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Everything posted by Avion

  1. Those are a couple of sharp sites Hey Phree, have a look at: http://www.freewebtemplates.com Some of the flash sites are kinda neat. You will still have to do signifiance customization. Apparently, there are many more avaible, just google for 'free website templates.' Here's a link for a $69 skydiving template: http://www.finerdesign.com/sport_website_templates.htm It's file# 5078, you have to go a few pages in to find it. Gee, you've got me doing your homework for you
  2. Avion

    Block notes!

    http://www.omniskore.com/ipc_pool_flash.htm http://www.mariosantos.com/uk_us/articles.htm http://skyleague.com/pages/media/index.php?keyword=
  3. I've only been in the tunnel. I put an hour and a half in at the beginning of the year, then took 7 months off because of poverty. I was wondering if it would come back too. When I went back in a week ago, it was like riding a bike, and came right back. I think the reccomended thing to do in your case is to get an instructor to do some recurrency jumps with you, to make sure your safely back in the saddle
  4. Getting back to topic, all of the prefab templates I have seen just fail to impress me enough to use them. So, I stopped looking for 'em.
  5. Avion


    Well, at least its muscular then. When ever I get a kink in my back like that, I use Alleve durning the day, because it lasts all day long, and Advil at night. I use these two like this because if I take Alleve round the clock it tends to work less well by the third 12hr dose or so. For me these will take most of the pain and stiffness away, sometimes all of it. Hope you feel better
  6. You might want to let them simmer for an hour or more, to let them soak up the flavor
  7. Just boil them in beer, Bud works good. I've had beer soup, with sliced hot dogs, potatoes, carrots, onions etc... Was pretty good
  8. A bouncer kicked me out a bar in Orlando once, actually its happened more than once, but on this particular time some how my beer managed to spill all over him on the way out. I'm still wondering just how that happened New Years, I just got a bottle of Jack Daniels and watched Van Helsing. I'm must be getting old and boring Excuse me, I have to go visit the tunnel of youth now
  9. You know what the really fustrating part was that the websites I did, actually attracted new business for the customer, and they still had problems with it. I have since stopped offering to do any more sites.
  10. You know that sounds kinda right. I've found that programming actually applications is easier for me than web site design. Web design is much more of a graphic artists type of job. I find it fustrating. I used to charge a few hundred bucks to do a simple site for people, 4-5 pages of information about their business. People complained that my sites were too simple. So, I pointed them in the direction of Lucky7media who charges about $2,500 a site. They wanted my price with his sites. Oh well.
  11. Actually, you can get free premade JS interfaces on the web. Doing good pages these days has moved away from straight html. Using Cascading Style sheets and some kind of a WYSiWYG editor are a necessity now, at least for me.
  12. I like to see you create a javascript navigation interface with notepad or vi for that matter I like pico. Say, do you speak emacs?
  13. I use Paintshop Pro rather than Photoshop. From what I hear, Photoshop is better, but I like the way Paintshop looks and find it easier.
  14. I thought that I had clearly stated that fear arises from the subconcious, a low level physical reaction to precieved danger, and that one must be prepared to recognize fears presence and deal conciously and effectively with it. Brian claims, according to the theory he supports, that there is a underlying universal arousal factor that is then turned into a specific emotion by the minds interpretation of the context of the situation. It is a more complex generalized perspective. When the mind interpretets danger, the universal arousal is turned into fear, "given an affective tone" of fear. He then goes on to apply fairly standard stress management techniques to deal with it: Breath control, visualization/medetation, being attentive to your gear and surroundings. I also use my own combination standard stress management techniques, taken from both old and new disiplines: Raja Yoga and Psychocybernetics etc... Our approaches to fear abatement apparently differ only in the defination of fear itself. We both then use similar standard techniques to deal with it. His perspective of fear is interesting and new to me, I have been giving it some thought lately and will probably research it more thoroughly. I follow the keep it simple approach. So, I like to keep my fundimental definitions and techniques so simple that even my subconcious can understand them. These may appear, to those who think truth has to be complicated, to be too simple. So the question that remains in my mind is that, is there practical value to be gained by defining fear as he does when his resulting techniques for dealing with fear are so similar to standard approaches. I am tending to doubt there is any additional value to be gained in regards to skydiving, however it may be useful to better understanding emotion in general. That's what I will be giving the thought to
  15. As far as popups, I use a little freeware program called Poplock. http://www.bayden.com/PopLock/default.asp It blocks 99.9% of all popups, is very simple. If you want to allow a popup just press the ctrl key when you click a popup link. I hate the ones that ask you questions all the time.
  16. Avion

    Open Water

    Have you seen The Grudge? I watched home alone with the lights out. It made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.
  17. Whoops, I missed that you already have Dreamweaver. I know a guy that does really good sites www.lucky7media.com although he does charge big bucks. He went to school for two years just to learn how to use those programs ----------------------- There is a neat little freeware html editor called, Webcoder, that I use to do simple sites with. Much better than notepad, I used to use that too, much to some peoples amazement. http://www.webattack.com/get/tswcoder.html To do really good looking sites, you need to use something like Dreamweaver. There is a good learning curve involved.
  18. Some times the mal ware can get too deep to be completely removed. If you the install those four programs right after you install windows, its vary hard for anything to get in that far. Spybot Search & Destroy is particularly helpful with its immunization feature. I have had little trouble from viruses lately. When I do I use a combination of McAffee, Norton, and Trend.
  19. I use four programs, let me see if I can remember them all in this state of enbriation: Ad Aware SE, Spybot Search & Destroy, Spyware Blaster, and Hijack This. I did hehehe, Happy Neu Yahr, hehehe....
  20. Avion

    Tan Lines?

    Just for the record, I like girls who are tan all over. Weather that means girls that have naturally dark skin or who are tan all over is all good
  21. Titusville, you have to wear oxygen, they provide, and it costs a few buck more Happy New Year! http://www.skydivespacecenter.com/index.html
  22. I'll be the last one to bark at you for offering your own information while have limited experience. I have had a load of that myself. It seems to be a rather lively issue. I appreciate your response. At this point it was a patronizing and redundant question. I have more than a good idea of the process. I was just fishing for a double check from the more experienced. That's exactly why I did it, I wanted to be able to concentrate without distraction on my altitide awareness and my JMs instructions. I read about wind, just enough is best. Good to get a heads up about the buffeting too
  23. My dogs get along well now. They just clashed a few times in the beginning as the second one who was the smaller got to be the bigger. The only thing that will set them off now is food. I have to feed both at the same time, and keep them seperate while they eat. Once they have finished eating, they share a water bowl. I just have watch out for the food jealousy. Once a friend fed only one, in ingnorance, and started it off, but I knew what was comming and had both of them by the collars and off the ground before anything serious happened The bigger one knows now that fighting is bad. All I have to do is make a loud noise if she starts growling and she backs right down. Its kinda neat how she knows that its disapproved of, although has to be reminded occasionally. You can see the, "Whoops, I doing something wrong" look in her eyes.