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Everything posted by unformed

  1. Brownies, the special kind. with the spiecial mexican spices mixed in. It'll make for an entertaining weekend. This ad space for sale.
  2. Oh puhlease, there's more whining about my whining than the original fucking whining! You guys are the fucking perpetual motion machines of whining! So who the fuck forced YOU into this thread to read it? - ROFLMAO. This post is really funny. I think it's sign to me I should step out, get some fresh air, and protect myself from having a brain hemmorhage. This ad space for sale.
  3. If it makes you feel any better, which it won't, but anyways, my freind's grandparents didn't have power for THREE WEEKS after Charley hit. As of right now, my parents haven't had power for a week. Another friends parents had their house destroyed. Quit whining, and take it as some time to enjoy life the way they did 100 years ago, without all of the technology we have now. This ad space for sale.
  4. Cool hopefully they'll take out all of these condos and we'll get our beaches. Regardless people will learn to make better houses. Actually, thinking about it, it makes sense. Houses made before the 70s are standing, because they knew what hurricanes could do. (Ours was in the 60s and had no problems whatsoever.) Houses made after Andrew are standing because Andrew gave them a wake-up call and legislation forced hurricane-safe housing. Regardless, this will bring for some entertaining summers into our otherwise dead Florida season (that's right, season, we only have one season year-round). I apologize if I sound like an asshole uncaring to other people's problems. I'm dealing with this too, it's entertaining. besides, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. This ad space for sale.
  5. Jesus existed. I have no doubts about that. I'm sure he was a very intelligent, very charismatic person, like Hitler. But unlike Hitler, he had good ideas, and wanted others to follow hime. The Church however has taken his teachings and (ab)used them for their benefit. I have absolutely no problem with Jesus or his teachings. The Church however I have absolutely no respect for. This ad space for sale.
  6. http://www.jhuger.com/kisshank.mv This ad space for sale.
  7. WTF? Someone needs to lay off the crack pipe. Seriously, that's just weird. This ad space for sale.
  8. Get an NRA sticker and put it on the back of truck. Nobody will mess with you again. This ad space for sale.
  9. i went through the classifieds, bt found a seller in my state so i could go pick it up. people aren't going to screw you over if they're within killing distance. This ad space for sale.
  10. I've been up and down the four corners of this big old world. I've seen it all and I've done it all. I've fought many a good man, and I've laid many a good woman. -- Fritz great, great, great, great, really fucked-up movie This ad space for sale.
  11. 33/48 first try ... nope, i failed This ad space for sale.
  12. You need disposable income for this. With the economy people are going to stop entertaining themselves, and focus more on surviving, having the necessities, and saving money. As the economy goes up, and people have more money in their bank accounts, I'm sure we'll see a surge again. This ad space for sale.
  13. Also, who's the say, creatures on a different planet don't have the technology for faster than light travel. Or maybe it's simply by accident that they were passing by and saw us. Maybe they were searching their skies and saw activity in our solar system and wanted to see what's here. Of course, it's highly unlikely, but then again, the Big Bang was highly unlikely; the fact that we exist was a fluke; it was an accident that happened. Regardless, wven though we think we are extremely technologically ahead, maybe they have a different style of ships, or have been travelling in space for hundreds of years instead of just decades. If so, I wouldn't be surprised if they have lightspeed travel. Imagine how far we've progressed in the last 100 years, and think about what we will be able to do in the year 2500. Then again, this is all just possibiilities. No one really knows. (Except my friend from that planet.) This ad space for sale.
  14. We need material for Saturday Night Live. This ad space for sale.
  15. I've been to seattle three times and spent my offdays finding as much entertainment as i could. really cool place. obviously you have to check out the space needle. just one of those things. if you like music (any type), you need to check out the EMP. it's right behind the space needle, and you can lose yourself in there for hours. they have massive exhibits on hendrix, the doors, and have histories of almost every genre of music. i can't really describe it, but it's a really cool place. seatlles is also close to kayaking and skiing spots. if you've never skiied before, snoqualmie is the closest mountain and is really good for novices. if you're a good skiier, supposedly vancouver has nice slopes .... there's an indian boat/dinner thing off the coast which is really nice .... i'll see if i can think of more things that you should see up there .... send me a pm if you have any questions... This ad space for sale.
  16. The universe is far too big for us to be the only living creatures. Besides I had a good friend when I was younger who was from a planet outside of our solar system. He had to return home a few years ago because his work here was done. This ad space for sale.
  17. graduation week, i killed a bottle of wild turkey, decided to offroading. we have a mud racetrack behind our house, and behind that is a pretty large quarry, which you can drive around. well, i get a few people inside my truck, and a few more in the bed. Take it around to the racetrack at about 40-50 mph; decide to go around the quarry. For some reason, I don't know why, while I was driving around the quarry, I decided to take a sharp left. For the record, turning aleft at the location where I was would put me in the quarry. Well, the people in the back are about to bail; I see the quarry right in front of me and slam on my brakes. Got it stuck; and I can't go backwards. Got the bright idea that I'll go forward into the quarry and make a U-turn to get out. So I do that and get it even more stuck. Fuck it, I'll come back tomorrow and pull it out. Next day I come back and I'm checking out the situation. I realize there is about a six foot drop into the quarry, and when I tried to make my U-turn, my tire was about a half inch from going over that drop. I realized how close I was to submerging it right then. Although fun, that ended my days of drinking bottles of whiskey and going offroading. Actually, that ended my days of drinking and driving. But it's a funny story when I think about it. This ad space for sale.
  18. jesus, this just goes to show that people really are retarded This ad space for sale.
  19. unformed


    well, we're pretty much done with it .... surprisingly, we never lost power ... it's pretty much just half of our street who never lost power on all of beachside ... little damage done, lots of drunkenness, overall good times .... This ad space for sale.
  20. unformed


    Man, on Fox News they have a report of a guy stuck on a small sailboat that is barely upright. They said he has no choice to figh it out on his boat until the eye hits. If he abandons ship and jumps in the water he'll be thrown against the rocks. Man, that's gotta be rough. This looks like it'll take about 20 hours or so before it passes. This ad space for sale.
  21. unformed


    where are you located? there's a still at least a few filled houses near me.... we haven't had any cops come by yet ... This ad space for sale.
  22. unformed


    I'm up here on Indian Harbor Beach (just north of Melbourne) ... The guy on Fox News was on oour beach, about a 47 second walk from our house .... we got good winds, a little rain ... still have power .... we checked out the beach this morning and the waves were huge and the ocean was coming up to right about the boardwalk .... i'll keep updating as long as we still have power ... This ad space for sale.
  23. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. I own that movie. For useless information, it was directed by Peter Jackson, who also directed the LoTR trilogy. fucking great movie, cracked out muppets. I'd also recommened the Dead Alive (aka Brain Dead) and Bad Taste also by Jackson, although those are B-grade cheesy horrow flicks (not scarey but funny) This ad space for sale.
  24. unformed


    We're stocking up on alcohol tomorrow. Get some canned foods too. Get some cards, play poker, drink beer, and watch pigs fly .... Fuck it, I'm 22; I want to see this storm; I've got absolutely nothing better to do.... This ad space for sale.
  25. It has nothing to do with being rich, but everything to do with being able to fulfill all of the dreams in my life. This ad space for sale.