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Everything posted by mktoson

  1. No big dzs within a short driving distance from Savannah. Deland 3.5ish hours SC Carolina 3.5ish hours Raeford 3.5ish hours Skydive Atlanta 3.5ish hours The Farm 4.5ish hours Walterboro is a good dz to go to when you dont want to commit 7+ hours of driving to and from a dz on the weekends. I'll go up there and do hop-n-pops when i don't want to drive. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  2. How does letting go of the toggles create the mal? Isn't letting go of the toggles the same configuration the canopy would have if you had it in full flight? I don't see how this would cause the mal. Maybe I'm just reading this wrong! So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  3. mktoson

    Jive Jam 2008

    Good to see someone trying to get this thing moving along again. Kudos for that Harry. I'll try to make as many as I can. A jive jam tunnel camp every now and again would be awesome as well. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  4. I won't argue about the quality of an Ouragan suit, it is top notch. But so are some of the suits of other companies for about 1/2 the price. This is not to knock Ouragan...they make a killer suit. The real reason they can charge 800.00 bucks for a suit is DEMAND, DEMAND, and DEMAND. Ouragan suits are hella cool looking and that's what people want. Some people are willing to spend the extra cash to be one of the cool kids, some just like the suits that much. Bottom line is....there's not that much quality in any suit but I hope you enjoy yours So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  5. That's good shit Howard! So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  6. 3hours 45min 1 way So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  7. The cost of many freefly suits is completely outrageous. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  8. Ha....Just think about it. Skyfest at Skydive Carolina. The rest of the skydiving community will finally be exposed to the Yahoo Brothers....I don't think they are ready for that! So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  9. What is the schedule? Does anyone know which days they will be doing the vertical state record? So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  10. I'm sure that you're happy that you finally got it. But 15months is totally unacceptalbe from any company. But now that it's in your might as well enjoy it. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  11. I'd imagine the masses will eat those up like hotcakes. Not that they'll make a difference to 99% of the people who order them. At least they'll have the latest, greatest, high-speed equipment! And in the end...that's all that matters right? Ah, the power of marketing!!! So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  12. I bet you he's a supa swooper So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  13. I can see it now. Some kid mistakes a skunk for a kitten and says....."Hey mom...this pu*sy stinks"! So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  14. Acting wise I guess he was ok, not that bad. Not that great either. But he would not have been a legendary actor in the end. After his youthful looks faded, he would have too. Him dying young is the only way his name will go down in infamy...remembered because "He died so young, before he had a chance to develop into a great actor". So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  15. If you really want to do away with tapes and get a solid state vid cam why not borrow a miniDV cam from someone just to transfer to PC? So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  16. And just as often someone will start a thread how they got excellent service from a company. Should both sides be equally represented? I think that it's good that people can come here and comment on either. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  17. Why can a person come to this forum and praise a manufacturer for great service but not do the opposite without getting crap from people? And you're right, they are a business and a part of business is customer service. It doesn't matter how good their product is, if they don't support their customers then they are missing an important aspect of running a company. I do understand that customers need to be patient but if you commit a product in a certain time frame I would EXPECT the company to honor that agreement. If problems are to arise and the date slides, inform me. It's understandable, it happens, and it's not a big deal. But keep me informed. "You should just be happy that we are making you a [said product]" is not the attitude that I fine acceptable from any company, skydiving related or otherwise. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  18. Thx for that Matt. Nice music too. Explosions in the Sky is a great band. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  19. With making so few jumps per year I think you are making the right choice by sticking with your current canopy. Downsizing just for the sake of convenience isn't a good thing. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  20. Do a's been discussed multiple times here. My personal take is that it is best not to, especially so early on with no little experience. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  21. I think Rock Band will also teach some kids to appreciate music and the talent of artist that actually play instruments. Rock Band does kick ass. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  22. Sounds like the OP is just "looking" for reasons to switch AADs. I agree with the responders of this thread. Quit bitchin'! So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  23. Why not save and get used gear? I just don't understand why so many new jumpers go straight to new gear. I'd steer new guys to purchase used gear...use the extra money to jump. Anyways...nice rig So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
  24. Sony Centre or not I would stick to Canon or Nikon. So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.