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Everything posted by SkiD_PL8

  1. I downloaded it the day it was released. I played it for probably a month before I decided that I still liked good old counter strike better. I hear that it is improving constantly though, and alot of the bugs that were there in the begining are gone. There are allready "maps" in the game where you parachute in to start the level but if I remember right you are jumping a round and it just takes you straight down and you start. Greenie in training.
  2. I highly recomend getting proper gear ASAP. I am glad to hear that you have a helmet but that really isn't enough when sliding across the pavement at high rates of speed. I would be inclined to compare it to jumping without a reserve, you are good unless you have a mal. You would be amazed how fast pavement will chew through ordinary clothing. Greenie in training.
  3. Sorry to hear about your loss, but I can't imagine a better way to keep her in your heart. Greenie in training.
  4. Thanks for the advice flyangel, I don't really intend to jump at rantoul this year at this point, that was kinda the point of this whole post. I am sure I will still have a blast, and even thought about volunteering to help out if I have some time off work and can stay for a week or so. I just know how it feels when I am stuck at work looking up into the sky all the time thinking "it would be a great day to go make some jumps." I am sure watching hundreds of people falling from the sky and knowing I am stuck on the ground will multiply that feeling about ten-fold. Greenie in training.
  5. One of the best things I've heard come out of a sky chick's mouth all day. I have to agree. Greenie in training.
  6. I am not doing AFF I am going through static line progression. I did two jumps the first day and still got out of the DZ by 5:30 and that was after a 4 hour class. Would it really be that hard to make 3 jumps on a saturday and 4 on a sunday? Greenie in training.
  7. Correct I have only 2 jumps right now. However by the time rantoul rolls around I should easily qualify for my "A" license. I plan on doing about 7 jumps a weekend until I get it. Greenie in training.
  8. I knew rantoul was coming up, I had been reading about it on the boards. I have every intention of going for at least a weekend, but I just realized I will only be able to register as a student jumper even though I should have my "A" license and several more jumps under my belt by then. Still sounds like it will be a lot of fun, just kinda burst my bubble because I was very much looking forward to jumping out of that hot air balloon. Greenie in training.
  9. I know several lawyers and a judge and have visited them at the courthouse before. I have no problem believing that it was a gag gift given to him by one of the public defenders or someone as a gag gift. I do however think that it had no place being under the bench weather it was being used or he was just pumping it but not actually using it to go along with the inside joke, especially at a murder trial. Greenie in training.
  10. Umm... if you can find a midget pastor that would be hilarious. Greenie in training.
  11. Mike trolling again, let's see how many pages this one gets up to. Greenie in training.
  12. I give up at 1572. Greenie in training.
  13. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy all the useful information and even the useless stuff that is still fun to read Greenie in training.
  14. It really helps hearing personal experiences like that. I am a new jumper and will be getting my first rig before I know it. Posts like yours are what will keep me on big forgiving canopys longer. Just thought I would let you know that while there are plenty of people out there that will ignore your useful advice and keep downsizing too fast you at least helped get through to one. Greenie in training.
  15. I used to work out 5 days a week. Then I moved to the town I live in now where I don't know anyone and I am horrible at getting myself motivated to go to the gym without a spotter/lifting partner. Greenie in training.
  16. Next to the reply link on messages there is a link that says quote. Click that and it will give you tags like [.quote.] blablabla blablabla [./quote.] without the spaces that would do what you want and anything you don't want quoted just remove. Greenie in training.
  17. You sure that was a cliff jump? He had alot of freefall time. Greenie in training.
  18. Funny thing is that was exactly what I was thinking when I made my original post Greenie in training.
  19. I think they are responsible to an extent yes. If someone is selling a high performance canopy I would expect them to simply ask the right questions to that person. No need to consult their DZO or anything like that. If a person felt the need to lie to get a canopy that was beyond their skills to fly they would find one somewhere that would sell it to them anyway. Greenie in training.
  20. WOW! Don't know what else to say about that. Can you imagine how bad that would have been with a mal though? Greenie in training.
  21. Good thing my DZ isn't open through the week or I would be so broke. Greenie in training.
  22. Mike I have a feeling you are going to continue to meet a wall of resistance to your post. Obviously the original post in the women's forum didn't bother anyone but you. Also I am sure the way you went about trying to prove your point offended some of the african american skydivers out there. I would love to hear some of them chime in and let you know how it made them feel reading this post. Greenie in training.
  23. What are you waiting for?! Get out to the closest DZ and make that first jump! Greenie in training.
  24. My first jump was yesterday and my instructor didn't ask that, he just waved so I would wave for the camera and then said "get your feet out and stop" I looked back and then he did the point and said "get all the way out" then I was dangling from the strut and he gave me the thumbs up and off I went. Greenie in training.