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Everything posted by rhino

  1. Agreed... Not to have a Men's only forum is sexist at best. One should be added.
  2. If you are, or know anyone that is a systems engineer / LAN admin speak up.. I've got some leads on great "IMMEDIATE" jobs in Michigan.. I can hook you up. Rhino
  3. You say that now. I'd bet you money their is a "when the shit hits the fan, round up the nay sayers" list...
  4. Congratulations bro!!!! That's fantastic!!!!!! Your life will never be the same.. Being a Dad is the greatest gift in the world!
  5. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10147801/ Iraqi leaders call for U.S. withdrawal timetable Community leaders say opposition has 'legitimate right' of resistance I say fuck them all at this point.. Let's pull up the tents and go home.. They want to deal with this themselves.. They think the insurgency is legitimate??? Fine... Let's go home............
  6. That's like a jackass holding up a big fat "SAY NO TO SECOND HAND ASS GAS" sign, while passing gas at an anti-farting rally!!! That's how out of place Bush firing back at his critics is. It makes about the same amount of sense. lol
  7. I don't get it off.. No respect!.
  8. Maybe they are.. Probing and gathering intelligence. If they push now and stretch things,, Make the authorities back off by crying racism maybe, just maybe that will give them the little bit of room they need to strike us.. Forgive me for saying.. They can go pray in a fucking mosk... Maybe they should have policed their own before all their brothers flew planes into the trade centers and the pentagon. They are just going to have to accept the racism. It's here to stay for a long damned time and nothing they can do will change it. They should quit their fucking whining.
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/11/02/football.muslim.ap/index.html
  10. Things aren't always as they seem my friend..
  11. I would have been more than happy to compete under my XF2.. I just don't have the time.. Job,, Wife.. Kids. All that stuff..
  12. rhino


    agreed.. The racer is fantastic. Can't beat the price either.
  13. I am the Chief Security Officer for Ronin World Wide Executive Protection. The other 3 men were my co-workers. The great thing is she didn't even know we were protecting her until the night was over. I am the one in the blue shirt..
  14. Here you go.. As promised.. What a night!!! Rhino
  15. What do you think? Will he survive the shit rolling up the hill right now?
  16. That is some funny shit!!!!!!!!!!!