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Everything posted by unformed

  1. 84.2% of all statistics are made up! This ad space for sale.
  2. I agree ... best bet would some strong opiates .... wouldn't like to use a gun anyways ... didn't even think about the anti-gun coalition. i don't care much guns myself, but i respect your right to protect yourself by whatever means necessary ..... don't want those bastards taking away those rights either... This ad space for sale.
  3. I'm gonna make sure I personally own either a lethal dose of drugs or a gun. That way how much I am tortured isn't decided by some asswipe who thinks he knows how i should live my life. This ad space for sale.
  4. I like that ... I've heard the story version before, but never that version ..... i guess i'm just preaching to the choir .... this is why i normally don't get into conversations about religion or politics ... This ad space for sale.
  5. I think I was stating a few posts ago that Creationism should not be taught alongside Evolution in science class because one has basis in the best “scientific” information that we have to date and the other isn’t based in science. I, however, have no problem with a sticker or disclaimer being put on or in the book stating the following: "This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered." But you shouldn't just stop there, either. Almost all of physics is theoretical; it works when done within a defined set of boundaries (for example, a vacuum). So, wny not change the warning sticker to: Most of the items presented in textbook are theories, not facts. They have been tested to best science's current abilities, but may be incorrect. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered. The thing is, the people who want that sticker on, aren't doing it to educate the public and make them think with open minds, they want to subtlely denounce evolution ... i wouldn't be surprised at all, if not long after, this was admitted they started pushing for the next step. This ad space for sale.
  6. That's the last one? I thought we were still allowed to make fun of short people, too. don't forget cripples. This ad space for sale.
  7. If we'regoing to mention Creationisn, I don't think we should just stop there. I mean, there's other religions, and other evidence, right? We should also povide the other options from other religions: for example, Mother Earth, Gaea, produced a son, Uranus, who was the sky. Then they had children. The marriage between them, a mother and her son, wasn't seen as inappropriate, two of their children and two of their grandchildren would also marry each other. Gods could do that, while it was strictly forbidden for humans. Rain fell from the sky onto the Earth, making plants grow; animals appeared from the rivers and ocean. (Greek mythology) Oh that's right, we alrady teach this, it's in ENGLISH and WORLD RELIGIONS, not SCIENCE. This ad space for sale.
  8. Oh please tell us your evidence. No let me guess, it's written in that book of yours. That book that was written by humans thousands and thousands of years ago is FACT? LOL ... that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. That's the evidence. That book was written by God, so it must be true. Burn in hell, heathen! This ad space for sale.
  9. Go read Kissing Hanks's Ass While you're there read the rest of the site. This ad space for sale.
  10. I'd have to agree that if not filling a prescription were going to be life-threatening there'd be an ethical obligation. There aren't many life-saving medications that I can imagine pharmacists having a moral opposition to though (unless we were to have an influx of Christian Scientist pharmacists). A 21 year old woman of my acquaintance has birth control pills prescribed on account of her tendency to ovarian cysts. She has already lost one ovary to this. Who is a pharmacist to decide whether or not this medication is appropriate? I think this pharmacist is breaking the code of ethics of the profession. On top of this, the thing is, a pharmacist isn't there to diagnose problems. A doctor is. A pharmacist's duty is to fill prescriptions the doctor ordered. If he can't fulfill that, he should be fired. This ad space for sale.
  11. Good. people shouldn't be taking that crap anyways. (I speak from experience.) This ad space for sale.
  12. what would your answer be if it is an extreme Muslim school? If it's a private school ... it doesn't matter. Parents can already send their kids to various cult-like schools, baording schools with extreme punishments ..... private schools have absolutely nothing to do with public schools. This ad space for sale.
  13. Heh .... It all comes together now. This ad space for sale.
  14. So why did the possum cross the road. It head was stuck in the chicken's ass. This ad space for sale.
  15. Show me your war face! This ad space for sale.
  16. I don't know what is being taught in these schools. But several years ago while I was living and working in Colorado Springs, I ran into a number of people from "Focus on the Family" who claimed that the earth is only 7 (or so) thousand years old and that any so called evidence of dinosaurs and geology was actually the work of the devil. Yeah, God put fossils there to test our faith. People who believe this crap should be kicked in the head. This ad space for sale.
  17. Says a lot about stupidity and blind faith. This ad space for sale.
  18. And the religous right claims they're being persecuted. But think about the children .... we're saving their souls! This ad space for sale.
  19. Cops are just like the rest of us ... lazy, don't want to work, etc. I knew an ex-cop back in college, and he'd tell he'd prefer to just sit in his car and read the magazine. He didn't like arresting people for stupid things, but sometimes he had no other choice. One example: he gets a noise complaint, so he goes to the house, and tells them to turn it down. Twenty minutes later, he gets another noise complaint, so he goes back to the house, tells them to turn it down, as he doesn't want to have to come back. Third time, it's easier for him to just arrest people and break up the party rather than keep coming back every half hour. Another example, he gave a guy a speeding ticket and asked him to sign the ticket. Guy was being an asshole and refused to sign the ticket. The cop pleaded with the guy for about an hour, even got his supervisor on the phone, trying to convinve the guy to just fucking sign the ticket. Finally, he said, "Fuck it, you're going to jail." Only then did the guy say, okay, he'll sign the ticket, but by then it was too late ... he was going to jail. Granted, I've met my share of asshole cops, but I've also met really cool ones. A friend of mine flipped a car into a ditch right in front of his house (and in front of a cop) while extremely intoxicated. (That kind of accident, it's SOP to test for DUI). Cop had him simply make a statement and then released him to go in the house without doing anything .... very lucky. Same cop came out when we were shooting off a potato gun, and just wanted to see it go off. He said along the lines of "Boys will be boys." but also, that some cops, would arrest you for possession of an explosive device. We weren't doing anything dangerous with it, just shotting it off in an open field. Anyways, there's cops on both sides of the spectrum. This ad space for sale.
  20. It has nothing to do with trying to get Bush kciked out. It has everything to do with making sure no election is rigged, no fraud is taking place, and getting the voting system as effeicient and fair as possible. I'm comfortable accepting that Bush lost. I don't think, however, that these electronic voting systems are good enough yet to be used nationally, and I do believe we need to consistently audit them to make sure someone can't modify the tally. This ad space for sale.
  21. care to provide a source to back that? suicide is NOT illegal... attempted suicide and assisting in a suicide are, but the state cannot seize your assets unless you have not provided for their distribution by having a will.. honestly I agree completely with JP.. it is your life, it is the one thing that is absolutely irrevocably yours... live, or lose it, in any manner you chose that doesnt not interfere with the same right in others.. I'll see if I can find something; that's what I was told in high school .... granted that's not the best source, but I'll still see if I can find something... This ad space for sale.
  22. Me too! That works. This ad space for sale.
  23. I'm honestly not quite clear on how I feel about this topic anymore. Not all Christians agree with it. God gave us both law and grace. There's God's moral law but we also have to live in society together. That's a tough one. Capital Punishment Just ask the Pope, I'm sure he can tell you what you believe in. This ad space for sale.
  24. Many people think that they are against oil drilling in the north for environmental reasons, against the big-box stores that hurt mom-n-pop stores, and against outsourcing of jobs; then they drive their SUV's down to Walmart to buy those low-cost Foreign goods. Well most people are hypocrites as well as retarded. This ad space for sale.
  25. I'm glad I've brought you to some understanding. I was being sarcastic. This ad space for sale.