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Everything posted by Avion

  1. Why do Canadians drink so much, aye?
  2. I'm new to the sport too. I decided to learn how to fly in a tunnel before starting to jump to relieve that stress from the other tasks I had to deal with in AFF. After I aquired some basic free fall skills, I realized I was clueless about how to fly and land a canopy. I too like to research things I'm going to get involved with. So, I read the USPA fatalaties database covering a few years and the incidents forum here extensively. At first I was horrified stiff. Then overcoming my initial shock, began to notice some patterns. Most accidents commonly occur at two times: At canopy deployment, and at landing. After following the incidents forum for months, I have recently realized that if you take out the accidents due to suicidal skydivers, inebriated skydivers, and reckless skydivers a lot less are left over. These causes I just cited are preventable accidents. If you employ some common sense(prehaps better called uncommon sense, implying that you avoid attempting maneuvers beyond your ability), are sober and want to continue living, the risk you expose yourself to is actually very small statistically. There is more to be said here, but after making that realization my apprehension has started going away. Just hanging out and listening to experienced jumpers with hundreds and thousands of jumps also helps. Their confidence seems to rub off. My last words about this are: It is indeed a high risk sport, but if you are well prepared to handle yourself and watch out for others that might ruine you day, you stand to have a lot of fun. I've already had more good clean fun than I've had in a long time just floating around in the tunnel. Cheers By the way I think the numbers run something like 30 deaths per 3,000,000 jumps. Although, that excludes both major and minior injuries, those numbers are significantly higher. To put this this into perspective research some skiing or scuba statistics
  3. A little bit. You can feel bits of moisture in the air comming up the tunnel when it raining, although you stay mostly dry.
  4. Phree got it right. Simply put, you need a router. You can get a 10mbaud wireless routers for under $20 now. You'll have to have wireless adapters for the computers too. $10-15 apiece. It can be done in a couple of other ways too. The arrangement you have now will run only one computer at a time, and you would have to turn both off then turn on the one you want to use. If you try to run both at the same time they will conflict with each other and cause a network jam. Depending on you DSL equipment, your DSL modem might also route, you would have to check with you service provider. Be careful, Bellsouth will tell you that you need an additional router for additional cost to do networking when the modem itself has the capability to do the routing if you set it up right. PM me if you want more details. Cheers
  5. Go to Sugarloaf Mountain, its a great ski resort, south west of Bangor. If you like the country side have a look at the little town of Eustis, a ways from Sugarloaf. There are a couple of places I like called Cathedral Pines(big giant pines) and Flagstaff Lake. That's the lake with the town at the bottom of it. You can still see the road go right into it Some of the islands off the coast are neat, I went to Swans Island. They get very few visitors durning the winter season. You'll get some strange looks, for being the only stranger there
  6. Dude, the way I see it if you entrusted your projector to the DZO and it got stolen on his watch. He should have paid for it or at least given you equal value in jump tickets. But what do I know, I'm a just a newbie.
  7. 10 minutes out of a half hour block is a good amount. The first time I did 15 minutes out of a half hour block I felt tired the last time in. I'm out of shape. If your run or something 15 mins should be OK. Spread your time out: 20-30 mins out of a hour block max. So, you can take a break, review your video tape(very helpful), and decide what to work on next. An hour total in the tunnel would give you a good boost in freefalling skills. Talk with your tunnel intructors about what you want to work on, they can be very helpful.
  8. I used to use an older version of this freeware program called Bluezone. Here is a link to the newer version. I could find the older version and email it to you if you find this one too complicated. http://www.download.com/Seagull-FTP-Freeware/3000-2160_4-10199990.html?tag=lst-0-2
  9. Here's my two cents. When I first started I had the same problem. I was generally tense. As I relaxed in the air, I became more aware of feeling the air on the parts of my body. My instructors were constantly giving me the legs out sign, and for quit a while it just eluded me. To make the story short, when I got a more used to being in the air, and relaxed, I could feel the air on front part of my lower leg when it was right. I humble suggest, if you can, get a 10 minute block in a tunnel, and have the instructor do up and down drills with you. That will get you used to extending your lower legs. Cheers
  10. The one we hit, with a '70 Oldsmobile Cutless, was very small 50-60 lbs, it bounced up about 6 feet and over about 15 feet off the side of the road. Avoid Moose, there twice as big as deer. BTW The thing on the seat looks like a kidney to me.
  11. This situation is something I noticed that has been discused quite a bit, having a spinning mal at 700-800 feet. Did you have a RSL? Do you think that if you had a RSL and cutaway, that the reserve would have inflated fully?
  12. We hit a little deer once with a big car. It bounced right off. So, we put it in the trunck and ate it for dinner.
  13. How's the driver? Was the deer torn in two by the accident or the rescue team?
  14. Good, I'm glad you're on top of that.
  15. Last I talked with Steve was before this summer. He said he was going in for surgery. I called him up a few months after that to see how he was doing, and he said the surgery went well, athough he was scheduling a full year for recovery. I was a bit surprised, but this was his second shoulder surgery. I guess he wants to make sure it heals well. That was before the huricanes took out Lake Wales' hanger. I probably have seen Sean around, I just have yet to make his aquaintance. How's your leg doing? Are you stretching?
  16. Avion

    Car sex

    1) Gotta have bucket seats. 2) Recline front passenger seat. 3) Girl kneels on front passenger seat, facing the back of the of the car. 4) Guy kneels on passenger front floor, facing the back of the girl. This is a surprisingly comfortable and roomy arrangement, even in a little car. Whoops, I forgot to mention you gotta like doggy style And it off to the races...
  17. Anything written by Micr0S#ft should be considered supect Ethereal is best used on a laptop, used as a network analyser, rather than on your workstation
  18. Is Steve coaching yet? He had shoulder surgery a while back, and was planning to be out of the air for a year.
  19. I'm having trouble remembering any one weird dream in particular, but I do remember a type. It starts out as a usual dream, then something distracts my attention and when I try to go back to what I was paying attention to in the first place, its gone and something else is there instead, and so I continue switching from one dream/storyline to another every time my attention is diverted. Its fustrating, and I usually end up waking up
  20. I just have to say, sometimes fate will have it, that it's a good day to get fired. I should know, I've been fired several times I'm getting better at at each time. It allows you the freedom to tell your boss what you really think of them without fear of loosing you job Try to look at the future, sometimes I've ended up with better jobs, and if that happens, then the smuck that blew the whistle on you, actually ends up doing you a favor. You know your living life to the full, when you get fired occasionally. Best regards, and keep smiling
  21. Do you mean to say your company let you go for posting messeges here from company equipment durning company time?
  22. Avion

    Bat in my bedroom

    Let Squeaky go!!! If your worrying about rabies, just get the shots
  23. Flock, flock did you say? I see it as, dare I say, a tracking technique that allows one to do relative work, similar to head down or head up for that matter, ordinarily impossible in a normal track. If you can get more horizontal distance in a regular track, then the extra lift claim might be false.
  24. I just looked into this. It seems to be all about flying the body, head through toe line, parallel to the line of flight. In this unique position the body generates lift like a wing. This added lift may increase flight time. Maintaining the head line allows close maneuvering in RW work, because everybody is getting clean air. My question is who can get more horizontal distance, an atmonaut or a tracker? If the atmonaut can get equal or greater horizontal distance than a tracker during an equivalent dive that would prove that the atmonauti technique indeed generates lift like a wing that augments the dive.