National Guard, which is exempt from posse comitatus, could be one solution, Admiral Keating told the Post. “He cited a potential situation in which Guard units might begin rounding up people while regular forces could not,” Graham wrote. Graham adds: “when it comes to ground forces possibly taking a lead role in homeland operations, senior Northcom officers remain reluctant to discuss specifics. Keating said such situations, if they arise, probably would be temporary, with lead responsibility passing back to civilian authorities.” A remarkable phrase: “probably would be temporary.” In other words, the military takeover might not be temporary, and could become permanent! In his article, Graham describes the Northern Command’s “Combined Intelligence and Fusion Center, which joins military analysts with law enforcement and counterintelligence specialists from such civilian agencies as the FBI, the CIA and the Secret Service.” The article continues: “A senior supervisor at the facility said the staff there does no intelligence collection, only analysis. He also said the military operates under long-standing rules intended to protect civilian liberties. The rules, for instance, block military access to intelligence information on political dissent or purely criminal activity.” Again, despite the soothing reassurances about respecting civil liberties, another phrase leaps out: “intelligence information on political dissent.” What right do US intelligence agencies have to collect information on political dissent? Political dissent is not only perfectly legal, but essential to the functioning of a democracy. The reality is that the military brass is intensely interested in monitoring political dissent because its domestic operations will be directed not against a relative handful of Islamic fundamentalist terrorists—who have not carried out a single operation inside the United States since September 11, 2001—but against the democratic rights of the American people. The plans of Northcom have their origins not in the terrible events of 9/11, but in longstanding concerns in corporate America about the political stability of the United States. This is a society increasingly polarized between the fabulously wealthy elite at the top, and the vast majority of working people who face an increasingly difficult struggle to survive. The nightmare of the American ruling class is the emergence of a mass movement from below that challenges its political and economic domination. As long ago as 1984—when Osama bin Laden was still working hand-in-hand with the CIA in the anti-Soviet guerrilla war in Afghanistan—the Reagan administration was drawing up similar contingency plans for military rule. A Marine Corps officer detailed to the National Security Council drafted plans for Operation Rex ’84, a headquarters exercise that simulated rounding up 300,000 Central American immigrants and likely political opponents of a US invasion of Nicaragua or El Salvador and jailing them at mothballed military bases. This officer later became well known to the public: Lt. Colonel Oliver North, the organizer of the illegal network to arm the “contra” terrorists in Nicaragua and a principal figure in the Iran-Contra scandal. As for the claims that these military plans are driven by genuine concern over the threat of terrorist attacks, these are belied by the actual conduct of the American ruling elite since 9/11. The Bush administration has done everything possible to suppress any investigation into the circumstances of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon—most likely because its own negligence, possibly deliberate, would be exposed. While the Pentagon claims that its plans are a response to the danger of nuclear, biological or chemical attacks, no serious practical measures have been taken to forestall such attacks or minimize their impact. The Bush administration and Congress have refused even to restrict the movement of rail tank cars loaded with toxic chemicals through the US capital, though even an accidental leak, let alone a terrorist attack, would cause mass casualties. In relation to bioterrorism, the Defense Science Board determined in a 2000 study that the federal government had only 1 of the 57 drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tools required to deal with such an attack. According to a report in the Washington Post August 7, in the five years since the Pentagon report, only one additional resource has been developed, bringing the total to 2 out of 57. Drug companies have simply refused to conduct the research required to find antidotes to anthrax and other potential toxins, and the Bush administration has done nothing to compel them. As for the danger of nuclear or “dirty-bomb” attacks, the Bush administration and the congressional Republican leadership recently rammed through a measure loosening restrictions on exports of radioactive substances, at the behest of a Canadian-based manufacturer of medical supplies which conducted a well-financed lobbying campaign. Evidently, the administration and the corporate elite which it represents do not take seriously their own warnings about the imminent threat of terrorist attacks using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons—at least not when it comes to security measures that would impact corporate profits. The anti-terrorism scare has a propaganda purpose: to manipulate the American people and induce the public to accept drastic inroads against democratic rights. As the Pentagon planning suggests, the American working class faces the danger of some form of military-police dictatorship in the United States.
  12. I keep running into some entertaining reads. Rhino.. Will New Mandatory Vaccinations Trigger Chemtrail Substance? Chemtrails And Vaccines What You Didn't Know About Vaccines And Human Animal Husbandry By Mark Owen In 1946, future pharmaceutical czar George Merck reported to the US Secretary of War, that he'd managed to weaponise the toxin extracted from the Brucella bacterium and to isolate it into an indestructible crystalline form using only the DNA particles. Aerial spraying of the crystals via chemtrails was deployed on Chinese and Korean populations during the Korean War. Many veterans of the war later developed Multiple Sclerosis. The army recognized that the MS was Brucella-related and paid the veterans compensation. Although the Brucella micoplasma can lay dormant for decades, it can be triggered by vaccines. Vaccines have been mandatory in the US military since 1911. Besides MS, this bacterium has been linked to a variety of diseases including; AIDS, cancer, diabetes, Parkinsons, Alzheimers and arthritis. In 2000, Dr. Charles Engel of the National Institute of Health stated that the brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia as well. In addition to the aerosol vector, mosquitoes were heavily tested as pathogen dispersal agents. In the 1950s, the Dominion Parasite Laboratory in Belleville, Canada was raising 100 million mosquitoes per month. They were then shipped to Queens University in Kingston and other facilities where they were infected with the crystalline disease agent. A large outbreak of chronic fatigue was reported in 1957 in Punta Gorda, Florida. The previous week a huge influx of mosquitoes was reported. The National Institute of Health stated that 450 persons became ill with chronic fatigue within the month. Many such tests have been carried out on civilians over the last 50 years. Dr. Maurice Hilleman, Merck's current chief virologist, stated recently that the Brucella pathogen is now carried by everyone in North America and possibly the world. In 1993, Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo, senior researcher at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology patented several virulent strains of mycoplasma. He stated in his own patents that they cause chronic fatigue syndrome. The Institute is currently reconstructing the 1918 Spanish Flu, inserting it into contemporary flu strains and enhancing its lethality. The Spanish Flu killed 675,000 Americans in the 1918-1919 interval. Many of the dead were vaccinated soldiers. Anyone born after 1918 has no immunity to the Spanish Flu. Since 9-11 all US airports have been under military control. According to one credible source, there is a subrosa project known as 'Cloverleaf' that uses domestic air carriers retrofitted with special tanks to spray civilian populations with a variety of chemicals. This retired government scientist goes on to say that reconstructed versions of the flu could be inserted into vaccines along with a more benign strain of the inoculum in order to slow the progression of its more deadly component. Chemicals in the chemtrails reported nationwide over the preceding decade, may assist the viral envelope to fuse with lung cells, guaranteeing ease of penetration and infection. People will pass along the flu to others and then start dropping like flies. This will cause a panic demand for more flu shots, thus accelerating the cycle. Persons not so inoculated will be blamed for spreading the disease. In 2002 the Department of Health and Human Services purchased 286 million doses of vaccine from British supplier Acambis. The Washington Post reported in September of that year that the entire population of the United States could be vaccinated within 5 days. Concomitantly, the Department drafted a law known as The Model Emergency Health Powers Act. The Act can demand that any individual be vaccinated. Failure to comply will be considered a felony. The latest wonder cure promoted by the medical establishment is genetic vaccines. They are hailed as the last line of defence between humans and mycoplasma. But Dr. Rebecca Carley declares that the DNA components in these vaccines can be incorporated into our own DNA which in turn could cause the extinction of all (vaccinated) life on earth. At least two dozen microbiologists around the world have died violently in the last few years. Curiously, some of them were working on DNA sequencing. The most famous was Dr. David Kelly who died in July 2003. Working for the Mossad, Kelly orchestrated the defection of Russian microbiologist Vladimir Pasechnik, who had been working on a doomsday biological weapon capable of destroying one third of the planet's population. In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian Virology Institute declared that up to one billion people around the world could die during the next pandemic. It would appear that the human herd is about to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever reasons, the dead microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program. In order to ensure maximum confusion, an edition of the New York Times from January 2002 reported that the US government had seen fit to declassify hundreds of germ warfare cookbooks. Although Lee Harvey Oswald's bank account information is sealed for another 50 years, federal agencies have been routinely selling biowarfare documents to researchers through the Internet and even over the telephone. The Times reported on the dangers of tainted vaccines as far back as February 1962. It turns out that the polio vaccines of the 50s & 60s were virally contaminated with diseased monkey kidney tissue, possibly accounting for the huge spike in cancer cases thereafter. But vaccines don't require tainted monkey tissue to be considered dangerous. The Physician's Desk Reference for 1998 lists any number of toxic vaccine ingredients including; formaldehyde, aluminium, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) and human diploid cells (from aborted fetal tissue). In May of 1987 the austere Times of London reported on its front page that the smallpox vaccine administered by the World Health Organization had triggered AIDS. 100 million vaccinated Africans were at risk. Areas with the largest amount of inoculations showed the greatest concentrations of AIDS cases. Robert Gallo was quoted in the article as endorsing the figures and stating that, "AIDS researchers [] will keep their mouths shut because they are paid to do so." In 1992 WHO director David Heymann stated that, "The origin of AIDS is of no importance to science today." The Times also reported last December that Gulf War Syndrome had been positively linked to vaccines. More than 100,000 veterans currently suffer from the syndrome contracted in 1991 during Desert Storm. 20,000 veterans have died so far. Last March, Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist and dean of a Nigerian university took samples of the latest WHO vaccine to India for analysis. Serious contaminants were found including sterility agents. In 1995 the Catholic charitable organization Human Life International accused the WHO of attempting population control in Africa and elsewhere. In April 2000 the Observer newspaper reported that the pharmaceutical leviathan GlaxoSmithKline sponsored experiments on children at Incarnation Children's Center in New York City. Children as young as four were given multi-drug cocktails. In other experiments, six-month old babies were injected with double doses of a measles vaccine. More than 100 orphans and babies were used in 36 experiments. This sort of experimentation has occurred with increasing frequency. Last year the Environmental Protection Agency received $2.1 million from the American Chemistry Council to conduct studies on children from impoverished families in Duval County, Florida. The children will be exposed to a variety of known toxins over a two year period. The study will determine how chemicals are absorbed, ingested and inhaled by children ranging in age from infants to 3 year olds. For taking part in the study, families will receive $970 and a tee-shirt. What can be done-- Many parents believe that they cannot enrol their children in school without having them inoculated. But vaccines have always been voluntary. Dr. Zoltan Rona says that parents must demand exemption forms from school administrators. Exemptions can be made for spiritual or religious reasons. Rona states that parents may have to insist on having a vaccination waiver or declination form, and then have it notarized in order to present to school officials. Also, before consulting a doctor, it may be prudent to consider the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association vol. 284 July 26, 2000. Therein is stated with astonishing frankness that American medical doctors are responsible for 250,000 deaths per year. Half of these deaths are attributed to the negative effects of wrongfully prescribed drugs. Interestingly, in the opening statement of the Hippocratic Oath, doctors make a declaration to Apollo. In the Greek vernacular, the word Apollo means destroyer. It may also be prudent to heed the advice of former National Institute of Health director James Shannon who stated, "The only safe vaccine is the one that is never used." This advice certainly resonated with President George W. Bush. On October 13 of last year in the middle of the US Presidential debates, Bush emphatically declared, "I haven't got a flu shot and don't intend to." One month later Reuters carried a related and interesting item published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Harvard researcher Gerhard Scheuch stated that nasal inhalation of a simple saline spray can stop the flu virus and tuberculosis dead in their tracks. For reasons perhaps best known to Merck and others, this potentially life-saving information did not receive wide distribution in the popular press. Mark Owen is a freelance writer living in Toronto, Canada. He can be reached at [email protected]
  13. http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2005/240305mckinneygrills.htm Watch how McKinney asks questions about Dyncorp slave rings, the 3 trillion missing from the pentagon and the 911 wargames.
  14. http://www.financialoutrage.org.uk/911_mainstream_media.htm
  15. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,165213,00.html WASHINGTON — Some weapons entering Iraq are coming from Iran, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld (search) said Tuesday, though he indicated it was unclear whether they were coming from elements of the Iranian government or from other parties. Looks like Washington is gearing up to smear Iran... Rhino
  16. Quotebefore it cycles near the Earth*** I wonder how near it will come?
  17. I believe it causes global upheavals every cycle. I think the cycle is 2,600 years. Last one was what ancient texts refer to as the Great Flood (The Bible ripped off the actual story and uses the Noah story here). All I know is the next one is predicted by many ancients including nearly all of the Indians on this continent in…. 2012. Zacharia Sitchin PREDICTED 10 years ago that scientists would eventually be able to see this planet emerging near Pluto about 5-6 years before it cycles near the Earth. It is NOT on the same orbital path as the other 9 planets. We go one way, it goes the other… which brings it incredibly close to Earth… and that makes for very bad things….