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Everything posted by unformed

  1. Okay...you're right....I've never seen any of my friends flip out when they thought it was "out of their system" because they went to bed.....oh wait...the next day, they still feel a few hrs after they wake up! There's a big difference between feeling a little bit different, and having flashbacks. Anybody who knows what they're talking about knows you don't get flashbacks because you dosed the previous day. You might feel a little up, a little down, maybe even have some slight tracers, but it is definitely not something unmanageable, like a flashback. Speaking of which, as others have said, flashbacks are bullshit. They don't happen. Some event might remind a user about an experience they had before, and they could get worked up about it, but that's not a flashback, that's deja vu. This ad space for sale.
  2. ROFLMFAO! This ad space for sale.
  3. If you have to ask for the money........they aren't a friend as far as I'm concerned. Amen to that. If anything, ask them once just in case they forgot. If you need to ask more than that you're not getting it back. This ad space for sale.
  4. "giving you my word" is an agreement between friends. It's also a sales tactic used to entice customers. "All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one." - Tony Montana This ad space for sale.
  5. No, but like I said, it's easier to spot someone who has been drinking. It has a distinctive smell, and you can't really cover that smell up with mints or brushing your teeth. Plus, like I said, a small breathalyzer is cheap, and it's easy to test anyone in a snap. Plus, I wasn't informed that jumping while drunk was common, so that's why I'm not addressing the issue. You can just as easily detect someone on drugs, simply by the way they are acting. Sniffing or rubbing their nose, talking a lot (mcuh more than usual), seems very antsy ... probably on coke acid, mushrooms, ecstacy, etc....just look at their eyes, that'll give it away. pot, you can smell ... of course, they could be dead sober, and it could be a false positive. then again, some OTC drugs will show up for alcohol on a breathalyzer. Speaking of which, what's the BAC you allow for alcohol. If you use any presence of alcohol, there will be a lot of false positives. If you use the standard BAC driving limit, you can still have a few beers and be under that limit. This ad space for sale.
  6. You need to get completely smashed to the point you can't do anything else. This ad space for sale.
  7. I've loaned a few friends money in the past, but I also know who will pay me back, and who won't. Obviously, I won't loan money to someone who I doubt will pay me back. One friend, I'm probably loaned $50-100 about 20 times or so. He's always come up to me in two or three weeks and given me the money back. Sometimes I had even forgotten about it. Another friend, I loaned $100 in a casino after he lost what he brought. I normally wouldn't do that for anybody, but I trusted him. Anyways, not long after his dad passed away and he was gone for a few months. When he came back, I had completely forgotten about the money, but first thing he says is "I'm getting your money, I'll give it to you in about two weeks." I think it took about two months or so, but the main reason I wasn't concerned is that he never tried to avoid me when I was around, and he kept reminding me that he owed me money. I did get it without any kind of request. Another friend, I loaned about $300. I got royally screwed. I knew, however, I was screwed a few weeks after I loaned it, when he started giving excuses, and also started avoiding me. I'd confront him, get his reaction, tell him you need the money, even offer a payment plan. If he starts to avoid you after that, you're probably not going to get it. This ad space for sale.
  8. actually, i have a realatively newer car ... 2002 Tacoma, but besides the 4WD it's pretty bare, no extra features or anything ... it doesn't have a locking gas cap but i'll probably invest in one ... i wish they just did the typical asshole move and slashed my tires ... This ad space for sale.
  9. i craked my car engine about two months ago. due to hurricanes and an incompetent insurance agent, it took quite awhile to get it fixed. i finally got my car back on friday. on saturday night, some asshole put sugar in my gas tank, as well as a few of friends tanks. i'm trying here to hold my composure ... but man it's pushing my limits ... This ad space for sale.
  10. Do you feel the same way about alcohol? That people who get drunk are just trying to fill a void? Just wondering. What about those who play video games? or gamble? or shop? or eat too much chocolate? watch tv? anything can be unhealthy in large doses .... in moderation almost anything is okay. but then again, that simply depends on how open-minded you are .... i know people who have wasted their entire life playing video games, i also know people who have done every drug known to man and then some and will go on to lead very productive lives ..... it's not the item that makes something bad, it's the person and how the use said item. This ad space for sale.
  11. COOL!!! the vomit or the museum? This ad space for sale.
  12. Are you serious? So opium is fine, right? What about mescaline? Mushrooms? I'm very curious about your answer to this. This ad space for sale.
  13. unformed

    how lame

    hahahaha ..... that just made my day. This ad space for sale.
  14. a little of bit of bad luck, a girl with emotional problems, chasing said girl with emotional problems for way too long, a little too aggressiveness and some bad luck, too shy, and inexperienced .... and maybe a bit too selective (but I don't think that's a bad thing -- I don't feel right hooking up with a girl for whome I feel no attraction whatsoever.) This ad space for sale.
  15. Get a new attorney and take him to court. Hopefully he has some sort of money, and you can rape him for what he's worth. If he's a broke bum, you're screwed. As much as I hate lawyers and lawsuits, this guy was in the wrong about ten times over. I would, though, if I were you speak to a few different attorneys. Many will also work for commission. (It's free if you lose, they get a part of the winning if you win.) This ad space for sale.
  16. Jesus, did you even read the link you put up? In the comments there's another link to: ftp://ftp.cwi.nl/pub/herman/NFSrecords/RSA-155 A 512-bit key was cracked, but it did NOT take one week with a Cray. This ad space for sale.
  17. I am a programmer. I've studied cryptography. I have a good idea of what I'm talking about. 1) You can not crack 128-bit key in 45 seconds with today's technology unless you have a massive number of machines. I do believe that the NSA is about ten years ahead of everybody else, but being able to crack 128 bit encryption in 45 seconds is a ridiculous claim. If it was that simple, why would the goverment even care if you used it? 2) It is absolutely impossible to monitor 75% of the internet. With the amount of traffic going through, it is impossible and not practical. Monitoring email could be possible, but the costs for monitoring all mail would be way too high. If they were to monitor anything, they would have a program which watches for certain words on the mail server as it comes in, and, if needed, flag the mail and put it aside for an agent to later review. Claiming that the government has the capability to monitor even half of the traffic on the internet and they are able to break 128-bit encryption in 45 seconds is a ridiculous claim ... I do believe that if they could do it, however, they would be. This ad space for sale.
  18. unformed

    Holy Crap!!

    I think it comes down to willpower. If the body wants to survive, it'll fight as hard as it can or die trying (lame pun fully intended :)) This ad space for sale.
  19. JUST about to say that. I was pretty impressed with the movie's interpretation (and I adore BDT) but it doesn't come close to the book... I'll third that. Actually, I thought the movie and the book helped clear up things in each other. But the book has a way of describing things that a movie can't even come close to. This ad space for sale.
  20. man, thanks for that ... i love pink floyd, and was always wondering what exactly animals was about ... This ad space for sale.
  21. actually, if you knew anything about lynch he's also had his set of movies that made sense on your level, were critically acclaimed, and had oscar nominations .... blue velvet and the elephant man are two of his best known works. for those of you who do like him, i'd recommend checking out the "short films of david lynch". it has his first six short films on dvd. very interesting stuff. This ad space for sale.
  22. Art does not need to be understood to be appreciated. A teacher's job is to teach, and if the student doesn't learn, he failed. An artist's is completely different, so you can't compare an artist and a teacher. David Lynch's films make sense, but they are made on a whole different level than most films, they use a lot of symbolism, double meanings, and abstract ideas to get the point across. Search online for any of movies and you'll find loads of information. They actually make sense. Just because you can't comprehend an artist's work doesn't make it worthless. This ad space for sale.
  23. actually raptors were known to use branches to beat other dinosuars senseless. I think I read somewhere that they were on the forefront of making sharpened branches when they were wiped out. This ad space for sale.
  24. The point of the legislation isn't to improve crime rates, you're right there, but at least give them credit for trying to improve prosecution rates. The problem is, people owning legal ammunition aren't going to write down the serial number of every bullet they own. Suppose a box gets stolen, maybe it's just one box out of twenty or so. The owner might not even realize its stolen. When a murder is committed, there's solid evidence pointing to the wrong guy. If he happened to be alone the night of the murder, and didn't have a good alibi, and couldn't prove he didn't commit the murder, he'd be screwed. This option should not have even made it more than ten minutes of discussion; it is an extremely ridiculously stupid way of trying to raise successful prosecutions. You can pretty much realize how ridiculous it is simply by looking at the responses here; I don't think there's anybody arguing for it ... whereas usually people here are having anyeurisms over the littlest stuff ... This ad space for sale.
  25. all it will do is make it more expensive and a pain in the ass for people using guns legally. it could potentially even cause trouble if, say, a box of bullets is stolen. It is not going to affect the underground by any means, because, they'd just smuggle it from out-of-state. If someone's committing a murder, the last thing on their mind is using an illegal bullet to do it. This ad space for sale.