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Everything posted by unformed

  1. unformed

    Naked women

    Um, I hit the continue button. It didn't do anything. This ad space for sale.
  2. unformed

    house plan

    BUY IT! This ad space for sale.
  3. You gotta try harder next time. Buy ten this weekend. I give you my assurance you will win. Pick the numbers 10 23 2 24 12 31 9 10 for at leat one of the tickets. This ad space for sale.
  4. unformed


    Let me know the toasts you guys and girls use when you go out getting plasterd. I'm trying to think of some good toasts. I'll start. The one one we usually use when there's a bunch of us is: Here's to the breezes That blows through the trees-es And lifts girls skirt abooooooove the knees-es It teases and pleases, but spreads NOOOOOOOOOO diseases. To the snatch, down the hatch. This ad space for sale.
  5. Damn ......... I wish I could get 20% of my salary as bonus ..... that would be a nice chunk of change. I'd by happy with 10% of my salary. This ad space for sale.
  6. The price of the gift doesn't matter. Actually, I think a very expensive gift (strictly for the purpose of being expensive) could make things uncomfortable, because the SO would kind of think he/she has to do the same. Put feeling behind it. I would have no problem paying $200 to give someone a tandem; I would think twice about spending $80 on jewelry. They will remember the tandem for the rest of their life; the jewelry isn't going to mean much. If you've been together for a little while, a good romantic night out would be enough. This ad space for sale.
  7. I would rather take the death penalty than spend my life in jail. Hence, I would roll th dice. This ad space for sale.
  8. DUMBASS! That's all I have to say. I don't know why anybody in their right mind would cut off their penis. I can understand killing yourself, but cutting off your penis because you're depressed> How the hell is that supposed to help? This ad space for sale.
  9. I just started learning a little while ago. I liked this site for some initial learning: http://members.iinet.net.au/~pgt/tuolgt.html This ad space for sale.
  10. my bad.... i looked, couldn't find the other threads This ad space for sale.
  11. from pantera ... was shot and killed today on stage ..... fucking bastards ..... This ad space for sale.
  12. second that. .... that's how i got through college. This ad space for sale.
  13. it's cause of the hurricanes in florida. just so you know. This ad space for sale.
  14. this is ridiculous .l..... my roommates are going to get fucking pissed .... i'm playing this all night This ad space for sale.
  15. you're not the only one buddy. ever since i was younger i never sleep. it's not insomnia, i just can't sleep much more than 5 hours a night. grantedm, every now and then i crash and sleep in, or take a nap in the afternoon. i also can't generally go to sleep earlier than 3am .... and i gotta be at work at 9 ... so go figure..... This ad space for sale.
  16. unformed

    Cartman BASEing?

    Yeah, but all of his fat will just cushion his fall. Although, the rest of South Park needs to worry about a small earthquake happening around the same time. This ad space for sale.
  17. If I'm on vacation and somebody asks who the prime minister of any country is, I'm going to kick them in the head for wasting my precious drinking time. This ad space for sale.
  18. My foots too smart. It doesn't delve in little games like this. As of the moment, it's busy writing a breakthrough article about string theory. This ad space for sale.
  19. when shit like that happens. remember, god loves you more than anybody else. he's just going to make it hard it hard for you so you appreciate life so much more. 24 jumps and 2 cutaways .... fucking a' .... that's crazy ..... congratulations anyways! This ad space for sale.
  20. Amen to that. I hate it even more when a family is broke but they feel the need to buy gifts so they buy these stupid little trinkets that are never going to be used. Instead of my parents getting me little pieces of crap, I'd rather have us go out to some good dinner. Christmas has lost it's true meaning completely. It's pretty sad actually. The only gifts I see as being worthwhile are stuff that you know the other person wants but would never buy it for themselves; but it's gotten so out of hand that it's simply expected to buy a sub-$20 gift or whatever crap. Of course, some people say, "well it's the thought that counts" but it's not really, because if what was bought was stupid little crap (i don't mean something that's a gag gift, i'm talking about the crap that you see and are like, ok, 'this is kinda cool' and never use, but you can't return because it seems rude.) the gift is part of the thought This ad space for sale.
  21. I refuse to buy presents. I'm not buying into this whole commercialism crap. My presence shouold be enough of a gift. The only people I'd buy gifts for are kids and my little brother this year cause he's turning eighteen and i told him four years ago i'm getting him a skydive. actually i'll probably get all of my family skydives ..... something they can remember ..... actually why don't you just get her a quality stripper ..... they usually cost about $300. Then you can have a threesome and all will be well. This ad space for sale.
  22. Happy Turkey Day to you as well. This ad space for sale.
  23. You need more duct tape and some beer, buddy. Together they are the cause and solution of all of life's problems. This ad space for sale.
  24. unformed


    High: My life is the best it has been in a long fucking time. I got cool chick ... I'm exploding at the gym .... I'm going to costa rica in a few days. I mentally feel better than I ever have in my life. Low: This isn't going to last permanently. This ad space for sale.
  25. My family: that even though I don't talk to them much, and have had problems in the past, they do love me unconditionally ...... My friends: fucking good times The fact that I am still alive, and I realized at a pretty young age what it is to be alive, and that I want everything from it ... The fact that I'm wise enough to see my shortcomings and know enough people to help me out, to make better everything I want to better at. Women: for being a fucking confusing, but entertaining pain in the ass. because of them, i've felt the best i've ever felt in my life, and i've felt worse than you could ever imagine ..... i guess you can't appreciate heaven without experiencing hell first .... This ad space for sale.