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Everything posted by rhino

  1. Considered it yes. We already know that the vast majority of them aren't even from Iraq..
  2. I've been here a while.. and off of here.. and on here.. lol June of 01.. Man has it been that long?
  3. The ONLY acceptable reason to burn an American flag is to dispose of an old, ragged flag. Nothing else is acceptable.
  4. With last nights major bass fishing success with Daniel I wanted to sweeten the pot for him.. So today... He got his very own, fully supplied bass fishing tackle box! Worms, Spinner Bates, Hooks, The works! Told him how proud I was of him that he made it into the bass fisherman of the family... He was so proud and excited when I gave him his very own tackle box and that he was now a real bass fisherman.. God I love being a Dad!!! Rhino
  5. rhino


    bottom line.. a battle is happening and the tobacco companies are loosing.
  6. You should have seen him. He was screaming and rocking the boat back and forth trying to reel this thing in.. I wouldn't help him.. He did very well. My fondest memories are bass fishing with my dad as well..
  7. I haven't jumped airlocked canopies so I can't help there. Their is a big difference in the way it flies through chop when you loosen your chest strap. The canopy has good speed. Only thing I have flown that does (better) flying through chop is the Diablo.
  8. Took my oldest boy Daniel out night bass fishing for the first time last night. Started at 7pm and ended at 1am. The little terd caught 6 bass. One over 3lbs! I've been fishing in that pond for 3 years and have never even caught a 2 pounder. I should have known better than to give him my bullfrog torpedo.. Damn! The boy had a blast.. It was fun! I got skunked with a little bitty small mouth bass and a blue gill.. lol Father son time rocks! I'm tired as hell at work today though. Rhino
  9. It's a bad ass canopy.. I miss my xf2 loaded at 2.0... Fantastic canopy. I wish I could get that exact canopy with either airlocks or crossbraced..
  10. Makes you wonder if they knew ahead of time. I wonder how many regular Muslim train and bus commuters weren't so regular that day?
  11. k.. so how do I get the fx to open better?
  12. You need to jump everything you can get your hands on. You have to use your best judgement and decide if you can handle anything smaller. If you jump under a canopy and is scares you it's too small. You (through jumping different wings) have to make the decision what flight characteristics you like and don't like. You might like twitchy fast turning canopies, you may not. You might like seven cell canopies and not 9. You might like an airlocked canopy more than something else. Just do your homework and work at it. Make smart decisions based off of coaching and a plan. Work your plan. Don't do what others want you to do because they think it's proper. Had I listened to everyone else I would have been using rears risers 3 years ago.. I wasn't ready then and it wasn't part of my plan. Work your plan. Make one using your and others smarts. Plan everything. The closest I came to getting hurt was the one time I swooped without planning and doing homework. Rhino
  13. And you have all the answers... If you disagree say WHY? Just making assumptions based off of jump numbers is childish and foolish. Care to contribute anything useful?
  14. I intially started and learned to get out of high wind quickly.
  15. If you do, or have ever used them... Why did you do it? What was behind you starting to use your front risers? Rhino